Tale Of Two Sisters

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I explained what I saw there, while they were listening to me with a scarred face. I could understand that something big was related which I was unknown still. Granny's face turned pale when she heard the return of Georgia. I know they fought before, and I think they can defeat her once more. But why is everyone so horrified with the fact?

I asked slowly-" Is there anything I need to know?"

I knew my word hit the right place when their face turned pale hearing my question. Dad tried to dodge the question saying-" I think we should let her rest now!!!"

I quickly asked-" No! wait, There is something right?"

Professor Dunston replied with a calm voice-" We shall discuss this later Parshawna. You need to rest now"

Before I could say anything they left the room leaving me and my friends dumbfounded.

I asked Looking at them-"Do you guys know anything about this?"

Jenny and Brad nodded their head is no while John and Priam were still thinking something.

I asked-" Priam? John? "

They were lost in something and came back when my voice broke in. Priam said while with a confused face-" Not really, But I have heard that she has a long history over the WitchLands. This was not clear to me yet as this information was kept secret and would pass on only to the next king and he shall do the same "

We have no option left when I heard some whisper beside my room. I asked-" is there anyone outside till now?"

Junnie walked outside the door and checked while she came back with a confused face saying-" No, But I can hear someone talking nearby"

We looked into each other while the same idea struck into everyone's mind. We said together-" LET'S FOLLOW IT!!!"We came outside the room as the corridor was silent by one and dark. All the other students have gone to their room and probably slept by now. It was dark and gloomy as it was past 12:30 in the night.

We kept following the voice and we reached the end of the corridor. There was a huge wall which have a small gate. We tried to push it but we couldn't open the door, as it was closed with the spell. 

But leaning towards the door I can hear the voices now. Granny, Father, and professors were there along With KIng Nashall.

I looked at Priam with a questionable eye-" When did your father come?"

He was silent as he didn't know about the arrival of his father, We leaned towards the door and tried to hear what was going on.

Granny's faint voice can be heard as she was saying-" This is bad Jonny!!! She has returned. She will spread the plague all over the world now. What on Earth does she want?"

King Nashall replied-" We need to be calm right now..."

Granny replied panicky-" Clam? How? She is here in our lands again. Did you forget last time what we had to do to send her back?"

King Nashall replied-" No, Queen Harney I didn't, but if we panicked then what about our children?"

Jonny's voice echoed as he yelled a little-" No, My daughter will not face her. She shall not know about this at any cost. She has already been through a lot lately and..."

Professor Dunston replied-" We do not want any of the children to be hurt this time. We shall protect them by all means. I will double the safety of WWS from tonight. Everyone going out and coming inside will have to follow the rules and will be checked. She cannot pass the border of ' Bonum Navitas''

We were confused hearing all this as I couldn't understand what is they fearing the most? I have the golden wand which can defeat her, right? Then why are they scared so much? We kept on listening while the shocking words were heard from my granny.

She replied with her weak Voice-" I know my sister. I have seen her closely. I have given her this much power. And now her greed had finally turned into something we cannot defend. "

We gasped while we heard 'Sister'. Sister? Lady Georgia was my Grandma's sister? What? How? We looked at each other with confused faces while we leaned against the door once again to hear the rest of the conversations. 

Apart from Professor Dunston, Everyone in the room gasped while they heard that Lady Georgia was Queen Harney's sister.

Grandma said-" Yes, she was my sister!! It had all started sixty-five years ago when we found a small baby outside of our kingdom while we went for a picnic. I was just 5 years old back then. 

FLASHBACK*** [The year 1944]

The king, queen, and the little princess were playing in the forest when they heard the cry of a baby.

Little Harney walked towards her when she find a small baby was lying on the basket while the sun rays were falling directly into her eyes making her cry. She quickly put her hand above her to block the sun's rays from hitting her. That's when their eyes met and Little Harney was amazed by her beauty. 

King and queen followed her and gasped when they saw the baby in the middle of the forest. The queen immediately picked the baby in her arms and starts swinging her, while the king searched the nearby area to find her parents. But they couldn't trace anyone nearby.

Little Harney said -" Mamma!!! I want her as my sister."

They smiled and agreed to their little daughter as they were too bound by the affection of the baby. 


They both grew up slowly while Harney loved her dearly. Harney was now 12 years old and Georgia was 8 years old. Harney grew into a very cheerful and beautiful girl while Georgia was always cold and silent. But she never disobeyed Harney.

They both were playing in the garden of the palace when accidentally Georgia's doll broke. She started crying loudly for her precious doll. Harney quickly ran over to her and handed her doll while saying-" Here, Take mine"

Little Georgia looked with doe eyes and said-" But this is yours"

Harney smiled and said-" From today, everything that's mine, is yours too okay?"

Little Georgia wiped her tears and nodded while accepting her doll.


