Chapter Fourteen: Written Apologies

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That's Right I'm still alive and updating. Don't worry.




Dick stared at what he wrote down on the paper. Writing it down made it seem so simple, that there was no struggle, no matter how much he tried to portray the feeling the feeling, the words he wrote came out lamely and simple.

I woke up and it felt like I was drowning, the next thing that came was severe pain.

He paused so the others could read what he had written before he continued.

I never wanted to be brought back to life, I thought I had finally found a way to escape from my past, but I was wrong. I escaped them again again and came to find you and tell you that I am alive.

Another pause, a scowl beginning to form as he remembered heading to Wayne Manor , but stopping when he saw Bruce walk up with a new boy at his side.

I saw that you replaced me. I was so angry, so confused...I did not know what to do, and I felt betrayed. The Shadows used this to their advantage, and I soon was in charge of taking care of Damian, Training him to be the successor. When I heard that Jason had died, I took it as an opportunity to get back at you for replacing me. I was the one who dragged him to the Lazarus pits and brought him back. I knew the effect of it caused a mental instability, I know that personally that the pits bring out the absolute worst in a person, and could even drive them insane. I wanted so badly to hurt you where it counted, I knew that you have grown attached to the other Robin as well.

Dick paused again, watching his mentor and Connor frown as they read what he had written. It almost hurt him more than the Lazarus pit, seeing their faces twist as he wrote about how Dick was talking about wanting revenge, and how he felt betrayed.

I often followed Jason, watching as he broke your heart little by little, doing things you disapproved of. But the feeling was not right, I was not satisfied with it..which is why I came to the cave with Damian...After a while, Tim got suspicious..and I soon revealed myself to him..a few others found out later on... I didn't want to tell you because I was frightened Connor would punch me into a wall. He grinned softly at that I did not expect It would be you Bats to do the damage..but I did deserve it. His smile fell when he realized he left out the part of possibly putting everyone he loves in danger again if they found out he was alive. He was afraid that Bruce would go and confront Ra's and get harmed because he was stupid enough to let his gaurd down around his family and let his identity be known. He was afraid of being hunted down That his old and new family would be hunted down again.

"You did not deserve it. You did not deserve any of this." Bruce scowled at the other's words. He thought that all of this was his fault? He didn't expect to be brought back to life, he was just a child who was lost and scared. It hurt to know that Dick had been angry with him, of course he would have with how fast that he had found a new Robin. The League of Shadows used him yet again, they thought of him as an object... that angered Bruce even more. "So you came here with Damian, the one you were told to train. Why?"

Dick flinched slightly, tapping the paper in thought trying to find the right words to write. He appreciated that the two were being patient with him, this definitely was bringing up old wounds that he did not want to bring up again. Damian is family. I will not allow him to blindly follow Ra's like I did. I will be damned if he turned out like me. The child deserves more than that.

" YOU deserve more than that." Connor frowned, getting upset with the other's selflessness again. Once again he is putting others before him. "This is dangerous, Isn't it? You getting him away from the assassins."

They will most likely want my head for it yes. But That is why I decided to stay here. I cannot protect him on my own, I need your help. I know it is a lot to ask of you all, but please help me keep him safe.I promised him that I would keep him safe.

Bruce grunted slightly. He was still uneasy with his alleged son, he was Thalia's after all. But, he was family, just like Dick had said. He remembered when he first made contact with Dick, how he cried and would do anything to protect his family, absolutely anything. That's what killed him. There was no way that Bruce would allow to let Dick fall once again. "I promise that the Justice League and myself will do everything to keep BOTH of you safe."

Connor nodded resting a hand on Dick's shoulder. "That is what family does. So don't go and do something stupid."

Dick gave a weak smile.Hating the fact that his eyes stung a bit. No, he was not going to cry. He was past tears he was past looking weak in front of others. He needed to be strong for everyone.

Connor frowned. "It is okay to cry...You have the right too." He added lamely. Why was it whenever he tried to comfort others, it turned out sounding forced at awkward. He watched as Dick sniffled a bit, his body shaking slightly. Like it or not, Dick was still a child five years later and he let out all of his emotions out at once as quiet sobs broke loose. He gripped Connor's arm, mouthing words as he struggled to force sounds out that were not coming out . However, both Connor and Bruce knew they were words of apologies. They shook their heads slightly and stayed close to the teen as he cried, letting him know that he was no longer alone.

"We forgive you Dick... You are no longer alone..You are no longer a Shadow."

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