Love Sacrifice

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I saw him in real. He was right in front of me. The hell king Lucifer. His eyes were piercing red as he gazed at me. 

" Parshawna Macduff..." He smiles at me. 

I was still not comfortable with the thought I was actually standing in front of the devil. It could backfire at any point in time. But somehow I was calm as I knew Felix was there with me. 

I looked at the sand timer and I saw I don't really have much time with me. I have to get the sword as soon as possible. 

" I came here to seek help from you"

" What is in it for me?" He asked with his usual smirk. 

" I will offer anything you ask for"

" Be aware of what you saw queen Shawna, it can make you pay for it" He warned with s serious gaze. I would care less right now, as my people are for sake of it. 

" I am ready"

" Alright" He stood up from his big throne that was probably made with a human skull and walked in front of open space. I could see the hellfire drain from below, as he waved his hand and a bridge formed through the two big stones. 

" Follow me"

Felix and I followed him on the stone bridge. He stopped on the other side as he waved back making the bridge disappear before our eyes. This part was calmer than the other side. We could hear the screams of the would from the other side, whereas here only the faint screams are only audible. 

" I know what you are seeking for"

" Then We hope you can help us," Felix said looking at him. 

He turned back at us and thought for some time and asked-" Why would I want to kill my own made evil? She was born right in front of me"

" But she is destroying nature. Her rebirth was against the natural law of the spirit. We need to stop her before she does collateral damage". I tried to make him understand.

" I can see that very well," He said in a deep serious tone. We understood King Lucifer was also not satisfied with Aya's work. After all, she made a contract which she failed terribly. 

" We need the Hellbound sword"

Lucifer chuckled at me and replied-" Only If I had it."

I frowned and asked-" What do you mean?"

" You see the last war between angels and demons, we lost our hell stone. The one which could grant one wish once a year. It was to be kept safe. The years of energy kept in it would make it only stronger."

" But, someone has stolen it. It must be an angel. Thus we don't have the stone to make any wish to grant you any weapon."

" Wait... I have a similar kind of stone, that would grant me one wish, I don't know if it will work here or not"

" Well we must try"

I chanted a spell and the stone arch appeared. I handed it to king Lucifer as he watched slowly. He said-" Hmmm... a witch's soul stone"

" It is called as a "Stone of Arch". It was kept hidden with sirens for me, by an ancient witch. It would grant me one wish. I won it from the lost seah beach but the stone never came to use to me till now."

" Until now. We can use it as the replica for now, but I will be needing a sacrifice"

As soon as Lucifer said about the sacrifice, we both stared at each other. We were not sure if we heard anything right or not. 

Without any words, Lucifer began to chant some spells. The air inside becomes flowing as it creates a fire in the centre of the floor. The soil operates as the hellfire started to come out like a lave from within. He hold the stone in his hand and continued chanting. We could see the fire was forming a shape. 

We stood there not sure of what was going on. 

Lucifer owned his eyes and said-" I need a sacrifice... You can decide who wants to do it"

" There was nothing like this you told us earlier" I burst out in confusion and anger.

He casually shrugged off my words and replied-" You said you were ready to pay the price".

I looked at him with my angry face. I wanted to smash his head inside the molten lava. But then I thought about the consequence and stopped. 

Is this the end of me then? There is no way I could return empty-handed from here. Aya was slaughtering my people possibly by now. And If I don't make it quick I would lose the chance. I looked at Felix and said-" tell Priam that I am sorry and I loved him till my last breath."

I walked further towards the fire where I was about to jump in but someone grabbed my wrist. It was Felix. His face was expressionless but his eyes told me the pain. He smiled at me and he took out a wooden stake from nowhere and he made it through his heart. I watched in terror as I helplessly stood there watching him die. His body collapsed slowly as I saw him falling down right inside. 


This was the time when finally my endless days of living would come to an end. I would finally be able to save the love of my life. Years ago, it was supposed to be me, who should have died that night, instead, she died. In front of my eyes. 

I have been carrying this excruciating pain for thousands of years and finally, I will be able to break this curse. 

My heart beats again, and I am glad it was her. I have loved one person for all of my life. The difference was that they both were caged in different bodies. 

I looked at Shawna, as she was ready to jump off the cliff sacrificing herself. She was not meant for this. She needs to live. To protect her people. It is the time when I finally prove my love. 

I looked at her for the last time, as I saw that beautiful face, that never had failed me to realise that I once was a human. The feeling of love had blinded me. I had become selfish. 

But I have finally understood. Love was not to be caged. She is happy with Priam. And I am happy to see her happy with him. It does hurt, I won't lie, but the peace of knowing that she's be in safe hands. 

I could only have a few more seconds to look at her face as I slowly fell down towards my death. She cared for me. I was happy to see that. I hope for the next life I would be able to get the love of my life in my arms. 

Till then I am happy she has someone to take care of her. 

As I fell down, the world around me slowed down. I was lost in agony and happiness. I could feel the heat below as I saw her screaming in guilt. I didn't want to make her cry. But this is for the betterment. 

I smiled the last time, as my back touched the molten lava and my body began to wash away with it. 