Harney was 22 and Georgia was 18 years old as of now. Both princesses grew up in the palace happily. Georgia always takes what's Harney's and she didn't mind. They shared clothes, toys, friends, and books.

One day the King announced the coronation of Harney and her marriage with Prince of Auldia. Georgia's eyes met his and she was filled with love and lust. She wanted the prince for herself. But unfortunately, her marriage was fixed with the son of the WWS headmaster, young professor Dunston. 

Dunston, Harney, and Georgia were good friends. While Dunston loved Georgia. But she never loved him back. Without saying anything, she walked towards the prince in the middle of the party and kissed him passionately making the rest of the people in shock.

She told her parents she wanted to marry the prince to which they oppose and between the heated arguments the king slapped her while saying-" This is why the blood matters!!! You have finally shown your true color. The sister who loved you with all your heart, how can you betray her? "

Teenage Georgia said-" But she said herself, Whats hers, is all mine. And I want him what is the problem?"

The queen slapped her hard which make her fall. A little blood came out from her lips while she looked at them in shock. Because it was the first time they had put their hands on her.

The queen said-" Listen, you. I have accepted you because my daughter loved you. Though we have never differentiated between you and her, you should know you are no one to our family, and all these years it was just because of her you have stayed in this palace. I have tried to give you the warmth of a mother but you have turned out to be a snake!!!"

Tears falls from her eyes as she was listening to them while clenching her fists. Her blood boils as she hears the insults. The queen holds her arms tight while dragging him and saying-" You will go to and apologize now and will marry the one who we have decided!!!

She jerked her hands off from the queen while laughing like a psycho. she said-" I knew all these years you have never loved me mother, you have only compared me with her. But today you have crossed all the limits and it was you who forced me to do this. "

She spelled-" Ignis "

The fire spread all over the room as she watched them get panicked and look at her helplessly. She was enjoying the view and she laughed and said-" I will take what's mine. This kingdom, The Prince, and all the powers.

The scream of them filled the room as she disappeared from there without any clue. 

The next morning the king and queen were found dead in the castle. The sorrow filled the whole kingdom. Georgia acted to be sad while Harney cried on her shoulder. Georgia's blood boiled seeing the prince hugging her and giving comfort.

Soon Harney and the Prince got married and she has crowned the queen of the WitchDom. Georgia made her way towards the Prince slowly and seduced him. She began to instigate him against Harney telling him he should be the next king. 

Harney was pregnant with Jonny and was so happy. But soon her happiness turned into sorrow when she saw Georgia lying naked next to the prince. Her heartbreak into million pieces and she cried.

She asked Georgia while breaking down-" Why? I have loved you, sister. Why must you do this to me?"

She smiled and replied-" Remember you said what's yours is mine"

Harney couldn't stay calm any longer and she gave the order to through both of them out of the country.

She raised Jonny all by herself and forty-seven years have passed. Jonny has been now announced the next king. 

47 YEARS LATER [ year- 1991]

It was raining heavily while the war was going on. She has returned and not as just princess Georgia but as the evil witch Lady Georgia. She has the powers of the deal soul from hell which was powerful than any other power. Venom the most distraught creature as helping her. The bloodsuckers!!!

She stood before Harney as she laughed-" Sister? "

Harney scoffed and replied-" Don't you dare to call me that"

She laughed and said-" Ahhh that same attitude as your parents huh? But guess what They had to die because of that and While they were dying I was watching them with a smile and so will I, now."

Harney's legs crumbled as she was about to fall hearing she is the one who killed her parents. She cast the spell-" Captis"

But before the spell could capture her she escaped. 

Her voice growled-" You can not kill me. I am not born of a witch, no spell can kill me ever. Give me the golden wand you have with you"

Harney replied-" In your dreams.

King Nashall, Jonny, and Makenzie stood together while sacrificing the blood in the forbidden Sword, while they asked-" Take her and her followers back to hell!!!!"

The next moment she was dragged into hell but before she go, she destroyed the witch lands with her powers. The war ended, many peoples died, while many people's souls has been captured by her. But finally, they defeated her with difficulties"


I silence filled the room after this. The silence filled in us too. 

Professor Dunston said-" She was no ordinary witch. She is a half-mortal half-dead, born from the hellfire gate. Nobody knows why she was born and her birth was still a mystery. Last time somehow we have succeeded to sent her back but as Parsahwna said there's someone who is helping her and we have no idea who is she"

King Nahall replied-" We must be careful now."

Granny said-" Shawna and the golden wand must be kept safe, she is after them"

Jonny-" My daughter is not her sacrifice!!! Like she made Gracious, he is my daughter and I shall protect her by all means"

The word repeats in my mind-" My daughter is not her sacrifice!!! Like she made Gracious" Sacrifice? What's going on? Why was mom a sacrifice?

We heard the footsteps towards us, so we quickly went out from there to our room, while my mind was full of questions.

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