Chapter 3

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"So you're saying, last night, these four kids just suddenly appeared on your doorstep out of nowhere? No sign of anyone else around?" Emma repeated my explanation in a shorter version.

"Y-yes.. that's what I said." I sighed as my head is hanging low.

"I see. You decided to take them in so they won't catch a cold and planning on how are you going to deal with them?" Emma looked at me with a raised brow.

"Yes Emma." I said.

"I see....." Is all she said before gazing at the four girls.

They were standing beside us, looking up at our faces. I was carrying Ruby as she lovingly hugs me.

"Dada!" She said in joy.

"Adorable." I said while rubbing her head.

She responded by beaming at me and grabbing my hand. Emma examined me and Ruby for a moment. I looked at her, puzzled.

"What are you thinking, Emma?" I asked.

"... I think you should be their father." She straightforwardly stated.

"T-that would never happen!" My eyes suddenly widen.

"Why?? The kids seem to have taken a liking at you despite just taking care of them for less than a day." She said shrugging her arms.

"You know how my job is! I can't manage to do that and taking care of children simultaneously!" I said.

"Come on! Just do it for them! How about this, I'll help you take care of them as well?" She said.

"I think I won't even be a good father to them." I sighed.

Ruby then holds me by the cheeks, I looked at her and she stares back at me. A second later, she smiled at me once again. My face started to heat up a bit and I just hugged the child.

"Ah fine.. I'll take care of them. As long as you help me take care of them as well while I'm at work!" I said to Emma.

"Brilliant! Oh, and I will! Anything for my new nieces!" Emma kneels down and hugs the other three.

"Papa, what you talking about?" Yang asked.

"Well... Emma- I mean your aunt Emma here convinced me to be officially your father. So.. I'm now your dad." I said looking at then while letting Ruby fall asleep in my arms.

"But you are our daddy." Blake said.

"Yes, but I'm going to make it official. We should get the papers done before it happens." I look at Emma.

She nods at me and stood up. I let Emma help the three girls take a bath while I take care of Ruby. I finally gave Ruby a bath after getting multiple tips from Emma and put on her clothes. It was now my turn to take a bath, a few minutes later, I dressed up and we gathered by the front door and got outside.

I called for my driver and minutes later, the care arrived. The six of us got inside with me on the front seat, I told the driver to drop us by the City hall. The ride was smooth as it is, Emma decided that I should hold Ruby since she's busy taking care of the three.

While I play with Ruby to keep her company, I began to think. A father of four, huh. For someone who isn't familiar with child care, this will he a very hard task for me. At least Emma's here to help me out, the thought of being a father still bothers me. What if I fail as a father? What if I'm doing it wrong? What if my soon-to-be daughters might not like me afterwards?

Due to my thinking, I didn't realize that Ruby was sucking on my thumb. I remember, after this adoption is done, we'll go and buy some necessities for them. After being stuck in my account for ages, my money is finally going to be free.

"Papa has cool ride!" Yang said out of the blue.

"Yes! Cool ride!" Blake joins in.

"Haha, I know." I chuckled.

"That's Y/N for you! Hey, after this how about we get something to eat before we go and buy some things for these four?" Emma suggested.

"Hm, I was wondering if we buy them stuff first before eating but I guess that's fine as well." I responded.

"Ea.. e... eat." Ruby managed to say.

"Good job Ruby! Yes eat, we'll go get some food later." I praised her.

She giggled as I lightly tickle her. I can hear my driver chuckle at this, I looked at him and he said something to me that he has never said before.

"Mr. L/N finally decided to have a family huh?" He said.

"It sounds like you're teasing me." I said to him.

"Well you can say that, you've always been lonely in your home sir. Maybe marrying someone or having kids should do it perhaps." He said.

"Hmm... I guess so.." I said going back to my thoughts.

Soon, we finally arrived at the city hall. We got out the car and head inside. Some people in the city hall greeted me, perhaps it's because I'm known for being the owner of the company that I've inherited from my father.

Minutes later, me and Emma are managing some papers. Searching for the girls' identities and hopefully find some clues on who their parents are. Sadly, we only found out nothing. Like their identities aren't registered. Since I'll be adopting them, I made the four of them some certificates that tells their identities and such. After all of that, it was finished. Emma told them that it was done and they were happy.

Knowing this, I sighed. But later smiled.

"I'm a father now, huh?"

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