Allura - Days Gone By

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For once, Hunk hadn't taken the lead. This time, someone had come to him for help. That usually didn't happen, but he took it in stride. 

Sure he had seemed a little scared when the princess had marched up to him with a fierce determination in her eyes. And sure he had needed to beg pidge to not tell the others that he had attempted to hide behind the smaller green paladin (a feat that was impossible, he wasn't sure what he had been thinking).

In his defence, a determined Allura was a stubborn Allura, and that usually didn't end well. In fact- the last time Allura had looked like this, the castle defence system had been set upon them.

So Hunk thought he was justified in this reaction.

Or at least until he had seen the faded garland of paper stars clutched tight yet carefully in her grip. Allura raised an eyebrow at Pidge, a clear message. Pidge scurried from the room, on her way to warn the others that the lounge was off limits until they yellow paladin and the princess emerged from it (hopefully, in Hunk's case, with all limbs attached).

Hunk sat down on the couch, patting the spot next to him. He really should have expected it. What with his mini therapy sessions with most of the castle's occupants and Coran's own excitement over the stars?

He should have seen it coming.

Allura sat beside him, still clutching her old paper stars. She said nothing, so Hunk took the initiative.

"I can show you if you like?" He asked, motioning to the garland.

"Please." she replied, and he noticed that her voice was breathy, as if she had been crying. He showed her the steps, and she began to fold. Adding each bright star in between the faded ones on the worn string. It was silent for a while, but Hunk dared not break the quiet. He knew deep down, that Allura wasn't quite finished with him.

"Coran sent me." She blurted abruptly. Hunk supposed that made sense. They all knew that the destruction of her father's memories was paining her. But it seemed Coran had thought of a solution.

"Father promised to teach me so that I could make them for my own children. He was going to teach me on my two-hundred and eighth memory party." She said, clutching the stars to her chest. Hunk had no idea what that was (later he would ask Coran, and together they would figure out that it was similar to a twenty-first birthday) but for now, he kept his mouth shut, letting the usually reserved princess speak.

"But Altea was destroyed before that happened." She finished. Hunk could see tears in her rainbow-flecked eyes, and chose not to notice when the princess looked down to hide it. He noted the fast-paced way Allura was making stars and busied himself making the strips for her, giving Allura a moment to compose herself.

"I miss him." She whispered, before dabbing at her eyes and staring pointedly at the ceiling.

"We know, and that's okay. You're allowed to grieve Princess" he consoled.

And grieve the princess did. She spent the next few hours crying in Hunk's arms. Hunk, finding himself in this position for the second time within the week, rubbed soothing circles on her back. 

Stories were shared of friends she had made, and potential suitors that her father had turned down for various reasons. Each one seemed fine to Allura, but her father apparently had a knack for spotting those who were less than suitable.

After a few hours the tears dried out, and Allura thanked him for the talk before leaving to allow Hunk to cook dinner. Later, when she sat in her seat Hunk smiled. 

Allura had paper stars wound into her snowy hair. 

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