A Mysterious Murder

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I looked at him with a smile as he shake our hands. We walked back to school. He asked suddenly-" Can I ask you, something Princess?"

I replied while nodding-" Yes"

He asked while looking at me-" Whos letter was those? Your boyfriend's?"

I shot looked at him with wide eyes by the word boyfriend. I nodded my head several times while saying-" No, No Praim isn't my boyfriend!!!"

I immediately closed my mouth with my hands after realizing what did I just said. I feel like running away from there immediately due to the embarrassment. God, how could I say his name? Well, not that I don't like him, but he is not my boyfriend. Not yet!!!

He chuckled looking at me all nervous as she said-" Uhmm... I didn't mention anyone's name yet."

I looked at him while smiling nervously and said-" I didn't mean like that way, means not that I like him or something, N-No... I mean that he likes me or something, We are just friends... I mean..."

His orbs turned dark while listening to me. I got a little scared so he calmed himself down while blinking a few times before asking-" Do you perhaps like him?"

I looked at him with a nervous face as I said-"Well... I don't know... It's not that I don't like him, but a lot was going in my life, so I want to solve this first before ..."

His face turned down a little but he managed a smile. Suddenly we got cut off by Junnie and Brad.

We turned around and saw them coming towards us. I smiled and hugged Junnie while Brad stared at Felix with a blank face. I introduce them to each other while Junnie shook hands with Felix. Brad seemed a little jealous as he exclaimed-"Junnie is my fiance".

We looked at Brad with a shocked face and so did Junnie. It came out from nowhere. Felix smiled and said-" Well congratulations to both of you."

Brad shook hands with him with a proud smirk as Junnie looked down being all blushed off.

Junnie asked-" Sorry Shawna, We were busy with the exams and the recruitment was going on so... we haven't had much time together."

I smiled and said-" I know. It's okay."

She asked teasing me-" so, have you and Priam talked about it yet?"

I blushed while looking away. Felix seemed a little disturbed so I changed the topic and said-" let's go back. I have something to tell you guys and also Felix here had helped me a lot."

They all nodded as we headed towards the school. We reached there and we sat in the common room while not many students were present there. I explained to them what happened, and how I end up with Mom's letter, and what was Granny talking about, about the salve legacy. Felix looked a little surprised so I chuckled and said-" Well, now you know, being a princess is as hard as a normal person"

He smiled and said-" I can see. I want to help you guys"

We smiled brightly as we heard him and Junnie asked in excitement-" really? Will you?"

He nodded while sweetly smiling towards me. Jenny came there as we all smiled looking at her. Junnie hugged her and so did I. Brad teased her-" Finally our house will free from bugs like you"

Jenny throws a fist while we laughed at their small teasing. Junnie held her hands and said-" It was just like yesterday when we all met and yet we grow up today so fast that our little Jenny is getting married."

Jenny teared up a little being all emotional we all gave a group hug as she said-" I hope we always stay like this"

I replied-" We will I promise Jenny"

Jenny wiped her tears as she asked Brad-" When are you two getting married anyways?"

Junnie's face was all flushed up as Brad looked at her and replied-" Soon, As soon as I get the acceptance in WWS as the Jr. Professor".

Felix was looking at us with a smile as I noticed and asked-" So Felix, How did you meet with Cresseda?"

He looked all of a sudden a little disturbed by the question but answered-" At Miss Lenin's house"

I understood and nodded as I asked again-" What do you want to become after school?"

He looked at me with very serious eyes as if he was trying to read me as he spoke in a deep voice-" Something worthy of..."

We couldn't understand much and nodded as the rest of the time we spent while giggling and gossiping. It was almost midnight and I said-" let's get back to our rooms it's late"

They accepted and we all stood up. I looked towards Felix as I saw he was feeling a little uneasy and sweating. I asked-" Felix, Are you okay?"

He tried to avoid my eyes as he answered looking another side-" Y-Yes"

Junnie said-" Oh before we leave, I want to tell you something Felix, I know Cresseda is your girlfriend but the way she insults Shawna today... is not acceptable. You must clarify things with her before becoming our friends."

He looked at me this time as I saw his eyes were different. They were glowing green under the moonlight as he said panting-" I will make sure of it" He said in his deep voice.

