Chapter 3

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Chat heard his Lady approaching before she arrived, thankful for his heightened cat-like senses. He turned around to face her as she landed behind him, ready to greet her in a flirtatious manner, maybe throwing in a pun or two, but stopped when he noticed the thing strapped to her back.

That was definitely a baby carrier, he knew since he had just received one earlier that day. Now, had he been thinking logically then he probably would have clued in to why she might be wearing it, but the second he saw it his mind started to race with ridiculous reasons as to why Ladybug had a baby carrier strapped to her.

"M-my Lady..." he paused with a gulp, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer, "when did you have a...a..."

"It's not real!" She snapped, already knowing where he was going with that question. He couldn't possibly be stupid enough to think that at some point within the past couple of days she had a baby.

Chat's heart rate slowed down and he sighed in relief, of course it was a fake baby, why would it be anything otherwise? If Ladybug had a baby then that would mean she was probably in a relationship, and if Ladybug was in a relationship then it would surely be with him.

He moved around closer to her, taking notice of her eye roll as he peeked around behind her to find that it was indeed a doll sitting inside the carrier.

"This doll," he said, "I have one too. My class is taking care of them for a school project." He looked back to face Ladybug with excitement in his eyes. "Does this confirm that you're a student too?"

Ladybug stiffened, trying to think of an excuse. The thought of Chat knowing anything about her civilian life bothered her, even if it was only her age range. Keeping her cool, she gave him a smirk and pushed him away.

"I could have this doll for any number of reasons, it doesn't have to be school related."

She knew it was a bad excuse, and from the look in Chat's eyes she could tell he didn't believe a word of it, but at least she didn't confirm his thoughts.

Ladybug began scanning the city looking for the akuma who they had lost sight of when she arrived. While she was focused on the area below Chat went to get a closer look at the baby on his Lady's back. However, upon further inspection he realized that it wasn't just any baby, it looked exactly like his little Emma.

He lifted the baby out of the carrier, the action catching Ladybug's attention.

"What are you doing, we have an akuma to go after?" she snapped and turned to find him smiling happily while holding up the baby.

"She looks exactly like mine!" He stated proudly as if this was an amazing fact.

"Yeah, well these things only come in about four different designs, there's bound to be tons that look just like this one," she stated bluntly, did she really have to explain that to him. They should be more focused on their jobs at the moment, not on her doll.

"But do you know what this means?" Chat asked. He continued his point when Ladybug only cocked an eyebrow in response. "I choose to believe that this means we are fated together." He was beaming as if what he said made perfect sense.

Ladybug could only sigh at his statement and grab the doll back from him, placing it in the carrier once more. "How does this have anything to do with being together?"

He ignored her question and went on to ask excitedly, "does this mean you go to the same school as me?"

Chat was still on the topic of Ladybug being a student, no matter what she said there was obviously no other reason a person would willingly carry one of those annoying dolls around.

Ladybug, however, was getting tired of the discussion already.

"I'm pretty sure most schools are doing this assignment right now, not just yours. But, more importantly, can we-" she paused as another explosion sounded, "-save this discussion for after the battle?"

They two instantly went into hero mode as their eyes finally locked on with the target. He wore a costume that looked like someone had taken buckets of paint and tossed them on him, he had a hat that looked something like a beret and a thin sculpting tool was tucked behind his ear.

From what they could tell, he was going around Paris destroying all forms of artwork with little round bombs, his most recent attack being the monument dedicated to Ladybug and Chat Noir. The heroes immediately jumped into action, quite literally. They leaped off the side of the building they were on and headed in the direction of the akuma victim who was already on the move again.

Ladybug shot out her yo-yo and used it to propel herself from one building to the next, gaining a lead on Chat who was jumping across the rooftops.

She made it to the akuma victim first, flinging her yo-yo at him where it wrapped around his arm just as he was about to throw another bomb. The man roared in fury at the sight of the heroes.

"Sorry," Ladybug yanked on her yo-yo, causing the man to lose his balance and fall to the ground, being pulled a little towards her, "but I can't let you do that."