Normal fire couldn't kill him. He was an immortal ancient vampire. But a wooden stake and the hellfire can turn him into ashes. 

He sacrificed his life for me. 

Guilt and confusion engulfed me, everything around me stopped. A faint ringing can be heard as I saw everything possible slowed down by the time. He is dead. He died for me, and I couldn't save him. 

How can a person love someone to this madness? Would I do the same for someone who loved me?

I can do it for Priam, but I was not sure if I would do it for someone who would keep rejecting me again and again. 

NO... It was not supposed to happen. It would be me. This was my fight. But before I could take any action, he was gone. All gone. And I couldn't do anything about it.

Lumps formed in my throat as I couldn't make any sound. Tears fell down my cheeks as the scene flashed in my find before he jumped in the hellfire for me. He was smiling. He was the crazy person I have ever seen. He had loved Cara. And he has loved me too. There was no way I could ever return his debts.

I was forever kept in guilt. I feel on my knees looking down the fire, searching for one hope if I could ever make him return. I couldn't. " Felix..." His name escaped my lips with sorrow and respect. There is nothing I could possibly do now.

But I can't make his sacrifice go in vain. I have to avenge his death and many more. I have to take a stand now. Aya has caused much plaque across the world. She has to stop. I have to stop her.  

But the time, I gained back my consciousness I saw Lucifer was standing there along with a sword. I was sure it was the one named hellbound sword. 

" Here you go"

I grabbed it from my hand. I was still in a state of shock and agony. I turned back without telling him anything as he made me stop by my track-" Stop!!!"

" I don't have much time"

" You need to pay off your debts"

 I frowned and asked-" Debts?"

" The price for the sword my dear. You have made a deal with a devil. You have to pay"

" I already paid the price with the life of a friend. What more do you want???"

" That was not the price for me. That was for the sword itself. To form the sword from the hellfire requires one soul sacrifice. I have gained nothing out of it. I want my price to be paid before you leave"

I was impatient by now, I have only a few minutes left. " What do you want?"

" The baby"

As the words left his mouth, I feel like my soul has left my body. My world had shattered in a second. If he would have asked for my life I would have given it to him, but he asked for my child. 

" Never". I whispered in terror. 

He smirked as the fog started to appear before me. Everything started to disappear slowly. 

" You said 'anything' before our deal. As per the contract, I will have my claim on your child. He will be withdrawn to its right place."

Before I could say anything a bright light started forming and my eyes shut down from its intensity. With a loud ring, I keep on falling and falling and falling... Until I hit something. 

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in the ground of my palace. I was back. It felt like a dream. I was still confused with the reality. 

But then I looked at the sword and understood that it was never a dream.

I looked around me and found dead bodies scattered on the floor of our palace. Blood was flooding like a river. 

What happened here? Did we lose already? Am I that late?

I stood up quickly holding the sword in my hand. I cast a spell-"evanescet". The sword vanished in thin air. I have to work very carefully. I walked around the hall searching for grandma and Gina or if possibly anyone so that I could let them know I am already here. 

But no one was present. The dead bodies were of our people, they were either your maids or some soldiers. The bodies piled up before a door. That was Granny's door. 

Without wasting any second I ran into the room and the scene before me had almost lost my mind. 

Ruby was feeding on granny's dead body. Grandma's body lay there still lifelessly, as her eyes were wide opened. It seemed she died in shock. As soon as Ruby looked at me, she hissed with her bloody mouth. She punched from granny's born body and started coming at me. 

I looked at her eyes and they were stone white. She was possessed through the slave bond!!!. 

As per the law, the slave bond cannot be broken, without the master's permission or master's death. Spo until Aya die, she wouldn't be coming back. 

But I cannot level her like that. 

I understood finally why Ruby's mother had hidden her. She never abandons her. She was saving her all these years. The boy she killed that day was possibly another kid. she never killed her own child. Uncle Ben never knew the truth about her daughter because she never told anyone that they had a daughter, not a son. 

there was so much mystery hidden for so long. Such sacrifices. I understood, she was bounded with a slave bond and she knew she had to kill her child, this is why she switched the child that night. She knew the healers would keep her safe. 

I was not sure what and how could I possibly do at this moment. This was my fault. I shouldn't have brought her here. But I won't let her die like a slave. I won't. 

I Channelised my powers in one as I put a goblet of air, filled with memories of truth. She must see it own. It has to be her to break the slave bond. She has to find herself. She is not a slave child. She is the daughter of Ben Duniee, The great and brave warrior. 

She was out of her mind right now. She was being controlled but she ned to gain her control. She is the bloodline of Duniee witch's. The man who sacrificed his life for this kingdom. She is the Ruby Duniee. I took out my golden wand and cast:

" Memoriae, quae tamdiu celatae sunt, eas in unum coniungi praecipio. Hodie veritas aspiciatur et per velamen eam videre possit. Praecipio tibi ut magam manum exeas, ut servi vinculum frangas". (The memories which were kept hidden for so long, I command them to unite as one. May the truth be beheld today and she can see it through the veil. I command you to take out your witch to break the slave bond").

