The secret of murderous chamber

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I cannot take it anymore, is she ignoring me? Is Jennifer right?

No, it cannot be. There must be something wrong. But why did she ignore me for Dekker? I was about to ask her to be my partner, but before I could, she left from there with Dekker. what is going on? Does she love him? So what if he saved her, I am glad he did but what makes her fall for him and not for me? Does she regret kissing me that day? Oh god, Why do I feel so insecure about this? Is this happening for real? I can't think of anything right now as I was angry to see Dekker taking her away. I want to slit his throat right there but I was bound to keep silent. Maybe it was her... She chose him... Over me...

Jennifer was clinging on to me. I did not like her attitude at all. I watched Shawna go away as Jennifer said with her fake worried face-" Priam, I understand how do you feel right now trust me but, you will only break your heart if you continue giving your attention to her."

Cresseda approached us as she stood beside her and spoke after-" Yes prince, I have heard she likes him, and don't you think you will be doing wrong if you come in between them? like separating two lovers..." She looked at Jennifer who gave me a consolation look.

I looked at them with a frown not understanding what to do with the situation.

Cresseda again continued while looking at Jennifer-" Instead of wasting your time on someone who does not give you attention back, it's better to hang out with someone worth it."

Jennifer laid her hands over my chest in a seductive way and trailed her fingers through my jawline as I moved away from her a little. She said while raising her eyebrows-" You know I am always here right?"

I looked at her in disbelief as she suddenly asked out of the blue-" Let's go together ?"

I was taken aback by her question as I frowned a little at first, not knowing what to answer when Brad said from behind-" I may not clearly like her in particular but this time she is right, Move on Prince, or we shall break our heart". He sadly chuckled.

What happened to him now? Does he mean I should move on from Shawna in real now? Is he suspecting the same as Jennifer? I was thinking all these as before I could answer anything to Jennifer she said while giving me a peck on my cheeks-" Okay I will meet you at 7 by the stairs okay love?"

She gave a smile which was very different from that of Shawna and she went away. I was still in a debate about what to do. But memories started flashing on my mind as I remember when she ignored me to go with Dekker, I thought... I might be doing the right thing. After all, I should be happy if she is happy. I bitterly chuckled at myself as gave myself some consolation.

I looked to my side when I saw Brad boldly ask Cresseda who was still standing there-" Will you be my partner?". Woah!!! when did he start talking like that? I looked at Cresseda. She jumped in excitement and replied-" Yes"

I have never seen Brad like that before as if he is sad and broke just like me, wanted to find an escape. I wanted to ask him but I stopped as I thought what if he doesn't want to talk about it? I should not force. I hung my head low, still thinking about Shawna when I saw him leaving from there with a sad face.

I asked John-" Do you know what happened to him?"

John replied with a frown-" No, I have been seeing him like this for some time now. I think it is because of his parents"

I asked-" parents? why?"

He replied as he looked at Jenny-" She told me about their parents, who fall out of love and his dad is having an affair. But they were staying together just for them. Whenever they are not at home, his dad abuses his mother. But nothing they can do, just to pretend they don't know anything. Because if they do, that might be dangerous for their mother. It is pretty rough at their home"

I gasped at what he did just said as I felt bad for Brad. I thought and decided to help him somehow. 



I came out as soon as I saw Dekker is looking for me. 

I asked him-" what happened? "

He replied-" Princess, I have a piece of news."

I asked with a frown-" spill it"

He looked down, while his face looks a bit pale. I asked again-" What is it, Dekker?"

He said in a low tone-" There must be a danger at the party"

I asked in a low yelling voice-" what? How? I mean... what danger?"

He replied with a low whisper-" I have not got the full information yet but be careful and also tell miss Junnie to be careful too"

I nodded as he left from there after warning me. I was thinking about what if I was wrong helping Mr. Ben escape? What if he is a criminal and attacks my friends? I have to be careful.

I was disturbed by an annoying voice and turned around to find Jennifer smirking towards me. I asked raising an eyebrow-" What?"

She replied with a teasing tone-" Guess who is going to the party with me?" She looked at her fingernails as she annoying said-" It's Priam.!!!" I looked at her in shock as she said again-" Now that you know that he likes me, will you mind stopping hitting my man, please?"