"You, you don't know anything!" He yelled, ripping the yo-yo off his arm and getting back to his feet. "The life of an artist is so difficult, nobody wants to buy my art no matter how hard I work on it, yet they pay for horrible pieces that aren't even good. Now I am the Bomber and I-"

He was cut off by Chat who had finally caught up and landed beside his partner. "Wow, you're just exploding with anger, aren't you?"

Furious at being cut off, the Bomber threw a couple of bombs at them, which Chat smacked away with his pole. The black clad hero then raced towards the man, ready to use his pole like a baseball bat and smack him, but ended up hitting air as the Bomber jumped away. He was a lot more agile than he seemed.

Ladybug tried to catch him with her yo-yo but he managed to dodge her attack. Chat headed back to his partner's side.

"Do you think the akuma is in the tool behind his ear?" He asked as they both deflected another series of bombs that were thrown at them.

"Most likely, do whatever it takes to get it."

Chat nodded and headed back towards the enemy, him attacking from up close while Ladybug was releasing long range attacks. The two continued to launch attacks at the Bomber while he threw bombs at them, both sides dodging or deflecting each other's attempts.

Finally, Ladybug was able to draw the villain's attention towards her, allowing Chat the chance to move up behind the Bomber and smash his pole against his head, the impact causing the sculpting tool to go flying.

Ladybug quickly flung her yo-yo towards the tool, planning to smash it, but just as she did so there was a sudden, high pitched wail that sounded from behind her. The noise startled Ladybug enough for her to slightly jerk her arm to the side, causing her yo-yo to miss the sculpting tool by a couple of inches. The Bomber quickly scurried over to his akumatized item and snatched it up, tucking it safely into his pocket this time.

"Seriously!" Ladybug complained as she glanced at the baby on her back. "Now! You want to cry now!" She probably looked like an idiot yelling at a doll, but she didn't care.

Noticing the heroine's distraction, the Bomber threw one of his bombs at her. Ladybug realized what was happening just in time to dodge.

"Chat, can you cover me for a bit?" She called over to her partner who readily agreed and launched himself at the enemy, drawing his attention away from his Lady.

"What could you possibly want in the middle of a battle?" Ladybug mumbled as she tried to stop the baby's cries. She tried changing the diaper first, but that didn't seem to work. Next she attempted to feed it, holding the bottle against Emma's mouth. The robot baby sucked the imaginary milk contentedly.

"Hurry up already," she said to herself, bouncing on the heels of her feet impatiently. How hungry was this thing?

"Uh, Ladybug," Chat called over to her, "I don't mean to bother you, but I could really use some help."

Ladybug turned her attention towards her partner who was struggling to deflect all of the bombs being launched at him now that the Bomber's full attention was on him.

"Hurry up," Ladybug told Emma, "I need to help Chat!"

As if the doll understood what she had said, the second she finished speaking Emma made a little burping sound to signal that she was done with the bottle. Apparently she didn't want anything to happen to Chat.

Sighing in relief, Ladybug put the baby back into the holder on her back and joined her partner. As soon as she rejoined the battle, the bomber stopped. He seemed to be debating what to do, whether he should continue to fight them or go back to his mission. Evening up the odds of two against one, he smirked before pulling out a handful of bombs and tossing them at the heroes.

Without hesitation the two twirled their weapons in front of them to act as shields as the bombs exploded against their weapons. By the time the smoke cleared the Bomber was already out of sight.

"Where do you think he went?" Chat asked.

"Where is the one place in Paris with the biggest collection of artwork that someone like him might want to destroy?" Ladybug replied to his question with one of her own, already having an idea about where the Bomber was headed.

Chat thought about it for a couple of seconds before his eyes went wide. "The Louvre!"

Ladybug patted his head in praise, she could have sworn he made a purring sound as she did so, then went back into action as she hooked her yo-yo onto a building and started to head towards the museum.

As the two flew across the rooftops Emma let out a little giggling sound. Chat looked at her and smiled, then turned to Ladybug.

"So," he asked "what's your little bug's name?"

"Chat!" She chided him, annoyed with both the baby and all topics related to it. "Now is not the time for this, we have more important things to worry about."

He pouted from being scolded by his Lady. "You'll tell me later then, right?"

"Maybe," she said to get him to stop asking questions.