The goblet engulfed her body in it and she was tucked inside. She looked at me with confused stone eyes as I could already know this is working. 

I can't wait here, If she is passed then possibly Patricia and others were too. I ran out of the room, to search for her. Looking at the granny dead body for the last time, I left. 

I ran through the corridors as I passed many dead bodies lying on the floor. I searched through rooms one by one and found no one. I don't have much time left. I looked at the sand clock and it has one minute left. The blood moon will rise soon. 

I looked at the dark sky through a window of a from and ran out from there, I need to reach Priam too. The next room I got in, has the one I was searching for. Patricia. She was after Jonathan and Tiara, who was standing at the corner of the room with terror on their face. 

Patricia was about to track them when I held my golden wand and cast

"Redde quod ablatum est. Reduc animam. Invenias qui sis, et totam servitutem frangas. Non es servus es mater. Inveni maternitatem in corde tuo absconditam." (Bring back what was taken. Bring back her soul. You must find who you are and break the bondage of whole. You are not a slave You are a mother. Find motherhood hidden deep in your heart.)

Tiara and Jonathan looked at me as they sighed in relief. 

Tiara asked-" Shawna... Thank god you are on time... She-she... "

" I know. I don't have much time. Take Jonathan somewhere safe and stay hidden until I come back for you". I ordered. 

" But will she be safe?"

"Don't worry she is safe"

She took Jonathan and ran from the room. I wasted no time and ran towards the main gate. I have to reach the battlefield as soon as possible. I took my golden wand and chanted:

"Accipe me in acie"

The golden aura began to glow around me as the wind helped me to bend through it as I flew towards the battle filed. 

Within no time I reached the battlefield. My jaw dropped at the sight of it. Amira, Georgia and Aya were flying above as our people were forced to bow before her. She was withdrawing powers from them. They had the book of Elis with them. I can assume, Professor Dunston died. Only his blood was the key to the book. I sobbed quietly. 

My eyes searched for Priam and they landed on her. He was hurt. Bleeding from his arms as he sat down bending towards the power withdrawal. Jordan was held by iron nets as his powers were suppressed. Mangul's body was lying just beside him. Jennifer was lying down unconsciously just beside her father's dead body. 

There was another me. It was not really me but someone who is disguised as me. I used my power to see through the outer shell and it was no other than Junnie. Only her chi was similar to mine. They tried to save me. She almost sacrificed herself for me. I couldn't ask for anything more from a friend other than them. 

Junnie and Brad were held by iron nets too. Brad was hurt. It looked like silver pierced his body. His legs were bleeding as he sat on his knees. Junnie seemed angry as she was still trying to locate her powers, but failed repeatedly. King Alan was held by two giants who pierced his spear within his right side of the abdomen. His head hung low. 

John and his swordmen seemed tried, but still was fighting with all his might. 

Everything seemed loose from my hand right now. 

I wanted to cry, but it was not the time to cry. I won't cry anymore They have taken everything from me, I won't let them take what is there. I will protect with all my might. 

I hid behind a tree and looked at the sky. I was the only hope. I have to kill her with the hellbound sword. She didn't see me coming, so I have to wait for my turn. The blood moon started to arise. 

Aya said in her evil voice-" Do you really think you can fool me, little witch? Disguising as her won't save her or you. No matter what I will find her from wherever she is hiding now. If I cannot have her, I will have Junnie's body. Her Chi is as strong as hers." She pulled out Junnie forcefully from the iron bars as she screamed in pain. Brad tried to get hold of her but he couldn't, His hands slips through her body. Risen from above the ground Aya began to chant

"Praecipio Hellgate ut aperiat. Commendo animam e corpore effluere et mea sit hostia."( I command the Hellgate to open. I commend the soul to flow out from her body and let the host be mine.)

Junnie's sharp cry filled the place as I saw she was tearing down her soul from her body. Georgi and Amira were still taking on the powers. 

I finally looked at the sky. The moon rises. I looked at Aya who screamed a little as I saw her powers were vanishing in the air. A black fog started to leave her body as along with her, Amira and Georgia's shape cry filled the air. 

I understood Aya's power was the one who made them alive. If I kill Aya, they will die too. Thus if they die, Ruby and Patricia will be free from the bond. 

I gripped hold of my golden wand as the aura before I changed to golden. I channelised my full power in one as my veins felt the frenzy within. I could smell a sweet scent of magic that lingers before me. I was once again invincible. I felt it. My hairs spread along with powers in them too. 

I allowed the power to take over me. I opened my eyes and it was golden. 

I focused on Aya and flew towards her. Georgia and Amira tried to stop coming before me with their mean face, but I easily;y dodged them with my powers. My target was Aya. 

My vision only showed her to me. I attacked suddenly so before she can take any step, I took out the hellbound sword and put it right through her heart.

A sharp scream filled the air, as I came back a little. Aya stumbles at her feet. She was powerless. A bright light filled her skin which was on the verge to explode. She looked at me with terror and confusion and she burst with a loud bang. Followed by Amira and Georgia disappear in the air along with her. 

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