A Birthday Surprise

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Gracious-" Shawna? Wake up, It's your birthday" She whispered.

I rubbed my eyes while opening one eye, looking at her while still half-sleep. I was overjoyed to see Uncle Tom and mom holding a small cake with a candle on it. I immediately gave them a wide smile while hugging them while clapping my hands, I said-" It's my birthday..."

Mom broke the hug and replied-" It is my little princess. You are a big girl now, You have turned Seven"

I smilingly blew the candle and close my eyes wishing-" Please make my dad come back, I miss him so much"



Gracious-" Shawna? Oh! you are still awake?" she came inside holding a small cake in her hand with a candle on it.

I replied with a small smile-" I was looking that if my wishes have worked for all these years."

I could see disappointment and sadness in her face, but she scoffed and replied-" Well, you should keep trying, someday it will all come true"

I nodded and blew the candle while wishing-" Dad, We miss you. I wish you were here with us today"



I said while holding my mom's hand-" I don't need anything else mom, all I need is you, You are the best thing that I have"

Uncle Tom and Mom-" HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR"

I blew the candle wishing-" I hope we get a better life"


I said-" Mom, don't go to work today, You are sick"

Mom replied with a smile on her face-" Don't worry about me, I am fine" 

She hugged me while saying-" Don't worry everything will be fine, I know you can solve it all"


And that was the last day I met my mom. The very next day she died. I hate my birthday since then. And Tomorrow is my birthday. I don't want to celebrate it, So I haven't told anyone about it yet. Moreover, the war is in the corner, I can not lose my focus on something else. 

It was 5 minutes left to be midnight, while I was standing on my balcony, looking at the moon, while thinking all this. The moon was different today, it depicted much sorrow in its light. I whispered in the air-" Mom, I hope you can see me now, I am fine and living a good life, I have dad and grandma with me, they love me more than anything. Also, I have made a few good friends who never leave my side. I wish you were here to see it all and... But I know you are always with me watching"

Suddenly I remember something that happened in the conversation in WitchWorld's palace


King Makanzee-" We will see how well you can stand out to fulfill the prophecy. "


What was he talking about? Did I forget to ask what prophecy? I should...

Suddenly the door burst open, while I turn back flinching a little at the sudden action, I walked towards my room and saw dad, grandma, Priam, Brad, Junnie, Jenny, John, and other few students and professors walks in with a big cake.

Grandma cast a spell-"  Lumina et Crakers"

The whole room lights up with the magical lights while having the beautiful firecrackers outside.

Dad hugged me. He said-" Did my daughter think I would forget her 18th birthday?"

I was a little uncomfortable celebrating my birthday as I remember tomorrow's my mom's death anniversary. But looking at their faces I decided not to act something stupid. I blew the candles while everyone cheered for me and wished me.

Grandma handed me a big box with wrappers. I asked while looking at it-" Grandma...?"

She shushed me and said-" Shhh... Happy birthday, my little princess, I have always waiting for this day to celebrate your birthday, but I never had the chance, now I don't want to regret anything"

I accepted her gift, and when Junnie and Jenny walked towards me giving a bracelet with our initials in it. I was overjoyed with the gift and hugged them while saying-" You guys, you didn't have to do it, But this is awesome. Having all of your names with me." 

They smiled and hugged me back. Brad gave me the book of 'Witchdom Memoir' while saying-" This will help you to know about your country. "

I thanked him and John came giving me pair of shoes. I was shocked to see it because it was the same shoe that I have lost while running away in the dark forest while saving my friends. It was the very first shoe that I had bought after coming to WitchDom. I smiled and thanked him.

Priam walked in hesitantly while handing me a little box and said in a low whisper-" Save this for later okay? Happy birthday"

Followed by which every other student of WWS came and wished me while giving me something as a gift and so did the professors. The headmaster came and blessed me while saying-" May you become wise and strong. Here" He handed me a red ball and said-" This is a portal gate. You can use this only twice as a portal to go anywhere."

I accepted their gift and thanked them with all my heart. I said-" Thank you all for coming and celebrating my birthday, but I do not wish to celebrate my birthday as this is full of bad memories where I lost my mother. Thank you"

Tears started building in my eyes and I went from there. They understood and Grandma asked everyone to leave. The professors took the students to their dorms when dad came to me and said-" Tomorrow we gonna visit somewhere okay?"

