Chapter One: Demon

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Where was he? It was dark and the room smelled like old water and rust. His body was cold and lifeless, not wanting to comply with his order's to move.

'Renegade, it is time to wake up'

Where was that voice coming from? Dick tried to open his eyes but could not seem to do so, panic beginning to spread over him as the realization struck him that he could not move either. What was going on? What is happening? Again, Dick tried to move, but his body refused to do so, staying completely still no matter how much he struggled and screamed mentally for it to move.

'Wake up'

The voice filled spoke again as Dick felt warm liquid beginning to envelope him. He could not move. He could not see...He could not speak. The sickly warm liquid seemed to rise and now Dick was submerged in it. He tried to move, to open his eyes, anything to get a better grasp at what was happening. Why wasn't the voice helping him!? Dick choked, unable to keep the liquid from entering his lungs, he was going to drown!


Dick's eyes shot open, waking up to a face that made him question if drowning was the worst option of the two. He groaned and turned away from the boy, not mentally ready to deal with him quite yet. "Go away, you brat."

"Renegade, Grandfather said that you will train with me today , I demand that you get out of bed this instant!" The voice demanded. "You can sleep when you are dead."

Dick rolled his eyes a bit. "First of all, quit calling me that. And secondly, I was dead until your damn grandfather thought it would be funny to bring me back just to babysit a devil child." Dick slowly sat up, stretching, looking down at the boy in front of him. So much for being able to make his own choice freely. After the incident at the wedding, he thought he would never have to see these walls again. It has been what? Five years since the wedding incident? And over a thousand time trying to escape this place to return back to his friends only to find out that he had been replaced by some other brats. Bruce and the other's did not need to know that he was still looked very obvious to Dick that they carried on just fine without him.There was no point on returning now, and he was forever stuck in his previous life of an assassin and 'promoted' to training the son of Talia 'Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne. Irony at it's finest.

"Grandfather brought you back so you could train me, you are obligated to do so.I still do not see how a circus freak will be able to teach me anything however" Damian frowned deeply, he was not going to leave this room until Renegade got out of bed and started training with him like was told to do. He should follow his orders just like everyone else did. Renegade was his after all.

Dick looked at the time and smirked slightly. "You are in my room at five in the morning. Last time I checked training started at six in the 'training' room. Eager much?"

Damian's face turned a slight shade of pink, he did not like to show it, but he actually looked up to Grayson. Technically they were brothers considering that Renegade was formerly adopted by his father, Bruce Wayne. Still, more times than not, Grayson wanted nothing to do with him, and the mentioning of Bruce, was like a ticking time bomb. However, he still had his kind moments...after he was fully awake that is. "I just wanted to get it over with, I have better things to do then get mediocre training done from a weakling like you."

"Is that so?" Dick mused a bit, not being able to stop a smile from forming on his face. "If that is the case than I could cancel today's training so you can get your other business done." Though Dick hated to admit it, Damian was still just a kid, wanting attention wherever he could get it, and since his family is pretty much summed up as 'over righteous assassins' they do not have as much 'family time' as the boy wanted. And somehow during all of the mess, Dick was designated as a brotherly figure and personal skill trainer for the boy. Just his luck.

Damian froze, that was not what he wanted! "Renegade, Grandfather stated--"

"For the last time, It is Dick. I might have been forced back into this lifestyle, but I am not called that anymore. Are we clear?" Dick's voice was cold, his eyes narrowing. He looked over at the boy who crossed his arms stubbornly, his eyebrows furrowing into a stubborn frown. Dick swore, this kid was just like a mini version of Bruce. "Head to the training room, I will be there shortly."


When Dick got to the training room, it was not even three seconds in before he was being attacked with a sword. He dodged, doing a flip backwards to evade the attack. " Getting right down to buisness I see, but you are being sloppy."

"I am just getting started!" Damian lunged again, only to have Dick grab his arm and twisting it behind his back roughly until he dropped the sword.

"It is not a good idea to announce your attack the enemy will be able to predic--"

Damian dropped to the floor and swept Grayson's feet from out from under him and he fell to the floor with a thud. "You're getting old Grayson! " Damian taunted "No wonder you got, replaced by Br--" Dick had gotten up and grabbed damian by the throat, lifting his small body in the air.

"Never speak of that man in front of me again." Dick slammed the boy against the wall, his emotions getting the better of him as his rage just increased and fueled his actions. "You wanna know why I was selected to be your trainer you little brat?" He tightened his grip along the boy's neck, earning a struggled gasp for air from Damian. "I was the only one that your grandfather feared, the only one that he had sent countless assassins to bring me back to him. I was going to be the heir before you showed up..out of skill and not some petty birthright which makes you feel like you are any better than the rest of us when in reality you are just a whiney sniveling child with mommy and daddy issues. I have more respect in one finger than you have in your whole body..and the same goes for talent and skill..remember that." Dick spat and let go of the boy, who fell to the floor with a few tears in his eyes and looking up at the older teen. Dick knew that look all too well, it was the fear. "Now get up..We still have a lot more training to do before you make your big debut as the son of Batman."



Ohhhhh Would you look at that? Dick is alive ,kicking ass, and is not a morning person.

First chapter is done my little birdies, I hope you all enjoy the chaos soon to come! (I will not spoil the good stuff you will have to wait and see)

Much Love,


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