Chapter Twelve: Crossed Lines

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-coughs- I mean update day. Monday is update day..totally... I am just gonna leave this here and run off to get my other updates done...




Dick was pleased to see the crowd that had formed, there was his usual team mates, excluding Roy, who he has still yet to see, and a few league members including black canary, green arrow, flash and none other than his old mentor. "Well it seems I have gained a good crowd." He grinned cheekily as some of the people who already knew who he was has joined Drake at his side, which irritated those who did not know his little secret more than ever. "Now that I have your attention--" He turned off the music and was soon cut off by Connor.

"What do you want?" Connor scowled, obviously wanting to remove the space between them and go for Dick's throat.

"If you shut up, He would tell you." Artemis snapped back, crossing her arms and ignoring the questioning look of her mentor. "Honestly, if what is going to be said is what I hope is going to be said," She glanced over to dick with a smile. "Than I suggest you get off your soapbox and listen all of you."

"Art, I can fight my own battles, but thanks for the speech." Dick glanced over to the others who gave him a reassuring nod, something told him that they were going to say it if he didn't, so he might as well get this over with. "What my archer friend was trying to say is that--"

"Oh, so you are friends now!?" Connor cut back in, not pausing this time to remove the distance between them and taking a swing for Dick's face.

Dick thankfully dodged, or else he was surely going to fly into the wall. "Of course we are, and so are you if you would just calm down Supes!" Dick tried to reason but got nailed in the gut, sliding across the floor sputtering and coughing. 'Okay, I deserved that one.." Dick groaned and slowly stood back up, glad that Wally was there to give a helping hand. "Thanks Walls..." He mumbled, rubbing the spot where he was punched, that was going to leave a bruise. He was also thankful that Black Canary and Batman stepped in to stop the fight from continuing beyond this point. "I told you guys that this would not end well, I didn't even say anything yet and I am being beaten up." Dick joked lightly and Artemis and Tim rolled their eyes. He looked up at Batman, who was still glaring at him for an explanation and winced, there was still hatred towards him and he knew it. "We all know why you hate me, I am a shadow. I came from the very group that has killed of one of your own..not really, but in a way they did.." Dick rambled, afraid of getting to the point, afraid of their reactions. " Robin is dead, and that will never change. I told Tim and M'gann that before. Though it was not the full truth, and for that I do not only apologizing for lying to you, but for being the reason he is dead in the first place." Dick swallowed hard, knowing that he was doing circles around the topic, but not really getting to the point that needed to be made. He was digging his own grave at this rate.

"Dude..those words are not really helping." Wally tensed as the glares worsened at the teen.

" Thank you captain obvious." Dick rolled his eyes, but it could not be seen due to the fact that he was wearing his mask, though the sarcasm was noted. " I realize that."

"Then hurry up and get to the point." Artemis warned, gesturing to the group. "This charade ends today one way or another."

"Fine you want to the point? I'll give to you." Dick grumbles before dramatically spreading his arms out. "Ladies and gentleman, children and adults of all ages!" He spoke in the voice he used to use when announcing acts in the circus, which seemed to attract the attention of everyone in the room. "I would like to announce a returning act to the stage, One that dug his way out of his grave just to make an appearance this fine day." Dick bowed deeply, a grin plastered on his face. "I give you the original Robin! The Ringleader of the Parade of A Thousand Birds!"The voice echoed for a bit, and Dick wondered if he was going to have to repeat himself before once again he was slammed against the wall by the caped crusader, who did not seem to enjoy his little performance.

"Quit playing games with me shadow, This is going far over the line and I am loosing my patience."

"Man, talk about Deja vu." Dick grinned but chocked when Batman's grasp tightened. He thrashed slightly under the hold, he should have known that saying who he was meant nothing without proof.Dick let out a strangled gasp for air, trying to form words but his words and air were dangerously close to being completely cut off for good.

"BATMAN STOP!" Tim rushed in , trying to pull Bruce away from Dick , while the rest of the League just stood there in shock. They needed to stop gawking and help! "It's him! It's really him you need to stop before you kill him!" Tim said desperately, his pulling holding no reward as Bruce's grip remained firm.

Dick saw black spots appear in the corner of his eyes, and his lungs were screaming for air. He placed a shaky hand on Bruce's shoulder, meekly trying to get his mentor to let go. This was not going at all as planned, and here he thought he had planned for the worst. He was thankful for Tim and the rest of his little group trying to get Batman to let go, at some point his grip lightened just enough so a little air could return only to be cut off again, but that little bit of air kept him awake long enough to pull off his mask, blue eyes now fully in view for all to see. The last thing he remembered is a shout coming from Connor before everything went black, a thing that was happening far too often for Dick's liking since his return.

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