Home Coming

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I have entered into a new life. I have always thought of having a family, but it was just me and mom since forever. When I use to be a kid I have imagined having a complete family like others... When they use to celebrate Christmas with their parents. I use to envy them. How their father use to bring toys and take them in his embrace... How they got a father's love... Which I have never got. I use to see all the other kids having a father and a mother, having a family, and living happily together. But they have always taunted me and bullied me for not having a father. Even some of the days, I cried alone in my bed, hoping if I would have a family too... A father by my side to protect me, how would that be? how does it feel to have a home? Where We would have led a happy life.

Here I am now, standing, right beside my father, my grandmother, and in front of my home. Finally all mine. I had tears in my eyes from joy. I have never imagined that I could get out from the torture of aunt Nevlin and Shany. I couldn't believe that finally, I would find my home.

Grandma looked at me as she saw how awestruck I was to see the palace in front of me. She smiled as she patted my head and said-" This is your home dear"

I couldn't believe my ears, my home? after all the days of prayers finally, God has listened to me. I hugged dad and grandma. How happy I was at this time is beyond what my expression can tell right now. She noticed the tears in my eyes. She asked-" What happened, dear? Did something go wrong?"

I smiled as I nodded my head several times while tears were rolling out of my eyes in joy. I replied-" No, finally everything is going all right grandma"

Dad looked at us as he smiled and said-" I have waited for a long time to see you, my dear. You are just born when I first met you. I held you in my arms and wished that I could hold you forever... But fate had something else for us. I wished at least I could see you again." He caresses my hair as he said again-"  You just look a lot like your mom. Same green eyes, fair skin, and that long hair. Your mom never tied her hairs you know?"

I replied while giving him a small pout-" Grandma said I have your smile"

Dad chuckled as he replied-" Of course you do, you are my daughter"

Grandma approached us and saw we were having a memory talk, as she replied-" Well, we must get inside, there's a lot to arrange, it's her first homecoming, she needs to get ready to meet her people. you two shall get plenty of time to chit chat let's get inside now, shall we?"

Dad smiled and replied with a nod-" Yes. of course. Mother, you arrange the meetings, by then let me give her a tour of the palace"

Grandma agreed and went inside. Dad and I had a walk into the palace. He began to show around a little. I looked at every corner with awe as I saw how beautiful the palace is, and now it is mine. I smiled as he started showing more. The castle was situated in the middle of the big landscape up on the hill, the big windows and big statues were giving me a vibe of being a real princess now. I chuckled internally as I was a little happy with the fact it is mine. I noticed just around the corner of the garden, there was an entrance to the woods. It was dark and huge. I might get lost if I go alone, so I put off my eyes from there as I shrugged off passing from there. There was a big entrance just outside the palace with two statues of soldiers with a halberd in their hands. There were lots of trees around the castle and a little swamp of clean water right below the gate of the castle. It was huge and beautiful and all of it is now my home.

Dad brought me up to my room, it was at the right wings of the palace tower, with a beautiful big window for the amazing view of the landscape around. A big bed with soft cushions, big closets with numerous gowns and capes, A drawerful of jewelry. I big window was allowing the cold breeze to blow inside the room. The perfect sunlight was hitting the room making it shine like a pure diamond from inside. I was awestruck. I looked around and saw lots of plants around the room which was beautifully decorated. 

Dad asked as he looked at me with a smile-" This is your room. We tried to decorate as much as we can, but if you need anything else or need to alter you can just say..."

I replied quickly-" No dad, this is perfect". 

He smiled and kissed my forehead. He said-" Now get a bit rest to freshen up and get ready, people of WitchDom will be here soon to see their princess"

I nodded to agree and then he smiled and he left from there. I looked around the room a bit longer and did what dad asked me to. I was nervous thinking will they accept me? Will they find me good enough to be the princess of WitchDom? What if they don't? I have never been a princess before... I mean... I don't know what to do!!! And by this, the time has come finally to meet the people of WitchDom. Grandma had invited all the noble peoples of the country and also some from the neighboring country.

I came downstairs, pulling up a blue gown, which was hard for me to adjust as I have never worn a gown before. Dad came forth and took my hand to help me. I smiled. I was nervous but it was not much difficult I saw. Grandma started showing a few of the important members of the kingdom. I bowed at them a little to show respect. They started speaking very friendly with me. Everyone has welcomed me warmly. I didn't feel any nervousness anymore, I started feeling good as I am finally knowing my kingdom. It was a long party, and it went well.

