Chapter 27

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"All right! Now that everything's settled, we'll be heading on our way." I told Sylvia, who was walking closer to us with Blake following behind her. 

"We'll see you later, sir. Have a safe trip." She smiles at me.

"Be good while I'm gone, Blake. Please tell your sisters that, as well." My eyes glanced at her.

"O-oki doki." She sluggishly saluted at me.

My hand gives the two a wave and both me and Ruby entered inside the car. I buckled her up on her baby seat, then start the vehicle and begin to drive off to our destination. It was barely a silent ride since it was only me and my two year old daughter, she doesn't have much to say yet.

"Yummy.." I could hear say from the back seat, looking over her using the mirror, I could see she's having a nice time drinking her apple juice.

I let out a smile as I focus back on my driving. This small trip will only take a few more minutes so there shouldn't be any problem with Ruby getting impatient just sitting on her seat this whole time. I'm beginning to feel worried though, how would her real mother react to this? Finally finding out her own daughter was adopted by another person after going missing for more than a year.

What's even more questionable is that, almost of the proof of Ruby's as well as the other girls' identities are completely blank. Whoever did it must have had some kind of motive to do it, but what? I mean, what would you really gain from erasing a child's identity and only leaving out their first name.

"Good grief... Why am I worrying too much about this all of a sudden..?" I mumbled.

Not wanting to get stressed over some petty things, I forget about those in the meantime and decided to have a small talk with Ruby about anything that she's able to understand so far. Minutes went by, and at last we've arrived in the next town and at our destination. I parked and stopped the car and went to grab Ruby from the back seat. When I was done, we both got out of the car and stood in front of the building.

"We're here, Ruby." I spoke, carrying the child in my arms.

"What's that?" She points at the building in front of us.

"That's the police station of this town. We'll be heading inside of it to meet your mother." I answered.

It appears that she didn't understand much of what I said but goes along with it, I checked inside the car if I may have forgot to bring something with me and proceeded to walk in to the facility. When I got inside, many people are all busy with their work. Never thought it would be this busy though. I could feel Ruby holding on to me a tiny bit tighter all of a sudden, which got me a little worried.

"Is something the matter, Ruby?" I asked.

"Strangers.." Her voice was slightly shaky but I immediately meant by what she said.

"It's okay, Rubes. I'm here, they won't do anything to you, so don't have anything to be afraid of." I reassured.

"Okay." She responds, but her expression still hasn't change.

I make my way through the lobby as I hold my daughter close. Everywhere I look at, all of them are unfamiliar faces. If that Summer woman were to think I'm Ruby's kidnapper, I've got all my legal proofs prepared. Standing in front of the counter, the guy from the other side noticed my presence and looks at me in the eye.

"How may I help you, sir?" He kindly asked.

"I would like to speak to one of your staff, Summer." I briefly replied.

"And what reason do you have for requesting her presence?"

"There is something important I need to discuss with her regarding a case." He eyes me for a second before turning to Ruby, his brow raised at her.

"All riiight, we'll bring her here to you after she returns from her duty. If it's okay for you, you may sit and wait or take a stroll outside and return in a couple of minutes." He suggested.

"Will do, sir. Thank you." I gave him a smile before I went and left the facility.

"Now where shall we head to for today?" I mumbled out.

"I wanna eat ice cream." Ruby gave me a demanding look.

"Ice cream, you say? Then we'll go and get some." I smiled.


"Gimme that!" Weiss' small hand swiftly snatched the book Blake was reading from her hands.

"Heeyy, why did you take that? Give it back..!" Blake tried to reach for her book but fails as her sister only keeps it out of her reach.

"You were being a dolt and weren't listening! Like daddy said, always listen to what others are saying when they're talking to you." Weiss nearly fell back because of Blake leaning closer to her in order to reach for her book.

"Give me back my book, I'm still reading it." The faunus continued to struggle.

"Listen to me first! Yang is gonna steal all the ice cream if we don't--" She shouted.

"No, let me finish reading!" Blake retorted.

The two had continued to bicker over the book, little did they know that Yang was already having the bucket of ice cream to herself. She's all alone in the dining area, scooping and consuming it every moment. Sylvia walked in on her a second later and was quite surprised seeing only her eating the desert, you can also see Yang's cheeks having some of the ice cream smudged on them.

"Save some for your sisters, Yang." She sighed.

"Hehe! No can do!"

"Blakeee! Staaaph, that tickles!" Weiss voice rang out across the entire floor.

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