Wedding Vows

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Grandma left to see the rest of the arrangements, as I stood there nervously. My heart was pounding like a beating drum. I was nervous. Am I doing the right things? I hope I don't regret this decision later. 

Honestly, I am scared. There was a lot of reason to be scared of. First, I don't know anything about this man. Second I still love Praim. Third, he is doing everything in secret... Why? is there something wrong? Is he hiding something? Somehow his answers that were written in the letters didn't make me believe in him. 

There is something in him that made me curious about him more. A few more seconds more to the way of welcoming a new life. A new person in my life. My breaths were not normal, I know I am nervous. What if he doesn't understand? What if he forces me? What if this is a wrong decision? 

I was confused. The maids left outside to make sure everything is in place and in some time they will come to get me. I was standing there while holding the bouquet. A lot of doubts and questions were going on in my mind. Praim began to flash in my memories without any break. His laugh... His eyes... His voice... His smile... He was different... And I lost him.

"But only a few would know and see the real him,
that made my heart flutter like a loving realm
his cute smile, that can melt the ice,
his pout when he sleeps like little mice

I remember when he looked at me the last time before leaving from there... 


Everything was calm, everything ended. I was standing like a statue looking over the pathetic scene in front of my eyes. Their dead bodies. What have I done? Tears were falling from my eyes uncontrollably. 

I was a mess, I was breathing heavily, all my clothes were ragged and filled with blood and dust. I blinked a few times to process the situation before me. I was still feeling this was all a dream. But it was not. It was as real as it can be. 

I saw Praim who was crying on his father's body. He was crying... That broke my heart. I walked slowly towards him. I gulped before placing my hands on his shoulder. And he looked at me.

"How amazing his thoughts are,
that dark majestic orbs,
his cold as ice looks, that people say it's rude.
Just like some tornado storms.

He was standing silent but his eyes were speaking everything. He was hurt. He was broke. I wanted to hug him, But before I can reach him, he left from there, leaving me all alone.


Since then, he never spoke to me, even for once. I chuckled sadly as I remember it was my fault. He is starting a new life and so am I. Granny was right. I must welcome the new life ahead of me. I must move on.

I nodded while being determined. I looked at my neck which still had his necklace. I sighed as I thought to finally let it go. I was about to open it when the maid opened the door saying-" You majesty.. it is time..."

I looked back at her. I smile nervously as she put down my veil. Holding the bouquet in my hands I started walking. The melodies of bagpipes and strings started to play. I was looking down as I have no courage to look up at them right now. I slowly walked to the closed door of the wedding hall.

I stood there as granny hold my hands. This is it, behind these doors, I have someone I barely know with whom I am going to spend all my life. Is he also waiting for his bride to at this time? He must be... How lucky that woman is. Somehow I felt envy and jealousy of that unknown woman in his life, that is probably soon to be his wife. I wondered what if things were not like this?

"Like the spring that came into my life,
I wonder if I could tell him one day
His existence is precious as a gem
And for that, I would have let him stay

I cannot believe I am not marrying him. My first love.... my incomplete first love.

"Just like the season changes, giving me the feeling of melancholic
how I wonder he could hold my hand and stand beside me
witnessing all those
what I see

How can I let him go? How can I let another man take his place? Would they understand I I say he is still with me? In my heart... for always?

"How can I let him go?
How can I let him know?
He is not real to others.
but he is real to me, just like falling snow.

I was lost in the deep thoughts debating with myself when grandma shook me a little to bring back. I snapped out of my thoughts when she asked-" Shawna? You okay?"

I looked at her in puzzled and just nodded my head. I know this was all just thoughts in my head. I finally closed my eyes and took a deep breath before they opened the gate. My heart was beating so fast in nervousness. 

I looked at the surrounding there were just a few people attending the wedding. I could spot the mother Queen, and a few men. I couldn't see their face properly because I was nervous at that time. I lost if things were going in my mind. I was holding granny's hand tightly while we slowly went towards the aisle. Somehow I managed to take a glance ahead of myself and saw a man in his royal attire is standing facing his back at us. I looked down as I bit my lower lips. 

Finally, granny let go of my hand, before he forwarded his hands. I dared not to look at him. I saw his hands which were forwarded towards me. I hesitated a bit but finally grabbed his hands.

This touch... This touch was familiar. I have felt this touch before... Who is he? Is he....? No... This is insane... I know Thinking too much, his thoughts were not leaving my mind. I know my eyes were only looking for him.

"I am left with my tears
Finding you in the broad daylight
I wish you could stay
without any fear

I wish I never had to let you go,
we could get stuck into a
fairytale or more.
I sigh, knowing it's all again just a dream. I woke up from."

I sighed as I stood beside him. From the corner of my eyes, I can only see his reflection, which was so much familiar to me. Just as he is my Praim. But his aura was different. I know this is just my thoughts, He is not here. He is probably married by now. 

The father of the church started the ceremony. The piano was being played in its sweetest melody. The wedding hall was calm, but not my heart. I had the urge of looking at him, to see who is he. Why did he keep this secret? What there to hide? But I didn't dare to do so. So I stood there with patience. 

The father of the church blessed the rings with holy water, and he asked-" In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Take and wear this ring as a sign of love and faithfulness."