It is almost midnight now. The party ended up very late. All the guests have left now, and I came up in my room. I sat beside the window and looked at the night sky, enduring the peace I felt here. everything here feels perfect. It is more than anything I would have expected. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door and I turned back. I saw dad was standing there looking at me.

I smiled and said-" Please come in dad"

He looked at me with awe and replied-" What's my princess thinking so deep at this hour of the night?"

I looked down and replied -" I was missing mom, wish she could see this too."

I noticed a sense of sadness on dad's face too as he replied-" I wished that too". tars started forming in his eyes as he was fast enough to wipe it off and pull a smile.

We paused for a bit and I looked away from dad to hide my tears too. Then he broke the silence and said-" Did she ever mention me?"

I looked up at him and replied-" every time dad. She described all about you and how much she loved you, missed you"

He replied with a sad smile-" I wish I could have told her how much did I miss her in these years. there was not a day I went sleeping thinking you two. I have hoped to see you and Gracious for one more time". He looked down.

I replied-" Then why didn't you come to visit us"

He replied-" as much as I have wanted, I couldn't. I had a responsibility upon this kingdom, which I couldn't ignore, But trust me, I have prayed for you and your mom everyday"

There was a silence between both of us again.

He broke the silence and as he said-" She was a good mother"

I replied with a small smile and nodded-" A good wife too"

He replied with a pause-" Only I wish I could be a good husband and a good father"

I looked at him, he had tears in his eyes, I hold his hand and said-" You already are. Mom uses to tell me, you are always there with us in our heart, no matter where you were. I have believed her". He smiled as he pecked my forehead.

Just then Grandma walked in and saw us smiling as she asked-" what do father and daughter discuss here without me huh?"

She noticed dried tears on our cheeks. She understood what topic we must be discussing. She smiled as she said-" Remember my dear, the Past is history, we must accept the history and live with it, tomorrow is a mystery, not in our hands to control. So we have today, we must cherish it with all the happiness, as it is why called as a present."

We smiled as we agreed with what she said, We talked random things for some time, after which they left saying goodnight. I was happy to get back to my family, but somehow I do miss mom. I wish she could see all this too. But lots of questions arose in my mind... How this world exists? How can I be a witch? How did they meet if they were from two different worlds? Lots of things need to be clarified... But I was still not sure if I should ask this now... Maybe they need time to tell me everything. I still couldn't believe I can do magic too... How come mom never told me about this? I wish she was here to explain this. But I knew she is there always with me, inside my heart. I could have felt her with me all the time.

Like this a few days passed in the palace happily with my family. They showed me around as granny told me a lot about the kingdom and its existence. But still, they didn't talk about mom and dad ever. I was a little confused but thought to skip it for now, as I have a long time to know everything. Dad and granny started teaching me a few basic spells which shortly I mastered. After a week or so, one day at the time of breakfast, grandma, called a meeting. I came down and saw dad and granny sitting at the breakfast table as they were discussing something. I followed them as I sat on one of the chairs. They smiled at me as granny said-" I have something important to discuss!!!" I looked at her with a questionable look.

Dad asked-" What happened mother?"

She replied-" I have something for Parshawna"

I whined-" Grandma....!!! It's Shawna". I made a small pout.

She smiled and said while concentrating on her plate-" Oh sorry my dear, Shawna it is.". She stopped for some time as she looked at one of the maids. She came forward and handed her over something. She forwarded her hands towards me as I saw it was an envelope.

She handed me the envelope.

I asked her-" What's this?" While still looking at it.

She smiled at me and said-" Open and see."

I frowned as I opened the envelope. It has a stamp from a royal member. I saw a letter inside. I opened the letter and read it.

" Dear Parshawna Macduff

We are happy to inform you of the acceptance of the application for admission to Witchward Wizard School, one of the finest schools of magic and arts on the behalf of the Macduff palace.

We will be happy to see you on board by the 1st of February, which is by the next month. Do send us a letter of your acceptance and please carry your belongings with you.


The Authority of WWS"

This letter gave me the reason for lots of questions on my mind, I looked while frowning at grandma and dad with puzzled faces to explain. 

A hope for a new start...
Maybe I am wishing for too much...

But all those cold dark thoughts which landed on my heart...

A long time ago...No...

I am no longer weak To stand at feet as I will hold on to you now. And I promise...

I will be happy...

All those wishes that u had for me, I will live a long life, Getting along with life...I promise to be happy again

The way I deserve..."

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