I don't believe what she said as I blinked a few times to make sure I have heard it right, But my eyes widen to what I saw next. Priam came forth towards Jeniffer and he holds her by her waist before pulling her out from there. I was standing there dumbfounded looking at them. While she turned around before mouthing me-" Looser"

Tears rolled out from my eyes and I want to run away from there. Is this happening for real? why? How can he? does he forget about that kiss? about our sweet moment? No, it cant be... Was it all a lie? If not then how can he? I don't want to believe Jennifer but what I just saw isn't a lie either. I was standing there like a stupid as my thoughts were making me feel a little dizzy now.

Junnie came from behind as hugged me. She saw everything. She said-" Shhh... Calm down... I think it is a mistake..." I started crying while hugging her tight.

Time skipped in the evening, where we got ready to gather at the event. I didn't have anyone to go with, and also it might be dangerous so Dekker will be with me. I arrived at the party with Dekker, who followed me. I wore a black gown, hair tight in a low bun with locks of a few hair strands on my face. A very little light makeup and a simple pair of heels. I took one last breath before entering the party.

I looked around at the party, trying to find my friends. I noticed Jenny and John were giggling with each other, looking at them, my heart melts, they look happy and cute. Jenny wore a light green slim gown with her opened hair and John with his dark brown tuxedo. All I wished was that my dear ones are safe always. My eyes falls on Junnie who was standing at a corner. She smiled and waved at me. I smiled back as I went near her, She looks so beautiful. Beside him was standing, Lucifer who flashed a smile at me, like a gentleman.

I returned the smile with a warm handshake and complementing-" You look so handsome"

He scratched the back of his head and I can see him blushing. I smiled as Junnie hugged me. We started talking about random things while enjoying the party. Lucifer handed us over some drinks as we accepted them. It does taste good by the way.

But my eyes were busy finding someone else, as I failed to find him. I became a little satisfied that at least he did not show up with her. But making me wrong, I found him, standing there with Jennifer, who was wearing a white short dress that almost her skin was revealed to him. He was standing with her wearing a black tuxedo. He looked so fine... So handsome, that for a second I cannot remove my eyes from him. His perfect figure was making me crave for him. But I mentally slapped myself as I remember he was with Jennifer.

My heart dropped seeing him with her, I wanted to kill her with my golden wand if I could, but I controlled my thought when I heard a whisper from Dekker-" Princess, I guess I found him"

I looked at him In panic and asked-" Is he here? How? " I looked around to find a particular figure as I failed. I turned back at him and said-"Make sure nobody gets harmed okay?"

He nodded before replying-" Yes princess, I think I saw him leaving towards the north wing. I will go there immediately, take care of yourself"

I replied-" what? No, I cannot let you go there alone, I will come with you."

He replied in a concerned tone-" No princess, there is danger"

I didn't listen to him and I said-" I will go, that is it. I have seen him before. I know how to stop him"

He nodded as we left.

Junnie noticed us leaving with a tensed face, so she turned around to Lucifer and said-" Give me some time okay? I think my friend is a little upset. I will get back to you"

She left after me.


Since I came to the party I was waiting for her. Somewhere I was sure it was all a lie and she would come alone because I knew nobody asked her for today as she was not found from that time.

But all was broke when she entered with Dekker. I cursed under my breath-" Fuck!!! Why it has to be him?"

Jennifer was not lying, she is really with Dekker. I should not come in her way. But when I looked at her I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her long Back gown and her Low bun with a few strands of hair on her face, made her look like a fallen angel. She stood there while I was admiring her beautiful curves and was thinking if only I could hold her. But I was too late... She is someone else now.

Does she forget that kiss? I know it was not me but the spell who forced me to seduce her to lure her to the forest, but the kiss was not a lie, I put my all love in that kiss. Does she regret that? It must be... I looked down.

I was thinking all this when her eyes met mine. And at that moment all I could feel is the time has stopped and it is only me and her. I want to leave everything behind as I want to run off to her taking her in my arms and kissing her until we were out of breath.

Oh, how I wish I could show how much I love her from the very first day. But I guess she does not like me as I do... My first love will be incomplete. I sadly chuckled.

Though I came here with Jennifer, I avoided her most of the time. I was checking her out.. her every move... To make sure she is safe... even if I am not with her. I noticed she left along with Dekker. They looked a little tense. Soon after Junnie followed her out and so did Lucifer. Something seemed off.

I was a little confused about what is going on, so I decided to follow them. I promised myself I would come back after making sure she is safe and would never look at her again... Only if I could. But right now it is important to make sure she is safe.

I left from there, as Brad followed me.

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