𝓆𝓊𝒶𝓉𝓇𝑒 ❦

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ɪᴛ's s ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ɪɴ ᴘᴀʀɪs...

...ᴡᴏɴ' ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴛʀʏ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀʀᴇ ɪᴛ

second person

you followed shawn out of the club, staring at your feet as you made it passed the bouncers. shawn switched his beer in his hands and turned his head back to glance at you, not realizing that he was walking faster from taking bigger strides with his long legs so he slowed down and waited for you to catch up.

"what did you want to talk about?" you fiddled with your thumbs in front of you as you were nervous. you both made your way down the quiet sidewalk, seeing the glittering lights of paris in the flesh. paris was beautiful night or day and you were glad you decided to come on the trip with evie and carter.
"how come you left my hotel this morning?" you were pulled out of your thoughts by shawn's words. you stared down at your feet as you walked because you were shook that this was the boy you ended up going home with.

"oh-" was all your scrambled mind would let you say. you thought around for the right words to say to this gorgeous specimen.
"that was your room?" you questioned and glanced as he nodded his head in your direction.
"i don't-" you felt yourself panic and felt a wave of embarrassment because you didn't want to have a panic attack in front of this man over a simple question. "i don't remember anything from last night. i thought i ended up going home with some creep and i panicked." you turned to face him as you both stopped walking.
"we didn't-"

"no, no. you were too drunk so i just put you to bed. nothing happened." he reassured you and you nodded, fiddling with your thumbs again.
"did you want anything to happen?" your heart jumped out of your chest and you didn't know why you even asked that question. shawn took the last swig of his beer before looking around for a trash can.
"i'm going to be honest, if you weren't so intoxicated then yes." he glanced your way for a second and you stared at your feet, watching as they walked one in front of the other. "but, you aren't the first girl that this has happened with so i'm okay with just looking after her as well to make sure she doesn't go home with any creep that might force her to do something." your heart dropped at the thought of shawn doing this with other girls. you didn't know why your heart dropped because you didn't know anything about him but his nature and the way he is made you feel like he wasn't a bad guy.
"i'm sorry." you apologized, feeling bad about the situation.

"no, don't apologize. i would rather you be safe than in a situation you didn't want to be in." he curled up a small smile before throwing his beer bottle in the trash can. he turned to face me and puffed out his chest as he pulled up his lack skinnies at the waist. his chest was visible from the buttons being unbuttoned on his white shirt. he looked so good in shirts but that might be because i am yet to see him in a tee. you didn't seem it when you were drunk but you were actually a shy person.
"so, were you the one that left the note under my door?" you asked and shawn nodded, placing his hands in his front pockets.
"are you stalking me, guitar boy?" you teased him, not knowing where the confidence had come from. he chuckled and pulled a face at you.

"how did you know i played guitar? i never told you that." he smirked at you when you froze up. you stared off trying to think of something that wouldn't make you sound like a stalker.
"i saw you in the music shop today." you squinted your eyes because this wasn't what you wanted to say but it was the truth.
"and i'm the stalker, eh?" he continued to smirk at you and you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment. you couldn't believe that you made it seem like you were stalking him. you spotted him in the the shop window, strumming a guitar as you, ever and carter walked past that place.
"no. i meant-"
"i'm just messing with you." he interrupted you as he noticed you were embarrassed. both of you chuckled as you started walking down the sidewalk again.

"so, how long have you been in paris for?" you asked him, watching your feet as you walked by his side again.
"a couple of days." he shrugged, staring down at his feet too.
"same." you replied awkwardly. you were only awkward because you didn't remember anything you and shawn talked about or did last night and you didn't know if you embarrassed yourself in front of him.
"paris is beautiful."
"i appreciate beautiful things." you noticed shawn staring across at you and you couldn't help but smile to yourself. shawn noticed this and smiled too just as he felt a drop of rain hit his forearm.

heavy raindrops suddenly started pouring down on both of you. you both ran for it to try and find shelter and you found a closed store with part of the roof sticking forward and a small porch. you both ran under it to shelter yourselves, standing close to each other due to the lack of space the shelter provided.

"this was unexpected." you laugh with your hands up against the porch, you were facing towards shawn and he was doing the same the opposite side of the porch to you. your eye view was level with shawn's chest. you could clearly see his chest hairs from the unbuttoned top half of the shirt that was now sticking to his skin from the wet. patches of his shirt stuck to him causing the white to show a flesh colour. you could see some definition of abs showing through his transparent shirt now as he leaned against the side of the porch. you watched as he stared out at the rain as you just admired how gorgeous he looked; his chiseled jawline could cut you in half...you admired the shape of his nose and the way he slightly parts his lips to catch his breath from the exercise. his wet curls fell across his forehead and you loved how it looked. you admired how he stood, leaning against the porch wall with his arms rested behind him on the wall and his long legs slightly in your space due to his tallness.

