Chapter Ten: Family

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Thats right! Another update! I almost left the story on a solid note, I couldn't allow myself to do that now could I? And Let's be honest We can't just have Jason walk in guns blazing like:

Anyways, Don't get used to this frequent updating , it will not be forever I can assure you that.

Hope you enjoy,




Dick looked up, giving an exasperated sigh. "I swear, At this rate everyone is going to know anyway, why even bother." He rolled his eyes and looked at Jason. "I do not feel like telling you Little Red Riding Hood." He droned out another sigh before returning his attention to the little group he had collected. "And none of you are to speak of this unless I give the okay. Are we clear? I do not need a parade for my arrival, though tempting as it might be."

Jason clenched his fist "Are you trying to start a fight shadow? They won't listen to you, you are a killer and--"

"Oh You poor lost little bird, calling the kettle black. Did you know that Jay birds tend to be aggressive? They even attack bats." Dick spoke smoothly and in a taunting manner "You forget that I brought you back and shadowed you as you...worked."

Jason grabbed Dick by the sweatshirt and pulled him off the couch and onto the floor, punching him square in the face. "Shut up!"

Dick winced but continued, ignoring the protests from the group for both of them to stop.  "Hit a nerve? You are afraid, aren't you Jay, afraid of yourself." He cackles a bit before sitting up and rubbing the blood from his now split lip.

"I know that cackle.." Jason backed up, eyes widening. It was darker, but there was no doubt in his mind that the laugh belonged to the original boy wonder.

"What? It looks like you seen a ghost." Dick stood up, dusting himself off. "What, you think that you were the only one that could be forced back to life? I understand you more than anyone. The pain, the desire to hurt those who wronged you, the yearning to take things from others. It's the pits, they do things, they might bring you back to life" He leaned closer to Jason, whispering now. "But they also bring back a part of you that you didn't want to believe existed."

Jason quickly pushed Dick away. "Stay away from me!" This was insane, from the stories he heard, the Boy Wonder would never be like this. However, the more he thought about it, the more it all made sense. Shadow..or rather Dick Grayson, knew all of their identities and why Tim all of a sudden seemed to worship him.

"Well, you certainly know how to hurt a guy's feelings." Dick laughed a bit. "And here I thought we were so close."

"We are not close." Jason spat at, even with his hood on, his voice made it evident that he was not happy.

"True true..But we are alike, you cannot deny that" Dick started but a hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked over to see Tim, shaking his head.

"You need to stop this, this destructive attitude of yours."

Dick chuckled. "What is this? You think that you have the right to tell me what I can and cannot do? I suggest that you stand down." Dick ordered and Tim slunk away back to the group. Dick sighed a bit. "Unlike you Jay, I am at least trying to control these tendencies, I have these little birds to thank for that." He gave an apologetic smile to Tim and the rest of his little group of teens. "I take responsibility in saying that if it weren't for me, your life would have probably been easier, and I mean that to all of you. But, It is in the past and we can't do anything about that now can we?" Dick sighed and crossed his arms. " And once again here I stand making more trouble for all of us."

"Hey, quit feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it then" Artemis cut in.

"Blunt as ever, Art." Dick chuckled, relaxing again. "I would love to return to the way things are, however you forget I hold a new responsibility." Dick Pointed to Damian. " This is a new chapter for us. This young child is a shadow like me, however..."Dick went to the child's side, his face going serious. "I would rather die again than see him turn into someone like me." Dick looked down to Damian. "I know I speak poorly of your family little bird, but I want the world for you, and the way you have been trying to obtain it is not the way to go. " He gestured to the rest of the teens. " It is not weak to rely on others, and I want you to you choose correctly unlike I do."

"I do not understand what you are getting at." Damian frowned, his nose scrunching up in disgust. "I do not need assistance to take what is mine."

Dick sighed. "I see I have a lot of work to do, perhaps Batman would be a better mentor than me."

"NO!" Damian protested, grabbing Dick's arm to his surprise. "You were assigned to me, you belong to me!"

"He does not belong to anyone!" Tim shouted. "He is his own person!"

"Robin Is right!" Wally agreed "He does not belong to anyone, he has the right to be free." He clenched his fists, remembering the note Robin left them on that day he chose 'freedom' at the circus, only now to be forced back into it. "Your 'family' chased him down and threatened everything he cared about, to the point where he would rather take his own life than to go back with you!" That's right, the kid was from the League of Shadows, the ones who took away his friend in the first place.

"Wally, Calm yourself." Dick ordered sternly, making the room fill with silent tension. He looked then back to Damian, who seemed to be shaken up at the way his family was addressed. Dick never really explained his death to the child, he figured it was not important...but he was wrong.

"Is that true? That they drove you to your death?" Damian spoke softly

"Damian I--"

"Tell me now! Are we the reason that you died!?" Damian demanded, shoving away Dick. "All this time I thought these excuses of heroes caused your death, and now you are telling me that you caused it to get away from us? From me?!"

"Let me explain--"

"I do not want to hear it!" Damian screamed at. "If you hate us so much why even bother trying to protect me!"

"BECAUSE LIKE IT OR NOT I CARE ABOUT YOU!" Dick shouted, his voice echoing through the halls of Mount Justice, and stunning everyone with his outburst. He kneeled down and hugged the child. "I care about you, and who I am protecting you from...Is the ones you call Family. You need to believe me when I say that they are trying to use you."

"Y-you're lying..." Damian's voice shook "You are lying!"

"I wish I was, but I want to let you know that I am willing to put my life on the line, all I ask is that that you trust me..that you trust us to keep you safe."

Damian looked up at the other faces of the people surrounding them. He was unsure what to believe anymore, but Grayson was there. Grayson promised to protect him...And one thing he knew more than anything, is that Dick Grayson always kept his promises. " I trust you..." He whispered softly, knowing in the words he spoke, he just betrayed his whole family, he was a disgrace to the League of Shadows. He looked back to his mentor, who was giving a reassuring smile. And just like that, Dick Grayson would be the only family he needed.

"Good, welcome aboard little bird."

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