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And next up with us we have Mysteriouzz8 who is amazing writer as well as graphic designer.

Thanku so much for giving us the pericous time♥️

Interviewer - A_Girl_Lost_In_World

Q. Tell us something about yourself.(like your name, your age and where do you live)

. Well to be honest my watty friend named me as MYSTIC and I'm loving it more than my original name.
I'm a #Delhite #Dekhikiladki.
And age is just a number for me so let it be.
Q. Who inspired you to write?
A. I used to be a reader for 1 whole year and to do something new made me enter in this field of writing. Being not so expressive girl, I think writing is the best option to express my views.

I totally agree with you in that case because I myself is not expressive. But through writing. We can express all our perspectives .
Q. What is more difficult according to you? Writing or Graphic designing?
A.  Currently I'm having a Writer's block from December 2019 and I haven't updated my book becoz of this. sighs
So I think writing is difficult. That doesn't means that making graphics is easy. It's not, but sometimes you know that after a particular time you will get ideas to make one graphic. (I don't know about others).
Q. State your best and worst experience in wattpad.
A. Best experience is when I finished a book and I got so many views of people on it. I literally didn't expected such an appraise. Thanks for that my readers.
And about worst then it's just few not-so-nice people I met on watty who don't follow the rules when they get their graphics.

 It's nothing worse than that by not following the rules 
Q. Who is your favorite writer ? Both in and out of wattpad community?
A.  I will be really very honest in this question, as I really appreciate all those Writers who bring new ideas which are out of the box, and even those Writers too who write the cliché stories in there unique way of writing.
So I can't really mention one name dear. And out of Wattpad community I don't really read books on other platforms and in real life I'm very far from actual books.

I agree in wattpad many good books and same time we have very few or rare cliche books.

Q. Which character you like the most in your book? Why?
A. Well I'm writing a book (ongoing) in which there is this female lead. I haven't written her part till now but the strength she shows in the toughest of situations is a bit of me too. So yeah, that's why I'm already Loving that character. From my book "Will love Win over War ?" -> Character - Nandini.

 All the best for the story and looking for the forward to read her character .

Q. The most important person in your life whom you rely on.

A. If it's mentally and emotionally then i dont really rely on people. But my friends don't leave me as well.
As I'm not really expressive about my emotions so I just keep it to myself when I meet my friends they eventually find out that something is up so I open up coz I can't lie to them then.

That's really sweet , in tough situations  friends always stay with us.

Q.  A talent or hobby that you discovered during lockdown.

A. That the world who knew me as a very organized & disciplined girl is the same girl who learned so many slangs and have no control over it.
If this can be included in talent.

Actually , No words, because that's a really unique talent . 

Q. Your Biggest fear?

A. Losing myself.

Q. One thing you love the most which you cannot live without ?

AIt's the stationary things I have, I just love them and a necessity, then phone also.

You are a bit possessive of them I think🤔.

Q. If u are in a deserted island, what are the three things you would like to take with you ?

A.  My drawing book with pencil , eraser.
Comb and phone- fully charged.

I feel u love to paint more.🤩

Q. If you become invisible for a day, what will you do first? A)Kiss your crush or B)slap your enemy?

A. Obviously I am gonna give a nice tight slap on my enemy's face who hates me for God knows what reason.

 It's actually pointless to hate another person without no reason . I don't understand what they get out of it. 

Q. Which cartoon character you can relate yourself to?. State the reason

A. Jerry. Laughs becoz I come up with unexpected gud solution in problematic situations of friends like Jerry gives when he's the reason behind Tom being thrown out of the house.
I love to irritate who are close to me.

Awww and by the way Jerry is also a cute person like u .

Q. Most embarrassing moment of your life.

A. So I usually have this habit that whenever I am in crowd where I'm surrounded with many people. I observe other people's doings that what they do. And one day I was doing this and I saw that a guy was staring at me like he was looking at me for a long time and I was literally embarrassed that is he looking at me when I was noting down every person's activities. Shitt, damn embarasing.

OMG !!! that's really and embarrassing moment .
Q. If you could meet any character out of a book, who would it be ? and why?

A. ) I wanna meet many yaar.
Harry Potter , Hermione and Draco Malfoy even Ronald Weasley with Dobby. I really love these characters.

Same pinch .. But comparatively I like Harry Potter more .

Q. If your book gets the 'National Best Seller', Whom will you thank ?

A. I will be thanking Wattpad for giving me the platform to showcase my writings and my Readers too who supported and showered there love to my books.

That's so sweet .

Q. If given an opportunity to transform yourself into an Animal, which animal would it be?

A. A Rabbit

Q. If ever you have to choose between a career option between graphic designing and writing, what will you choose and why?

A. Very difficult to choose.
But still, I will go for Graphic designing. 😊
Becoz I could play with all the Covers and it's designs.

 All the very best 💙.

Q. What tips do you want to give the new graphic designers?

A.  First of all , Thanks for asking me that
The mistakes I have seen which graphic designers usually make are using not a quality picture which really makes the cover more bad.
The fonts - Many designer's use whatever colour they want. I'm not at all questioning that but after the quality and colouring of the cover the viewer see the font and using a out of the box colour which really doesn't goes with it makes it look weird.
That's all .

Very nice tips . I am sure they will take that into consideration.

Q. What is your favorite genre of designing?

AAesthetics type of Covers

Q. There are so many cases of plagiarism, what are your thoughts on that?

A.  I really wanna say that guys cheating and stealing someone's work and hardwork doesn't raises your talent.
And I don't really see the logic behind people stepping on there own self respect by doing these shameful acts.

I totally agree that stealing and copying others' work is inappropriate and it takes a lot of time to write or design  so that readers love reading them when at least a few people come and cheat on other's hard work .

Q. Have you ever faced any difficulty to make your own book covers and requested any other GD?

A  I requested only one cover from one designer when I was new to the watty. And after that I never requested anyone. As after that I started making my own covers.

I found difficulty in making quality covers as I had no knowledge of what apps to use to make good covers.

Q.Is wattpad your addiction or stress buster?
A. Stress buster .

It's really a stress buster after working all day , coming to wattpad reading , writing. We are stress free .

Q. How would you rate this interview out of 10 ? With 1 being lowest and 10 being highest. And how was your experience here at Booktrovert?

A.  Experience I had was really awesome.
And I would rate 9.5 as you really asked some new questions which I always expect while giving an interview.

Thank you so much ❤️. The credit goes to Booktrovert panel  .

Q. A message you would like to convey to your friends or your readers. 

A. A message to all my Readers is keep giving me your views about my writings as I really need them. And for friends then thanks for being a friend to a mysterious soul (me) .
And a message to the interviewer and to the booktrovert is thanks for this interview as it really had some new questions. Thanks to u too guys

Thank you for such kind words .
It's really wonderful interviewing you . Hope you have great year ahead and you achieve your goals.


Raavi kuurmica.

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