He left from there in a hurry as I feel a little weird. Shrugging off we all went to our room. 


The next morning I woke up when the sunlight hit my face lighting up the room as I can hear the birds chirping as always. I opened my eyes as I sat on my bed and rubbed my eyes. I looked outside the window and saw the sky was gloomy today. The lights rays were struggling to beat the shady vibe of nature. I felt uneasy about the vibe I was getting today. But I shrugged it off as I looked at the clock. I was Late!!! I quickly grabbed my dress towards the bathroom.

I reached the classroom a little late as Professor Judo paused in between his class and looked at me with his angry eyes. He said-" You are late mIss Macduff!!! "

I stood there while hanging my head low. I said in a low tone-" I am sorry Professor...."

He sighed and said-" Just because you are from a royal family you don't deserve just not to get punished. I prefer equality"

 I looked at him with my scared eyes, but he was cold. He said-" You must stay after the class to help set the classroom"

I can hear Jennifer smirking at me as I nodded my head and came inside. I sat beside Junnie and Jenny as always as the class resumed once again. I looked around and saw Brad was sitting behind us and I found Felix in the other row as he was staring at me. I passed a small smile as he did the same. I found Jennifer with Cassie but Cresseda was not there. 

Junnie looked at me as I was trying to find someone so she said-" Shawna? have you forgotten? Priam and John are in martial art training."

I looked at her with puzzled eyes as I said-" N-No, that's not it. Where is Cresseda?"

She looked at Jennifer's table as she frowned and said-" I don't know I have t seen her"

The class ended and everyone left the classroom as I stayed back and helped Professor Judo to clean up the classroom.

He said before leaving the classroom with some books-" Clean the classroom and you can leave"

I nodded and continued to do my work. Suddenly I saw a paper was fallen on the ground I picked it up and saw it was a written test paper by a student. I took it and opened the drawer and kept it there. As I was about to close the drawer I noticed something so I opened it again to look at it carefully. It was a ring. I saw this ring before somewhere but I could remember where. I kept trying to remember as I finally remember it was Cressedas'.

Suddenly Felix spoke out of nowhere-" Shawna?"

I flinched a little and the ring falls from my hands, I bend down to put it up but my head banged with the corner of the drawer. I screamed a little-" Ahhh!!!"

He immediately rushed towards me asking-" You okay?"

I bit my inner lips to control the pain as I nodded in embarrassment. He quickly grabbed my head to check if there is any blood.

In the meantime, Jennifer walked in and saw us on the floor. she poked her cheeks with her tongue as she watched us. She scoffed as she said-" Wow, nice match, The mudblood with a half-blood slave?"

Felix looked at her but didn't say anything. He helped me stand up as I said-" Shut your mouth, Jennifer, he was just..."

Priam walked in with books in his hands as he was searching for Junnie. He stopped looking at us as Felix's hands were still on my shoulder. He said in anger-" Didn't I say you to stay away from her?"

He glared at Felix who stood there quietly. I felt bad for him. I said-" He was just helping me Priam"

Jennifer laughed and said-" Really? A good match I say you two must carry on helping each other."

Priam looked at me with confused yet angry eyes as he didn't expect me to take his side. Jennifer clung to him while saying-" Priam, we must give them some privacy, I have something to ask anyways..."

I said while looking at Jennifer-" You are getting it all wrong. We are just friends... besides he was just helping me"

Jennifer smirked while replying-" Sure..."

She dragged Priam outside as I kept glaring at them. Felix helped me to set the classroom as we left from there. I told him about the ring and he shrugged off saying-" She must have lost it. Don't worry she won't need it anyway"

I looked at him confusingly as we heard a scream from the east wings of the school. We saw students were rushing to that side as I was standing there dumbfounded not understanding what was going on.

We followed to that place and found people gathered around an empty classroom. I heard Jennifer's voice as she was crying-" NOOOOO!!!!"

I moved the crowd a bit to see what's happening and finally reached in the front. I gasped in shock to see the dead body of Cresseda which was lying on the floor lifelessly. It looks like all the blood had been sucked out of her body as she was all pale and her eyes were opened in shock.

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