Best friend and more brunettes

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Maya's POV
"So....he said what?" She asked laughing.

"Huhhh, for the millionth time..I said 'I have a boyfriend.' and he said 'For now.'" I explain while she clutches her stomach laughing.

"Priceless...I knew there was something about him I liked, other than his face, and his eyes, oh that smile he has too, and his big strong luscious muscles that I'd love to-"

"RILEY!" I scream making her head turn towards me.

"Oh sorry, I got a little carried away." She says blushing.

"Yeah a LOT too carried away." Zay said glaring at her, I giggled as she hugged him.

"Anyway, what do you think of him?" Zay asks.

"I think...he's a inconsiderate fuckboy with green eyes that could suck in your soul and-"

"MAYA!" Riley screamed making me ten my head to her.

"Sorry, got a little carried away." I said, she rolled her eyes and my mom knocked on the door.

"So, I'm not going to lie I was listening to the the whole thing and Maya watch your language." My mom says raising her eyebrows.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Anyway, Zay your mom is here." My mom says, he nods and hugs us.

"I'll be back tomorrow." He says, I nod and Riley giggles while twirling her hair.

"Maya, your meeting the other boy tomorrow." My mom tells me before walking out.

"So, are you ready to meet his next competition?" Riley asks.

"I think so." I say taking a deep breath.

"Okay then, let's get some sleep." Riley says getting under my covers.

"Okay." I say turning off my light.

I woke up to Riley silently snoring and groaned, "Riley your snoring." I said.

"I don't care let me sleep." She mumbled into my pillow, I rolled my eyes and turned over. I then heard my phone ring and looked at it:

Baby boing😍💖👫💋

I took a deep breath and slid it to the left, "Hello." I whispered.

"Maya baby come over." Josh said.

"Oh, I can't because I ha-"I stop mid sentence and shoot up.

"Shoot I have to get ready to meet the boy." I said and Riley shot up as well.

"Oh yeah, the other by that's going to lose to me." Josh said as I heard his smirk, I smiled at that.

"Yeah him." I say making Riley roll her eyes, she really hates being woken up.

"Sure now can you guys shut up?" She asked rolling over.

"Gosh Riley." I said, she smacked me in the face with the pillow and I got quiet.

"Anyway I love you but I have to get dressed." I say.

"Okay I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say back.

"And you didn't have any feelings for that guy yesterday right?" Josh asked.

"No I didn't." I say, I hear him take a deep breath which made me smile.

"Good because I can't lose you." He said.

"I can't lose you either." I say to him.

"No you don't understand, I really love you."

"I really love you too Josh, you have nothing I worry about." I reassure him.

"But what if-"

"Josh I love you, don't worry." I say.

"Okay good. Love you." He said.

"Love you too."


"Bye." I say but neither one of us hung up. Riley grabbed the phone and hung up making me glare at her. She shrugged and shooed me.

"Now that he's off the phone...get dressed." Riley demanded while I rolled my eyes and nodded walking to my closet.

I grab a sleeveless superman shirt, ripped jeans, and sliver high tops.

"That looks cute." Riley gushed while I rolled my eyes.

"Maya, you have another guest." I heard my mother shout. Zay came twenty minutes ago so we've all been hanging out, I smiled and we all walked into the living room where a brunette was standing.

"Maya, meet Charlie." Shawn said, I smiled and held out my hand as he shook it.

"Hi Charlie, I'm Riley her best friend and this is Zay, my boyfriend. You'll be seeing a lot of us." She said, I giggled and he nodded while sticking out his hand for them.

"Nice to meet you guys." He said, they talked for a while and we decided to go to the park and talk.

"Okay so...what do you do other than school?" I asked him.

"Well, I volunteer for animal shelters." He told me.

"Oh my gosh like puppies and kitties?" I asked.

"Yeah exactly that." He said.

"Oh my gosh you so have to take me one day." I say jumping up and down.

"If it means seeing more of that pretty face of yours...I will most definitely do that." He winked making me blush.

"Well, I guess you'll be seeing this face more." I said, he chuckled and nodded.

"I like the sound of that." He told me.

Boom another chapter, honestly please comment and vote do I know people enjoy this and I like it when you guys comment during the story. I love you guys so much, also do you guys see how Riley is acting...why do you think that is? Please tell me something, I feel like this story is 👎👎 whack. 😭😭😭

~xoxo Kayley❤️❤️

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