Chapter Three: Honoring

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"Tim I'm being serious here, or else I would not be calling." Jason urged over the phone.

"Jay, I trust you and all, but if this person was a threat, wouldn't he have made a move already? You said he has been following you for weeks and never even made any advance on you. Besides, he saved your life last week. What villain does that?"

Jason groaned a bit, it was infuriating trying to talk to Drake somethings.He was just too...logical all the time. " He knew my identity! Batman's too!"

"Then why aren't we telling him? He has the right ,Jay"

"Don't 'Jay' me Tim. I want nothing by to do with him– but this is risky" He had far too much pride to let Bruce come to Bludhaven and take over. This was his city. "Tim I want to capture him and interrogate him..are you helping or not"

Tim sighs over the phone " I have a mission I'm getting ready for, Jay...I can't come up until next week."

"Fine, he didn't show up today me at my apartment when you can."


Tim walked into Mount Justice, greeted by Beast Boy " Hey dude! You're early!" The boy grinned.

Tim smiled softly. Unfortunately Beast Boy was the one of the few who actually welcomed him. He was new to the team and did not have the closeness that the rest of the team had with the previous Robin. Tim did not mind, Dick Grayson was the most amazing person, it would be hard to replace him. The only reason Tim even kept the name Robin was to honor Dick. When Tim was a boy he looked up to two people, Dick Grayson and the Batman. Tim was actually there at the circus when the Flying Graysons fell...and then he found out that Grayson was Robin– his role model— was fighting alongside his other role model. Tim knew that he would join them. However, if he knew that it would to be taking his heroes place, he would have been more careful with his wish. The death of Grayson was a devastation to everyone, not only the Batman. He left a dark cloud that still lurked in the air and in the hearts of his team mates. The notes Robin left for each member was cherished, often Tim would see a member reading their letters alone– know that tears are not very common here in Mount Justice, but the mentioning of the first Robin was a Taboo topic..and unfortunately so was Tim. Connor refuses to cooperate with him, and very few words would be spoken between them. It was a lot worse at the beginning, the first time Tim walked through that door he almost got his head bashed in. The rest of the team tried to treat him like he was like the rest of them, but their smiles never reached their eyes. It hurt, but once again he could not blame them. He knew exactly how they felt and did not blame them for a second.

"Hey I heard that Martian Manhunter actually finished the mission. Do you know what that means? We finally get a break!" Beast Boy grinned excitedly " we could head to my room and play video games!"

Tim shook his head, if he was free to leave, he was going to keep his promise to Jason. " I made a promise to help do some patrolling in Bludhaven, sorry."

"Nah, it's all good. I totally understand"
"You came by quicker than I expected" Jason stepped out of the way of his apartment door so Tim could walk inside.

" Mission was taken care of early. So we can get some planning in, however I still think we need to tell Bruce about this, what if this Shadow character is in cahoots with someone bigger?"

"Only you would use the word 'cahoots' in a sentence." Jason laughed a bit, shaking his head.

"Shut up." Tim rolled his eyes " I'm being serious,Todd."

"You're always serious." Jason sighed before sitting on the couch, picking up a sheet of paper that was on the coffee table. " I made a small list of his traits and his discriprion..I'm not as observant as your stalking skills..but it will have to do." He held out the paper to Tim , who took it and scanned it over.

It was not much. All there was is the colors of his outfit and hair and the fact that the man seemed carefree and young "...He sounds...interesting"

"More like annoying." Jason scoffed

"Well that is just rude." A third voice rung through the apartment, making the teens jump and get into a fighting stance. Sitting in the window was a need clad in black and blue with a domino mask, giving an almost sadistic smile that made Tim's skin crawl. "Oh don't get your spandex in a twist, I'm not here to start a fight. Actually I came baring good news."

How did they not notice the presence of this man in the window. This unsettled Tim who feel pride in his perception skills. This teen was a pro. "...What is this good news?" He asked cautiously, ignoring Jason's death glare at the one known as "Shadow".

"Actually, I need Bruce, this affects him more than any of you."

" You better tell us or so help me" Jason growled.

Dick rose his his hands up in defense. Man, this is going to be priceless. Sure, he was hoping that once Damian was shoved onto Bruce, that he would be home free– but noooo he has to stay by his side at all times...lucky him. Now he is going to have to babysit that brat and make sure that his identity is never found out. Totally not feeling the aster.At least he gets to see Bruce's face at his new heir. "
"So impatient ,Jay-bird, jumping at people's throats is no way to get answers, no matter how much Bruce says it does."

Jason scowled, knowing he would have to humor him to get his answers. " You obviously look eager to tell us what you know. I will not call Bruce until you tell me what you are getting at."

"well..lets just say a new bird is coming to the nest."

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