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the realms of day and night, huddled between the silence of walls and the grey of curtains . . .

the reason why they kept buying time.

ever since taehyung came clear about his time traveling ability, the only words exchanged between the two males were "eat", "sleep", and "medicines". it was as if they were too afraid to say the wrong things, to hurt each other, becoming as fragile as a feather and as helpless as a lover.

and of course, this cycle went on, and on; until his wounds eventually healed and taehyung was ready to go home — wherever home was.

still, jungkook never dared to ask.

preparing to leave the hospital, the taehyung we all knew was no longer dressed in his hanbok, but instead, a simple green parka with ripped jeans and sneakers, long hair covered in a beanie that resembled the younger's own. 

it was funny what love could do to a person. a couple years — no, a year ago — if someone ever asked jungkook to lend them his clothes, even a simple shirt or trousers, it was almost evident that there would be a whole riot going on in seoul. but now, now that it was taehyung, the boy whose mind once solely relied on logics immediately nodded in a heartbeat. 

"everything's set?" placing a freshly folded blanket over the mattress, jungkook tried to find the glint of happiness behind taehyung's eyes, and sadly found none.

he was simply looking over the window in sorrow.

"hey," jungkook sighed, before tapping his shoulder. when taehyung finally noticed, he asked again, "you've been quiet all morning. are you okay?"

"y-yeah . . ." taehyung stuttered. "just give me a moment."

there was a reason why taehyung hadn't been acting responsive. a part of him was missing, a part of him that held the entirety of his soul, even bigger than his love for the presence and his hatred for the past, in which he had lost somewhere before collapsing in front of jungkook's dorm — the magical pendant.

reaching out his hand to trace the plain neck, taehyung breathed in disappointment as the memories of his parents, friends and silla flew by like a passing wind. 

will i never see any of you again?

"will i never see any of you again?"

another voice startled taehyung from behind. tilting his head upward, jungkook was seen leaning against the doorway with their packed belongings, a smug smirk plastering the edge of his lips.

"i mean, you . . ." jungkook fished something from his bag. "and this?"

in his hand was the magical pendant he had been looking for. the surface was still smooth and the gold was still as shining as ever, as if the ethereal beauty was never lost in the first place. taehyung didn't think a second thought before running in full speed.

"whoa, easy tiger! you just survived a stabbing wound!"

"where did you get this?" taehyung blinked, tears already welling by the corners of his eyes. "j-jungkook, i thought it w-was gone . . ."

walking closer until their faces were a few inches apart, jungkook quickly leaned to put the necklace back on to its respectful owner, before moving away with a satisfied grin.

"when the paramedics brought you to the ambulance, i saw your necklace falling to the concrete. at first, i never expected you to be an accessory kind of guy, but knowing that you, hanbok man, has millions of brilliant ways of challenging my comfort zone from time to time . . . i decided to try my luck," jungkook shrugged.  "what's so special about it?"

"it i-is. . ."

say it, taehyung. say it.

fluttering his eyes shut, taehyung took a deep breath and said, "it is the portal that connects my past and your future."

taehyung used to believe that their feelings were strong, but their timing was not. that jungkook was the right person — he just came at the wrong time. but the more he thought about it, the more he eventually realised, that there was no reason left for them to be right for each other.

because the right people should be timeless. the right people should make them feel belonged. the right people should be together. the fact that jungkook's smiles and kisses were two of the most favourite things taehyung wished could forever enjoy in life was already enough to prove their love,

it was just not enough to make it true

and as they walked out of the hospital, side by side, all taehyung could hope was that god wouldn't have to make him choose between his old dreams and his newfound reality.

when they finally reached the bus stop, the exact same bus stop that witnessed their greetings and goodbyes for too many times, jungkook stopped on his track and sat on one of the stools. "can i ask you a question?"

taehyung only nodded.

"the pendant— how does it work?" he bit his lip. "i mean, how do you know how, when, and where to travel?"

scratching the back of his neck, taehyung looked away from jungkook's sharp gaze, pretending as if the ground was the most interesting object in the world. "uh, i'm not very sure either . . ." he paused. "but after traveling more than once, i figured that it always happens whenever i grab a full hold of my pendant, think of the present world and a certain person — you. that is why i keep coming back to you."

"so, your appearance is already set? just for me?"

"not just for you, but considering you're the only person i know here—"

jungkook almost choked on air. "—okay, okay. i get it. i shouldn't have acted all flabbergasted."

"hey, i never said you're not included!" taehyung shook his head with a heartfelt giggle. "you may not be the only reason why, but it's safe to say that you are one of the biggest reasons why. does that satisfy you enough?"

"very," jungkook hummed in a sing-a-song, feet dangling playfully, following the sweet sounds. 

"i have to go home now."

"but i still want to be with you."

"but my kingdom needs me too."

"then i'll come with you."

"i'm not getting you killed."

knowing exactly what taehyung was planning to do, it only took seconds until jungkook stopped his hands from touching the pendant.

"don't come back, just yet," jungkook shook his head, worry flashing behind his glare. "i still don't want to let you go."

"my mother, my friends, my people — they're all in danger, jungkook. i can't sacrifice them just for the sake of one man's happiness, my happiness. none of them deserves a painful death like my father did."

"but if you go, you'll be the one experiencing it!" jungkook raised his voice, only to bursted into tears. "i've heard the news of your death once, that stupid museum . . . i can't experience that again."

taehyung lowered their hands in bewilderment. "h-huh?"

"there is currently a war in your kingdom, right?" he continued. "if you come back and join the battle, there is a one hundred percent chance that you will die, and silla is going to fall into the hands of goryeo!"

"h-how did you—"

"you don't need to know; just listen to me and stay."

"no, jungkook," taehyung broke free from the younger's hold. "stop pushing your insensitive idealism into mine! as much as i enjoy it, i am the forthcoming ruler of silla, and if silla ever fall into the dirty hands of goryeo, then i must fall together with my people."

grabbing onto the pendant once again, taehyung harshly closed his eyes and imagined the last place he visited — the kingdom — ready to travel back in time . . . only to realise that someone else was holding it too.

"then i'm coming with you."

with very little image recollections of silla kingdom — for he had only seen it in paintings — impulsively, jungkook copied taehyung's gestures and draped him in a protecting hug, unexpectedly opening a new portal was ready to take a different turn. and then,

"jungkook, no!—"

1400+ words wowowow ♡ so sorry for the late update! i got hospitalised since sunday and it was awful huh

but i hope this long chapter makes up for it! i'm excited that many people are recognising & loving this story! the fact that i get to brighten strangers' days through my writings really warms my heart :3 don't forget to vote & leave your comments! 

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