Chapter 4: ------

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Minato sat on the red sofa while still holding Naruto in his arms. And speaking of the blond, he already fell asleep.

"Sensei, what's going on?" Kakashi asked and nervously looked at his teacher's expression. His expression looked like he is ready to chop off someone's head and feed it to the pigs. "The twins just tried to kill Naruto.." The blond's tone made Kakashi want to jump out the window and kill the twins. He saw how they were treating Naruto, but he couldn't o anything because they were his teacher's son.

But, he couldn't deny the fact that he also wanted to kill his teacher when he saw how he treated Naruto like dirt and the twins like royalty. The scene that he saw once he opened the door made him confused. His teacher was holding Naruto sincerely. But he decided to let his teacher explain everything.

"I can't believe this, why are they like that?" Minato said. The question alone made the silver haired jounin want to rip his teacher's guts out. "Minato-sensei... did you forget?" Kakashi blurted out.

"Did you forget all the days that you neglected and belittled your son?"

It made the Hokage stiffen. Yes, he doesn't remember because he isn't that Minato. He is the Minato who got mercy from a shinigami. But he couldn't possibly tell that to Kakashi considering that he might not believe that he came from a parallel world in which he "died" trying to protect the village.

"Sensei, if you're going to blame someone then don't only blame them, considering that you were also part of the reason why they were raised that way." Kakashi stated, rage evident in his eyes "If he weren't your son, I would've taken him in."

Minato could only stay silent, knowing that what Kakashi is saying is true. 


The Hokage couldn't sleep that night.. all he could do was think about if he should tell Kakashi or not. If he was going to tell Kakashi, he needs proof. Another solution would be to prove that he "changed". It wasn't a whole lie.. he did change, in a way. The shinigami gave him a chance to give this world's Naruto a chance to live without suffering. 

Minato paused for a moment. Is his original world son having a good life? 

The Ninetails IS sealed in Naruto, but is he alright?

All Minato could hope for was that Kushina survived and took care of their son for him.

And speaking of Kushina... The Kushina in this world deserves thousands of slaps in the face. Who knows, maybe that's what she need for a wake up call.

And another thing is those little devils that are his children. Is there a jutsu to change their personality? Like god they need to be sent to a psychiatrist. Or maybe even the mental hospital!

Sitting up, he stared at his son's sleeping face. He looked so innocent... Just what did he do to deserve the kind of treatment they were giving him..

He will deal with the problems tomorrow. Minato lied back down and hugged his son close to him. And with that he fell asleep.


The next day

Morning came and the light hits Minato's face waking him up. It felt.. peaceful.

Minato opens his eyes and sees that Naruto was still asleep.

"Naruto" He nudges the little ball of sunshine. What he received was a groan.

Minato couldn't help but smile a little, it was cute. "Naruto come on wake up"

This time it worked though.

Naruto opens his eyes and sits up. "Where are we?" And then he rubs his eye.

"We're in Kakashi's house, don't worry he is a nice man." Minato assures and all Naruto did was nod. "Do you want me to carry you to the kitchen?"


Minato smiled and carried the small 8 year-old blond.

Naruto just buried his head on Minato's shoulder while they headed for the kitchen. Once they've arrived Kakashi was already preparing the table..

"I can cook more if it's not enough" Kakashi said and gave an eye smile.

Minato placed Naruto on a chair and sat down on a chair himself that was next to Naruto.

"Thank you for the breakfast Kakashi" Minato smiled as and then they all ate.

It wasn't until 5 minutes later, banging on the door could be heard. Minato sighed.... Without looking he already knew who it is.


Naruto looked alarmed. When Kushina is shouting he knew that he would get it later. Fear was obvious in his eyes.

Kakashi then placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, "Why don't we go play somewhere Naruto-kun?" And then smiled warmly.

And with that they both disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The blond man sighed as he went to open the door.

There stood an angry looking tomato that looked like it was about to burst.


"You were being a bitch last night."

Kushina was shocked. Did Minato just call her a bitch?


"Look if you aren't going to act like how a mother should then you will be a bitch in my eyes."


Sigh... How dumb can this woman be?

"No, no you're not. Do you think a mother should tell their child that they're a monster?"

The red haired woman was baffled. That monster isn't worthy to be called her child. This is all about that monster isn't it?!



"Then don't ever show your face to me again." And with that, the door was slammed on her face.




'It's all because of that monster... Our perfect family has been ruined... Just you wait you demon. You'll be gone soon.'


AAAAND done.

Phew finally I updated this story.... I don't have a reasonable excuse other than having a writer's block so I'm very sorry.

I have the next chapter planned in my brain so I hope I update again soon. 

See you guys!

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