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time traveling,

was the only thing that crossed jungkook's mind.

so, after contemplating the possibilities and swallowing his pride, all he could think about was finding lai guanlin, jimin's taiwanese roommate who also happened to be majoring in physics. he was more than sure that in order to discover the truth about taehyung, everything must be done in the most logical manner, and though he was still not certain if guanlin could solve the mysterious case, all kinds of attempt should count.

opening the door to jimin's familiar apartment, jungkook was met with a lanky guy in jersey and shorts, eyes baggy and skin paler than a ghost. so, this is what happens when you take complex majors in college. it seemed almost evident that he had unintentionally interrupted the younger man's sleeping schedule.

"jimin hyung's friend, right?" guanlin brushed his raven hair to the back, gesturing jungkook to walk through after a quick nod. once his guest was seated, guanlin continued in a flat tone after coming back with two cans of soda. "what's the matter that an artist is asking for a scientist's help?"

"um, i—"

"—wait, let me guess. is hyung troubling his friends again? aish!"

"no, i—"

"—do you want me to pay for the damages?"

"no, no, no—"

"—okay, okay. thank god," guanlin broke into a childish smile. it wasn't exactly unexpected, considering that jimin had told jungkook the man was only seventeen. yes, seventeen. "anything i can help you with?"

"uh . . ." jungkook scratched the back of his neck. "i know that this may sound stupid, but considering you're a physics major and most likely familiar with space— do you happen to understand the theories of time traveling?"

guanlin choked on the sprite he was drinking.

"a what?"

"time traveling."

death-glaring at jungkook as if he was ready for a mental murder, guanlin folded his arms before his chest. "i learned about spacetime a couple weeks ago, but i'm not very sure you'll grasp the concept within such a short amount of time. it comes in package with mathematical modelings and quantum mechanics."

"i have the whole day," he flashed a fake smile.

of course i have, i can't even pass high school math and physics for fuck's sake.

"alright," guanlin sighed, then moved an inch closer to where jungkook sat. "well, as you can see, time traveling is the concept of movement between certain points in time, typically using a hypothetical device known as the time machine. i'm not very sure which form you're aiming here, but generally, it comes as a vehicle or some sort of a portal, connecting distant points in either an earlier or a later time.

"it's not yet to be confirmed if time traveling is possible. especially to the past. forward time traveling, on the other side, is sort of more logical according to theories, although advancing and delaying one's body is almost unfeasible with current technology. there are just too many paradoxes combined in general relativity."

"fuck— okay, einstein," jungkook's brain was about to explode. "the point is, time traveling is most likely impossible, correct?"

". . . i think so."

"then why did i meet someone whose presence obviously belongs to the past? especially the kingdom of silla, which literally fell more than a thousand years away from 2018?"

guanlin choked on his sprite again.

"hyung," putting down the now empty can, he stared at jungkook in horror and asked, "do you want me to take you to the nearest psychologist?"


the next thing he knew,

the palace where he grew up had been swallowed in flames as he sprinted out of the gate with ahro, yeowool and the rest of his guards. 

"mother!" taehyung tried to run back inside, not wanting to lose his only family member after what happened with the king. "i have to save the queen!"

"the queen has her own guards! she will be okay!" guard shin pulled him back, a few horses already standing two feet away. "prince taehyung, we need to get you out of here!"

ahro and yeowool ran faster and climbed their transportations, knowing that taehyung would lose focus on riding and eventually hurt himself in the process. tears were already streaming down their faces, knowing that this might be the most impulsive, heartless decision for them to take — but they also knew that the people of silla needed their king. 

"taehyung-ah, silla won't survive without you! please get on the horse and evacuate!"

looking back to the burning buildings, a troop of soldiered enemies could be seen from inside the area, ready to steal the necklace he was wearing and most likely burning the rest of them alive. 

but taehyung wasn't thinking straight.

"i have to save my mother—"

when he felt the hold of guard shin loosen from exhaustion, it didn't take long until taehyung broke free, as he paced back inside the palace with the speed of light. all he could think about was the incredible woman who had given birth to him; the blood, sweat and tears she shed just to bring an innocent soul to life. how could he betray her like that?

taehyung blocked everyone's screams out of his mind as he headed toward the queen's room,  shielding his face with his hand from the upcoming arrows that were ready to be shot. it almost felt like a suicide, but the prince never hesitated.

just when he arrived in front of the queen's door, suddenly, taehyung could see an arrow flying above the sky, ready to pierce through his chest until something snapped inside his mind.

relying on his instincts, taehyung immediately turned and grabbed the magical pendant that reminded him of his best memories, believing that even if he had to fall in this battle, at least least he would fall with the thoughts of the past, present, silla — and a particular art student named jeon jungkook.

because that way, taehyung could forgive himself for not being the ruler his people wished him to be.

"i'm sorry . . ."

taehyung closed his eyes as he slowly embraced his death,

until the familiar light came back, engulfing him back to where half of his heart belonged.

shit that was intense lol

any thoughts about what will happen in the next chapter?

thank you so much for 2k omg!!!

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