oov. her adventure

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oov. her adventure

A whole freaking helicopter holds Grace, Jake, Norm, the pilot, a gunman, and Odessa. They landed on the ground with no problem, Odessa being the first to step onto the green grass underneath them.

She didn't listen to everyone else talking, only choosing to focus on the things around her. The tall green plants, the purples that shined in the sun. It was beautiful, and all Odessa wanted was to take pictures, she wanted her sister to see this.  Her dead twin sister.  But she knew she couldn't, so she took a deep breath in and let the fresh smelling air fill her lungs.

Jake moved toward, his blue hand reaching out and grabbing onto her shoulder. "We're heading this way, Grace sent me to grab you."

Odessa nodded, crouching down quickly and plucking a yellow flower from the ground. Once she had it, and carefully placed into her small bag, she turned and followed behind Jake.

"Prolemuris. They're not aggressive." Grace told the group as they walked through the trees. Blue and green monkey like creatures swung from the trees, wide eyes and long arms. "Relax, Marine. You're making me nervous."

Odessa chuckled, placing her hand on the gun Jake held and pushed it down. "Easy there,"

Norm peaked up, moving to stand beside Grace. "So, how will they know we're here."

Grace looked up to the trees. "I'm sure they're watching us right now."

JAKE was trouble in his avatar body. He truly was. Odessa couldn't figure out why he was such trouble, but she had an idea that it was because of how he could walk now. Whatever it was, it was dragging Odessa down.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Grace yelled out as she, Norm and Odessa ran forward and stood near the opening where Jake and a large animal were having a stand off, "You'll piss him off."

Jake watched as the animal rammed its hammer like features into its surroundings. "It's already pissed off!"

Odessa took a step forwards, "Jake, listen, just stay still. You move, it charges."

Jake shuffled but listened to Odessa, pulling his gun away and pointing it upwards instead of at the animal. He eyed the creature, with both fear and interest. He held his breath until he panicked and looked towards Grace as the large thing dug its feet into the ground. "So, what do I do, dance with it?"

Grace shook her head. "Just hold your ground." She talked as if she's had to deal with before. She was a coach that was currently teaching the hardest and most stubborn child in class. She had hope that Jake would just listen.

The large animal Odessa couldn't name, charged forward at Jake. It let out a roar, and Jake, he run forward and let out a yell. She didn't know what he was thinking, but whatever it was, she figured he needed to be hit over the head until there wasn't any thoughts like that.

The animal screeched and backed away slowly. Jake took that as a win. "Yeah? Come on! What you got? Oh, yeah. Who's bad? That's right!"

Odessa saw it first. A jaguar with greasy black and blue hair and skin. She wasn't sure what to do, whether she should freeze or attempt to help Jake. She knew he would die if she didn't. And like she wanted to believe, the dead twin club has to stick together.

"Jake!" Odessa moved from where she stood, reaching out and placing herself in front of Jake. He was a child, who would tempt an animal just because he wanted to see a reaction. "Foolish. Had to wonder, huh."

Jake whirled around, catching a grace of the new animals they snarled softly. It was going to eat him, if he was slow enough. "Oh shit."

"We run right. We don't dance?" Jake quickly looked towards Grace who nodded furiously.

"Run! Definitely run!"

So that's what Jake and Odessa did. She was wondering why she chose to jump in front of him as she ran. She moved through gaps in trees, large plants and even some fallen trees. The animal was so close to bitting them, it's large teeth tearing into anything in its way.

Jake slid into a gap underneath the tree first. Reaching out and pulling Odessa in just as the animal reached them. It tried to stick its head in, but it didn't fit. Using its claws and large teeth, it attempted to make its way in, throwing away any pieces of wood that had gotten in its way.

Odessa slid out from the other side, gabbing Jake and pulling him along with her. His gun had been left as he moved, the animal having quickly taken in between its large teeth and snapping it. A snap was heard before the animal turned its attention back towards the two people in blue bodies that didn't know how the world worked.

Jake, whom seemed to always be the one, was quickly pushed to the ground and grabbed by the backpack. He unbuckled it, letting his arms fall from the straps.

Odessa reached out, helping him from the ground where he had roughly landed. She pushed him forward, knowing that she was much more used to running than he was. "Go."

Jake reached the end of the grass, a large pool of water underneath. Jump or die. He looked towards Odessa who came to a stop beside him. Jump or die. Was death much more interesting than jumping into a thing of water he didn't know was safe. Jump or die. Jake jumped, grabbing Odessa's hand and pulling her along with him.

The two landed in the water with a splash and a quick intake of air.

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