I stood there freezing at my spot. The vows... How did I forget about this? I didn't prepare for my vows!!!! I frowned at my stupidity. I am scared and embarrassed of myself right now. What should I say?

I panicked at that time. Nervousness was taking all over me again. I wonder what he will think about me? But wait... why do I care? This marriage is just for the sake of the kingdom. I don't have to...

My thinking got interrupted by his voice-" I vow from this day on, everything I am is yours. You will have my darkness and my shattered heart. Each day, you'll get what you truly deserve. Every time you look into my eyes, you'll see the truth I carry, and I promise to keep you close, so you can never escape it for as long as we both shall live."

"They say you are just my imagination!!!
But if so. then why do I feel your touch?
Why those only nights don't feel like they should have?
How did your warmth melt me so much?

This was was so deep. This was familiar to me. His every word somehow touched my heart. His voice was making me weak. He is having his dominance in me. I gulped. This is insane. This is not possible. I haven't even seen his face yet, how can he have so much control over me? I know and I am sure this is all because Praim is in my head. For god's sake, I need to be in a clear mind now. 

I closed my eyes in frustration. Took a deep breath to calm me down. It was my turn now. I took a deep breath before speaking in a weak voice-" I-I... Parshawna Macduff, take you, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

Did I say this from my heart? How can I? My heart belongs to someone else!!!

We exchanged the rings. And then I noticed the ring he gave me. NO WAY!!!! It-It is... the one which Tiara showed me yesterday...!!!! How can it be? 

This was insane... Everything seemed to be a puzzle to me now. I cannot wait any longer to see his face now. I looked up as my eyes widen in shock. IT WAS PRIAM WHO WAS STANDING BEFORE ME!!!!

Is this a dream? Tell me this is... No, wait... I don't want this to be a dream... but... how is this even possible? He is here? Am I married to him?

"How I wish, this isn't just a dream,
The one who came into my thoughts last night
I wish it come true, him, standing in front of my eyes.
And I could hold him will all my might
. "

I was so shocked to even move from my place. I was staring at him with my eyes widened. The father of the church said-" I now announce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"

My eyes widen more as I heard the word kiss. Is he gonna kiss me? What is happening? I blinked a few times looking at him. Yes, he is PRIAM. He is my groom. I got married to him. I looked at his eyes, they were different. The orbs were dark, giving me chills down my spines. He expressionlessly looked at me and leaned forward. I was too scared to even move from my place. I hold on to the bouquet tightly as I closed my eyes. Soon I felt a pair of soft pair of lips on mine. 

There...there I lost myself to him. The world seemed full of roses and butterflies. everything around me started revolving in slow motion. My heart started to race at its peak. I guess he can hear that too. He kissed me. I was more than happy. I felt overwhelmed and relieved. 

It was not long but it was passionate. I can feel his hunger from the kiss. Can I say him that I missed him too? Slowly he pulled out from the kiss. As soon as we broke the kiss the room filled with applause. 

I blinked blankly towards the room finding William, Tiara, and queen Kelnier. I was beyond happy. But I too have questions in my mind, I wanted to know. How is he the King Of Doah? Why did he marry me? If he wanted to marry me why did he lie? What is going on?

I saw grandma was as shocked as I am. Queen Kelnier smiled at us before she came forwards. She blessed both of us-" Gold bless you both. You may have a great future ahead!!"

She hasn't changed. She is as sweetest as before. I can feel the motherly warmth in her. I smiled weakly at her. Granny stood up as she came forwards and asked-" Queen Kelnier... It is pleasant to meet you. How have you been...?"

She smiled widely and responded-" I am being good Queen Harney. How have you been?"

Grandma nodded and replied-" I am being good too. I am so sorry what happened in the past..."

A tint of sadness can be seen in her face as she quickly changed her expression into a happy one before holding her hands and replying-" We will let it go now. I am happy that Shawna is now a part of the Willboard family. "

Grandma smiled as they both hugged each other. Grandma broke the hug and asked-" But... I don't understand... Doah?"

She sighed as she said-" Well... this is a long story. It started when I was born. I am the lost princess of Doah. My father after he has been cursed began to live a life like a mad person. When I was born he was angry as he believed killing me will give him a son. My mother gave me away to her sister, where I was brought up. My mother told him that she did kill me. Soon after a year she again gave birth to a daughter. My father became so angry when he killed both of them with his bare hand. All these years I have never known who are my parents. Two years ago, my mother, the one who raised me told me about my father who was still alive. He was on his death bed. "

She had tears in her eyes while she was telling this. She continued-" My mother took me there and I saw him for the first time. When my mother told him my real identity he apologized to me. All these years he said my mother had haunted him. He was filled with guilt. after his death, the kingdom was on the verge of falling when Priam took over the throne."

She looked at Priam with her proud eyes. She said-" As soon as he took over the throne, he found a few people inside were trying to ruin the kingdom. So he stayed in the shadow until now, making people believe that my father had a son too. Today, he will reveal himself to his kingdom. And I am happy Shawna will be right there beside him. From today, WitchDom, WitchWorld, and Doah United as one."

Listening to her made me cry in joy. Finally, everything is in its right place. My kingdom is standing strong and I have Priam beside me now. I have no fear now. 

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