Chapter 20

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Another day, another exciting adventure awaits for our little warrior whom has woken up from her nice, deep slumber. The first thing she did after waking up was attempting to climb and get out of the crib. And surprisingly, she did, although she ended up rolling her way towards the bed frame, luckily she didn't hit her head.

She slowly gets on her arms and knees then grabs on the bed frame to easily stand up. A triumphant smile appears on her small face. She climbs her way on her father's bed and stared at his sleeping body.

"Uwoah." Her face seemed amaze by it strangely.

Crawling a little closer to his face, she keeps on staring at him. The longer she stares, the more intense it is. Something about this child is surely weird enough to make you question about it. She placed her tiny hand on his face and rubbed it, seconds after, this has caused him to wake up. Once she sees her father awake, she smiled widely.


"Oh.. Good morning, Ruby. You sure woke up a bit earlier." Her father sits up from the bed with the blanket still covering the lower half of his body and picks his daughter up, placing her on his lap.

"I'm awake!" She exclaimed.

"I can see that." He smiled.

He then proceeds to hug her and they stayed there for about a couple of minutes. Although her father is enjoying that very moment, it got the toddler confused. Sylvia then arrives by the doorway and see them cuddling on the bed, the adorable sight made her smile and giggle. They noticed her presence and looked at her.

"Good morning, Sylvia." Y/N smiles at her.

"Mama, hello." His daughter waved.

"Good morning you two. I've prepared your breakfast by the way, the other girls are already downstairs eating." She notified him.

"Ah, right. I'll be down there in a minute, will you take Ruby with you?" He requested.

"Of course, sir." Sylvia walks towards them and then picks her up from his lap.

"Bye, dada." The 2 year old child waves her small hand at her father and he waves back.

They got downstairs and went inside the kitchen, in there, Blake and the other two were eating their breakfast on the dining table. Sylvia places Ruby down on a chair that are for babies like her and goes to get her food. While in the middle of waiting, she watches her older sisters as they eat and talk. Although she couldn't understand some other words spoken yet.

"I like math! Math is easy!" Weiss exclaims.

"Ehh, but math is hard. There's so many numbers." Yang grumbled as she starts to play with her food.

Nixium: I feel you, Yang. I feel you— ack! *gets thrown by a pillow*

"If you listen to the teacher, then you would be able to solve it right!" Weiss scolds her.

"Hmph, listening to the teacher makes me sleepy." She mumbled, but was heard anyway.

"I'll tell daddy you're not listening to class at all. Then you'll be in trouble." Weiss giggles mischievously.

"Fine, I'll pay attention! Just don't tell papa about it." Yang seemed to be almost about to cry.

"Hehehe." Weiss lets out a smug look.

While on the other hand, Blake is as always busy reading her story books while she eats her food. By the kitchen counter, Sylvia giggled as she eavesdropped on their small conversation. And as for Ruby— she has no idea what's going on this whole time. Once the food for her was finished, Sylvia had began to feed her right away. Every spoonful of her mashed meal, she keeps on enjoys it. Just seeing her satisfaction for the food also made Sylvia satisfied.

Y/N had arrived a few more minutes after, all dressed up and the girls recently finished eating. All of the girls but Ruby had already finished bathing.

"You girls ready for school?" Their father asked her.

"Yep!" They responded in unison.

"Good, how about you three do what you want in the living room as you wait for me?" He said, taking a sip from his coffee. "Don't create a mess though." He added.

"Okay! Let's read Blake's book!" Yang suggested.

"Good idea! Come on, Blakey!" Both Yang and Weiss grabbed her wrists and begin dragging her to the living room.

"You.. wanna read my book?– Woah!" The three of one were already out of the dining area.

"It is nice to be youthful. I miss those times where I used to play and always get into trouble." Y/N chuckled.

"It sure is. Let's go, Ruby. Time to get you changed." Sylvia carries her from the chair and brings her upstairs.

Inside the living room, Yang, Blake and Weiss all seemed to be enjoying having their nice, small sibling time by reading the book Blake has been reading. Seeing as her two other sisters enjoy what she reads, it made her delighted. She couldn't be more happy.– Just as they're halfway through reading their 5th page on the book, their father stepped inside the room, fixing his attire. He saw them quietly sitting and reading on the couch and called for them.

"Let's go, girls." He called.

Alerted by this, they immediately got off the couch and went to grab their bags. Sylvia had just got down from upstairs right on time carrying Ruby in her arms.

"Say good bye to your sisters, Ruby." Sylvia told her.

"Bye-bye." She slowly waved her hand at them.

"See you after school, Ruby." Weiss waves back at her.

"We'll be off now, keep an eye around here, Syl." Y/N reminded her.

"Will do, sir." She smiles.

The four of them stepped out of their home and head towards their vehicle, where there their driver awaits them. Both Sylvia and Ruby watch them by the doorstep as they got inside the car. The vehicle's engine turns on and then it began to drive away, towards the girls' school and to their father's workplace.

"Mama, let's play." Ruby demanded.

"Hm? Sure! Let's get inside first, then we'll play." She smiled at her.

"I can play with mama.. Yes!" Her eyes begin to sparkle.

Meanwhile, as the car had stopped right in front of the school, the three girls quickly got off and waved goodbye at their father before sprinting towards the school building. Passing by them, was the same woman who Yang encountered twice. She observed them running and then gazed at the car they had came out from. There she sees Y/N, watching them with a smile.

Later, she began to walk her way outside the school grounds like nothing had happened.

"Good morning, teacher!" Yang greeted the man who was standing by the door.

"Uh, hey kids. Good morning. Get inside now and wait for the school bell to ring." He said to them.

"Okay. Let's read your book again, Blakey!" Weiss exclaims.

"R-Right!" The faunus nodded before they head inside the classroom.

"Those kids.." The man chuckled as he takes out a flask and drinks from it before hiding it in his pocket.

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