Chapter 4. Flying Monkey# 1

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"You're late." Executive Assistant Chief, Kevin Spencer looked up with distaste as Cassie entered his office, wearing a white blouse over crips navy slacks. Her hair was tied back in a refined pony tail.

Her boss observed her with open disdain. "Shut up. I don't care if you fill the department's equal employment quota as a female. You still need to pull your weight around here, Harris." He suggestively eyed her chest.

Cassie whirled and looked at the clock. 8:05. She was five minutes late according to him, but her phone screen displayed eight am sharp. She resisted the urge to kick the predatory douche bag in the nuts, not surprised he'd pushed the clock forward to gaslight her. The nitpicking prick had begun his war of attrition after she turned him down at last year's Christmas party.

"My phone's more accurate than that analog piece of junk. Equal opportunity. What a joke. This is a boys club and you know it."

"Watch your mouth, Harris, or I'll write you up." Spittle flew from the corner of Spencer's mouth.

"Why did you want to see me?"

"I'm handing the Sundown case over to Boseman. Until I decide otherwise, you'll be on a mission to get bagels and coffee for the staff meeting this morning."

Two senior citizens had died suspiciously in their homes, during the last three months. The coroner had been unable to come to a conclusive cause of death.

Cassie gritted her teeth. "What about the Surfside murder case? I've working on that for three months.

"Exactly, and we have nada. I'm pulling you off both cases."

"You can't do this." Cassie balled her fists. His stony face told her it was already done.

"Who're you replacing me with?"

"I can't tell you." Sensing he'd drawn blood, he finished his text message and tucked away his phone with barely suppressed smile.

"This is bullshit. You have to tell me. Is it McClintock?"

"Weissman. And if you're going to bitch, take it someplace else." He threw a file down on his desk. "Here's your new assignment. One more thing. I want you to return all your homocide files to the record department."

Cassie picked up the folder he'd tossed and swept out of the Spencer's office. Near tears, she stopped in the locker room to drop off her motorcycle gear. What am I, his f-ing secretary?

When Cassie passed the locker room, she heard her name called. Jenny Watters, a veteran CSI agent, read what had happened with one look at her friend's face. "Let me guess. Spencer's gunning for you." She glanced down at the red folder Cassie held. "Wait, is this about the Sundown case?"

"No, I've been pulled off that case."

"Let me see that file." Cassie handed her the folder. After perusing the the file's contents, the ebony faced  woman frowned. "Cass, read between the lines. It's a crime scene coverup and he's dirty. He took you off this case because you were getting close to solving it."

Cassie rubbed her temple. "Spencer pulls a lot of crap, but his authority carries weight around here. I can't afford to challenge him and be wrong. If I lose my job, I can't help my mom. She might need to be admitted into care facility. This morning, I found her in her pajamas in an alleyway rescuing some puppies."

A look of horror crossed Jenn's face. "Not more dogs. She's a baby step from being evicted from her place as it is."

"I know, she's an animal hoarder. Ever since Jace died, she hasn't been herself." Jason was Cassie's younger brother. He'd passed away three years ago from cancer of the brain, leaving her mother heartbroken. The medical bills had emptied her bank account and left her nearly destitute . "She sees him in every sick animal she comes across and has to rescue them. I don't know what to do."

"Protect your job." Jen opened up the homicide file Cassie had left on the bench and snapped a few pictures with her phone. "I have a strong feeling the murder cases are going to be left unsolved unless we pick up the slack."

"Jenn, you could lose your job if you step on Spencer's toes.

"Or, I'll get promoted if I help you solve it. It's time for a change around here. I passed my CSI test."

"That's wonderful. I had no idea you applied."

"Passing's one thing, getting hired's another. Let's meet for drinks after our shift."

"How about we have dinner at my house? I need to take care of my mom and make sure she's not burning the house down."

"Sounds good, Cass." Jenn plopped her police hat on her head and grinned. "I can't wait to see the new furry additions to your family." She grinned. "Maybe, I'll adopt one of them."

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