I looked at him with confusion but nodded my head. When my pet owl just flew towards me handing me a letter, It was from Mr. Ben. Thank god, nobody noticed it and  quickly hid it with a spell-" Celare"

Grandma and dad spend some time with me while telling me a few stories of them and the kingdom. Dad also talked about how much he missed my mom, and they left after an hour. I was back in my room all alone, I closed my gate and sighed when I heard some noise from my balcony. 

I quickly went that way to see and saw Priam claimed up on my balcony. I gasped and asked in a low whisper-" What are you doing here?"

He replied while looking around-" It was so frustrating not to wish you properly when your parents were here". He claimed inside as he started looking around the room making sure no one is there.

I looked at him in disbelief and asked-" Priam? what are you doing here?"

He looked at me and smiled while replying-" I am here to give my gift"

I asked-" gift?"

he nodded while searching for something. I said-" but you have already..."

He cut my words while saying-" ahh here they are"

He took the gift box that he gave me earlier and handed me over saying-" open it"

I had no choice but to open it, and my mouth turned O when I saw a beautiful blue pendant. I looked up at him wh was already starring at me which his sweet smile. He took the pendant chain from my hand and asked me-" May I?"

I nodded while giving him a little smile, He said-" turn around"

I turned around while removing my hairs from the neck giving me space to tie the chain"


I wanted to make her wear the pendant by myself. But her parents were there with others so I couldn't act, So after they left I came directly to her room. She was happy to see the pendant, I am glad she liked it, I have made it from my country from the most experienced jeweler. It was the moonstone. The symbol of my love.

She agreed to me and she turned back while removing her hair from her neck giving me the full view of her beautiful neck. I gulped on my saliva when my eyes fall on her bare neck, it was so tempting that I couldn't take my eyes off her. There was a sudden silence all around me, and I could only see her beautiful neck that I wanted to kiss so desperately. 

I stopped myself thinking that I don't want to repeat the mistake like ago, I should not touch her without her permission this time. I controlled myself and hooked the chain and turned her back. Our eyes met and I felt like I would dive into her beautiful eyes. Those eyes are my most beautiful dreams. Someday I wish that all of hers will be mine. After I become the kIng she shall be my queen. I need to work hard and protect her.

I was thinking about all this future with her, that didn't realize since when I was staring at her. She shook me a little to gain my attention back. She asked-" Priam? you okay?"

I was standing dumbfounded while looking at her with a poker face. I nodded my head a little and moved away a little bit with full of embarrassment. 

Suddenly my eyes falls on the letter that's he kept hiding under her pillow. I wonder who it was from so I took it in my hands and asked her-" Whos it from?"

She walked towards me and replied-" Mr. Ben. I am sure he would know about my birthday too, But unfortunately, he cannot come here" She sighed heavily while looking down.

I hold her shoulder to make her look at me. I said-" Don't worry Shawna, I am sure if you believe in him, he will find some way to prove his innocence if he is"

She nodded while taking the letter from my hands and she read it out loud-

" Dear Princess Parshawna,

Hope you are well when you find this letter. I wish you a very happy birthday dear. I am sorry I couldn't be there at this moment, while I was so close to the proof that will make me declare my innocence, Nevertheless, We would meet very soon again. I don't know if it will be possible for me to celebrate your birthday any day, but this letter contains all the best wishes, and blessings from me. I don't know what to gift you at this moment, So I am sending you a painting. Hope you will like it. Cast the Spell  ' Apparento'


Uncle Ben"

She immediately cast the spell and a painting appeared in her hands. We looked at each other before opening it. She opened the scroll when her eyes went wide in shock.

She uttered in shock while stuttering-" N-NO WAY"

I quickly turned her head towards me asking -" What happened?"

She handed me the painting and I saw there were three people in the painting, Mr. Ben, King Jonny, and a lady. They looked like the student Of WWS. 

I asked in confusion-" What's wrong?"

I saw her crying and telling-" Th- That was my M-Mom"

I exclaimed in shock-" Mom? But how is this possible? Your mom is..."

She cut me in between and replied-" A human!!! Then how can she be here in this painting?"

We looked at each other, I understood there was a mystery behind this which could only be solved by either Mr. Ben or her father King Jonny. I kept my hand on her shoulder making her believe that no matter what I am with her. She is not alone. 

I said-" we will solve this mystery"

When we heard a faint scream from somewhere. We rushed in the direction to find what happened. 

We came to Jenny's room and saw students were standing a little far making the crowd. We pushed the crowd to see Junnie crying while she looked at us as she said-" She-She is missing".

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