"you alright?" he questioned and you snapped out of your gaze and realized he caught you staring. you quickly turned your eyes to the rain dropping on the concrete beside the porch.
"yeah." you quickly replied and heard a small chuckle come from shawn. he ran his hand through his hair, pushing his wet curls back from his forehead.
"the hotel isn't far away if yo want to risk running there?" shawn asked you and you nodded staring out at the rain.
"do you think the rain will calm down?"
shawn pulled out his phone to look at the weather.
"doesn't look like it. it's ipod is to rain all night." he pushed his phone back into his pocket.
"ok." you replied and glanced at shawn before you both ran out of the porch and towards the hotel. you were regretting wearing white today because shawn's tee was sticking to your body and you were feeling really insecure about shawn seeing anything.

you reached the hotel and both caught your breath as she stood in the doorway of the building. you never expected paris to rain in the middle of june.

you looked out the balcony doors at the rainy night as shawn walks up behind you to give you a cup of tea. you took it and watched as he walked away, he wandered over to the cupboard next to his end to retrieve a tee from it. he pulled his wet shirt over his head, revealing his upper half. you knew you shouldn't but you couldn't help but stare. even his back muscles looked hot as he pulled the dark green tee over his head, gracefully pulling it down to cover himself again. you blushed as he looked your way and pretended to be looking outside again.

"this might be more comfortable for you." he wandered up and handed you another one of his tees.
"i already have one of your tees, i can't take another one from you." you pushed his hand back as you refused and he placed the tee on top of your head and it hung down your face, blocking your view.
"you ain't saying no." he told you and you heard his footsteps walk away from you. you placed the mug down on the coffee table before going to change tees in the washroom. you didn't bother placing the belt back around your waist, you hung it up with shawn's white tee.

both you and shawn were perched on his couch in his hotel room and he was flicking through the limited channels on the tv. he stumbled across the tv show friends and kept that on because all the other channels were shit.

"i hope your friends aren't worrying about where you disappeared to again."
"oh no, evie will be drunk by now and trying to wrestle carter away from her because he'll be trying to take her home now to stop her drinking anymore and puking all over the place." you told him how night outs with evie and carter usually played out, his body was turned towards you on the couch to show his interest.
"i'm still sorry you probably had to babysit me yesterday with how drunk i was." you blushed.
"it's cool. you only puked once and then you fell straight to sleep."
"i puked? oh god." you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment at how much of a mess you were. "i'm so sorry."
shawn chuckled lightly. "don't worry about it."

shawn got closer to you and placed his hand sober yours and attempted to remove them from your face. you gave in and saw his face close to yours but you knew you were as red as a tomato. "at least you didn't try to sleep in a bush somewhere." he teased you and you giggled. he still held your hands in his without realizing.
"sorry." he pulled his hands away shyly and you smiled.
"don't apologize." you grabbed his large hands and held them in your petite ones, he smiled and you noticed his eyes drop down from your eyes to your lips.
"can i-"

you moved forward and placed your lips on his, interrupting his sentence. you already knew what he was going to ask and so you took it as your chance to make a move. he responded to the kiss quickly and you loved how soft his lips were and how sweet they tasted. he pulled you closer to him until you moved from your side of the couch to his side as you straddled his lap. he moved his hands to your hips and you moved yours to his cheeks. neither of you wanted to part from each other's lips but you knew you would have to to catch your breath. you pulled away and took in a big inhale of oxygen, shawn did the same, staring into your eyes. you reconnected your swollen lips together again.

a few moments into your make out session, your phone rings. you pulled your lips away from shawn's (sadly) and checks the caller id to see 'evie' flashing up on the screen. shawn sat there pouting underneath you as you answered and pulled the phone up to your ear.
"evie is everything okay?"
"where are you?" she slurred. "carter's trying to force me home."
"i'm with shawn."
"ooooh shawn." she spoke in a girly voice and giggled and then hiccuped. "who's shawn?"
"the guy from the club." you rested your free hand on his shoulder and he kissed your knuckles.
"i'm going, my feet are moving." evie slurred out. "your feet aren't moving because you're against the wall." carter's voice was heard. "oh." you heard evie giggle out before the phone crackled. "now you're on the floor." you heard carter speak and evie laugh. you hung up and removed yourself from shawn's lap.

"no, don't go." he begged and grabbed your hand.
"i have to. evie's causing trouble for carter." you slipped on your shoes and made your way to the exit.
"wait..." shawn shouted and you turned around to see him stride over to you and grab you by the waist, connecting your lips again. his arm wrapped around your waist as his other one rested on your cheek. he pulled away shortly afterwards so you could open the door, which he held open.

"i realize you know my name but i don't know yours."
"have fun trying to guess it babe." you winked at him as you walked down the hall to the elevator to tease him. he also didn't realize that you put your number as a contact on his phone whilst he went to the washroom. you smirked to yourself at the thought of him seeing it and trying to rack his brain at who it is.

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