Chapter Sixteen: Promises

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Whohoo an update! 

It has been so long since I updated this! seriously, it has been what? Three weeks? More? Well..

Haha just kidding this chapter is crap XD




Dick knew something was up when he walked back into Mount Justice. His friends seemed on edge more than usual...not a good sign. In the past few weeks after his recovery, they seemed to be avoiding many topics of conversation with him...their mission reports were not to be spoken about with him, and he himself was not allowed on missions. At first Dick had thought that it was because he was still recovering, or it was his anger issues...but he was beginning to feel that there was more to the story. He greeted his friends with a brief half hearted smile, but kept on walking to the debriefing room in search of his old mentor. Bruce has been hiding something, and he was going to find out what it was, He stopped at the doorway once he heard two voices arguing from the other side. One was the rough voice of Bruce, the other took him a moment to recognize but he soon discovered it was Black Canary.

"If they are advancing, it means they plan on taking them soon. You agreed to protect him, You promised Richard."

"It is that child's fault that Richard is in this predicament in the first place. This is the third mission that Shadows have attacked the team. They are out for blood. If we hand the child over--"

"He is your son." She glared at him.

"And so is Richard."

"What do you think he will say when he finds out that you would chose him over the other? And think of the other child as well, he looks up to you I have been speaking with him when he visits."

"He is a threat to everyone."

Dick clenched his hands into fists, forcing himself to stay quiet while listening to the conversation that continued. How could Bruce even consider giving Damian back. He was just a child and he had promised. Dick felt betrayed, and his anger was beginning to rise at an alarming rate.

"If you do this, the child will end up just like Richard. Do you want that?"

The dark knight paused. "Damian in a good kid, rough around the edges, but is a good kid." he paused once more "I want this to be in League hands and leave the team out of anything involving this situation. If that means no missions and disbanding them, so be it."

"They aren't going to like that..they going to want to help." Canary commented. " And we both know Richard is not going to leave it to anyone..he is just as stubborn as you all."

"Dick does not need to find out about this, he is still recovering...he is just getting used to being back home."

"I know you are being protective over him, but don't you think that he has the right to know that his own life is in danger?"

Dick opened the door, giving a cold look to both Black Canary and Batman, who stood frozen when they realized who had opened the door. "It seems that I found out in the end." He scowled slightly "Why didn't you tell me that the team was attacked? You should have let me go on the missions with them! Is this why you didn't want Damian around me when I was recovering? Fear that he would bring people to slit my throat?" He growled, anger getting the better of him. "I am basically an adult now, I can take care of myself I do not need 'Protecting' from people I have been basically fighting my entire life with." Dick folded his arms and closed his eyes,taking a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down. Getting angry was not going to help the situation, it was going to make it worse. He did not want to say something he would regret, especially after finally reconnecting with everyone. Dick opened his eyes once more. "You promised to Protect Damian..and I am going to hold you to that promise."


"I am going to spend time with my team now, and I am going to bring Damian along. You cannot just keep him shrouded away like he does not exist Buce. He is your son and you are going to have to accept that." Dick started back for the door, but stopped himself and turned his head only slightly to face Batman. "And next time, do not even think about keeping something like this from me. We may no longer be quite to terms yet, but this is definitely not going in the right direction. A storm is bound to come, and splitting into sides will weaken us even more. I came here because we need to do this together, like it or not and that is what we are going to do. We are going to work together and keep the League of shadows from ever getting their hands on Damian...We all know how serious I can be when my family is in jeopardy."

"It is not Just Damian they are after Richard. They want your head!" Bruce scowled, hand slamming on the table in front of him. "I will not lose you again, I will not allow it!"

"Then don't let me down."Dick gave a soft smile. "I am counting on you, all of you, to have my back. I know for a fact that we are going to win this fight one way or another."he chuckled. "They messed with the wrong superhero family that is for sure." Dick looked back to see his mentor giving a hint of a smile. "We are going to give them hell right?"

Batman nodded once in confirmation.

"Good. See you back home later tonight, tell Alfred that Damian and I will be late for dinner." Dick walked out the door, hiding the dark look that crossed his features. He was going to protect Damian, even if it meant he had to revert back to his old ways to accomplish that.

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