They made it to the museum and wasted no time in entering. The Louvre was already closed for the day, but the giant hole blasted in the wall showed that the Bomber didn't seem to care about that fact. They entered through the hole he had made and ran down the halls until they finally caught up with him. He wasn't hard to find, they just had to follow the trail of blown up paintings.

"We re-fuse to let you get away with any of this!" Chat pointed his clawed finger at the enemy.

Ladybug decided to call upon her Lucky Charm, they needed to end this battle quickly before her baby caused any more distractions.

A little red box with black dots fell from the sky and into her hands. She peeked inside of it and sighed at the contents. Nails, what was she supposed to do with those?

"Sticking nails into bombs, that idea sounds like a blast." Chat commented.

"Just spare me some time to think," she told him.

Giving her a bow, he made his way across the room to attack the Bomber. However, the enemy didn't seem to care about Chat as he dodged the cat's attacks and focused his attention on Ladybug, probably knowing that she was now more of a threat since she had used Lucky Charm.

While dodging Chat, he continued to launch bomb after bomb at her. Ladybug groaned in annoyance and she used her yo-yo to deflect them while trying to come up with a way to use the nails. She didn't think things could get any worse, but that wasn't until the devil's spawn, known as Emma, began to cry again.

"You can't be serious!" She glanced back at the baby that didn't know how to shut up! With one hand still spinning her yo-yo around to deflect the bombs, she used her other to unstrap the carrier off of her. "I can't deal with you right now. Chat!" She called, getting her partner's attention. "Heads up!"

Before the cat hero could be given any more of a warning, she flung the baby holder, with a wailing Emma still inside of it, at her partner who frantically had to race forward a bit in order to catch it and not let the baby collide with the floor.

"What do you want me to do with her?" He called back.

"I don't care, do anything, just make her stop crying!" Ladybug shouted back at him while keeping her gaze fixed on the enemy in front of her. "I already fed her not too long ago so something else is bothering her."

Chat stared at the crying baby in his arms. "Uh, there, there Little Bug," he had no clue what to call her since Ladybug had yet to tell him her name, "everything will be alright."

He bounced her a couple of times and her crying immediately stopped. Well, that was easier than expected.

By the time he looked back to Ladybug, the Bomber was pinned to the floor by his clothing with the nails. Ladybug reached into his pocket and drew out his sculpting tool, which she easily snapped in half.

She finished the job by purifying the possessed butterfly and releasing the swarm of ladybugs to fix all the damage that the Bomber had done. When she was finally finished she turned towards Chat who gave her a smile and held up a happy Emma.

"How did you get her to stop crying so fast!" She asked in awe as she made her way over to them. It took her ages to get the brat to stop crying, yet he had gotten her to stop in less than a minute. Did he and Adrien have some kind of secret trick that she didn't know about?

Her and Chat exchanging a brief fist bump before turning back to the baby.

He shrugged in response to her question. "I just rocked her a couple of times and she stopped."

Ladybug stared accusingly at the baby in Chat's arms. "Is it me, are you purposely a pain only for me?"

Chat flashed Ladybug a smirk. "Maybe it means she wants me to be her papa." With a little eyebrow wiggle he added, "so, what do you say?"

Ladybug scoffed and took her baby back from him before pushing him away playfully. "In your dreams."

The beeping of her miraculous reminded her that she had to be going, Chat had time to spare since he hadn't used Cataclysm, but she didn't. She turned to leap away but was pulled back by her partner.

"Can you at least tell me your baby's name?"

"Why does it matter to you?" She asked and was met with warm smile, and if she didn't know any better she could have sworn there was a blush peeking out from under his mask.

"I just want to know what kind of name my Lady would choose for her daughter."

Ladybug sighed, she didn't see the harm in telling him the baby's name, it's not like it would reveal anything about her, right?

"Her name's Emma," she said.

Chat's mouth hung open as Ladybug turned away from him. Was he hearing things straight? Emma? That was his "daughter's" name. He watched in awe as his Lady leapt off into the night, a giant smile plastered on his face. They had the same doll and had chosen the same name, didn't that mean they were meant to be together?

He really envied whoever her partner for this assignment was.

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