Chapter 4 - L.D.S.K

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Everyone was sat in the office, minus Gideon and Reid. Although Gideon walked in with his cup of coffee a few moments later.

"Reid failed his qualification.' Elle informed him.

"Well he can re-test in two weeks." Gideon shrugged.

"Yes, but he's going to be embarrassed about it so let's not mention it." Elijah crossed his arms, giving Morgan a look.

"Yeah, let's not." Fleur turned to Morgan.

"Not a word." Morgan zipped his lips.

That's when Reid walked in, heading straight for his desk. He was quiet, which was expected yet surprising.

Morgan got up, going towards Reids desk,"Hey, we're all here for you... I'm serious. If you ever need anything.." He put a whistle around Reid's neck, blowing it,"Just blow on this."

Reid immediately took of the whistle as Morgan headed to the coffee machine, chuckling.

"Don't listen to him, bud." Elijah sighed.

"Thanks Elijah." Reid looked down.

"Hey, Franklin Park, Des Plains." JJ walked in with some files,"Yesterday afternoon, three victims shot at distance. It's the third such shooting in two weeks."

"A sniper?" Elle looked at the file.

"Oh, we don't use that word." Morgan shook his head.

"Why not?"

"The public perception is that the FBI doesn't have an exemplary record with snipers." JJ told her.

"Besides a sniper is a professional marksman. These guys are not snipers." Fleur shrugged.

"What do we call them then?" Elle raised a brow.

"L.D.S.K." Elijah hummed.

"Long distance serial killers." Reid explained.

"How many guys like this have we actually caught with a profile?" Elle asked.

"None." Gideon answered.


"Two weeks, three shootings. Six victims, all shot in the abdomen." Hotch then showed a pictures on the screen,"First and only fatality, Henry Sachs, married, father of three, shot in a shopping centre parking lot. Nine days later, Doug Miller and Kevin Parks were playing basketball at a community centre. Franklin Park. Four days later, Jerry Middleton, Kate Murray and Tim Reilly. The Des Plains police department have found no link between any of the victims."

"Ballistics?" Morgan turned.

"He's using frangible rounds which fracture on impact making ballistics comparisons impossible." Hotch shook his head.

"The good news is that all the park victims are going to make it. The bad news is that no one saw who did it. However, one of the patients still has a bullet lodged in his spine." JJ explained.

"What's the prognosis?" Gideon raised a brow.

"Well, there's disagreement between surgical staff whether or not they can remove the slug without paralysing the patient." JJ sighed.

"Well, without a useful witness or a solid piece of forensic evidence.." Morgan trailed off.

"The profile is all we have." Hotch nodded.


"L.D.S.Ks are so rare that we haven't been able to build a standard profile." Hotch told them as they sat on the plane,"Here's what we do know. They're always male, they frequently have military or law enforcement experience and they always contact the police or the media."

"To take credit or to relive the experience?" JJ leaned forward.

"Both. All serial killers try to relive the ecstacy they get from their killings." Gideon explained,"Some use souvenirs taken from their victims and other return to the dump site and interact with the dead body. Both modes require contact with the victim. Contact by which, long distance serial killers don't have."

"The Beltway shooters left a tarot card at one of their crim scenes. Later, they called a tip hotline which ultimately lead to their capture." Hotch told them.

"But our Unsub hasn't contacted anyone." Fleur closed the file.

"He will.' Hotch nodded.

"Until he does, what do we have?" Elijah raised a brow.

"Sometimes it's not about what the Unsub does that helps the profile. Sometimes it's what they don't do." Gideon explained.

Reid looked over at him,"He doesn't kill his victims."

"Underkill is the unique signature." Gideon nodded.

"The question is, does he shoot them in the stomach intentionally just to wound them? Or is he just aiming at the biggest part of the target?" Elijah leaned back in his chair.

"Specifically does the UnSub lack the skill to make the headshot or simply the will to take it?" Fleur raised a brow.


"Well, it's a nice park." Elijah hummed as he, Fleur and Hotch got out of the SUV.

"Not a nice park anymore." Fleur muttered.

"Fine, it was a nice park." Elijah rolled his eyes.

"Agent Hotchner." The Detective nodded.

"Detective Calvin, this is Agent Howards and Agent Dean." Hotch introduced them.

"Thanks for coming, follow me." She shook their hands before walking towards the park,"The cones mark the places where the victims were."

"So we know he fired from somewhere in this area. Close enough to hit all three victims but not close enough to be seen." Hotch looked around.

"If he's wounding his victim's intentionally, we'd classify him as a 'sadistic killer" Elijah told the detective.

Calvin turned to Elijah,"That would help us?"

"Well, we know a lot about sadists." Elijah informed her,"But most of them want to be close to their victims to watch them suffer."

"A powerful scope would allow them to observe from a safe distance." Fleur looked around.

"Well, how do we determine if he's a sadist?" Calvin raised a brow.

"We spend some time in his shoes, let him tell us." Elijah crossed his arms.

Hotch walked over,"This handicapped spot couldn't be further away from the entrance of the building."

"Yeah?" Elijah raised a brow.

"It also has line of sight to all three victims and the flag pole." Fleur crossed her arms.

"So, what are you thinking?" Elijah asked.

"At this range the Unsub would have to factor in wind direction and speed as he shot." Fleur pointed.

"And to do that, he needed a wide field of fire where he could see the flag to judge how the wind would affect each shot." Elijah looked at the flagpole.

"He came here before the shooting, decided it was his spot." Hotch continued,"And insured it would be empty for when he came back. My guess is he's shooting from the car."

"But that would mean he wanted to get away quickly, he didn't stick around to watch his victims suffer." Elijah shook his hesd,"I don't think this guy's a sadist."

"So what would he be?" Calvin raised a brow.

"A very smart, very resourceful, very paranoid sociopath." Hotch told her.

"Can we go back to your office? See what you have?" Fleur turned to Calvin.

"If that will help you." Calvin nodded.

"Yes, it will." Elijah told her.

"Just follow me." Calvin nodded again.


Elijah was stood looking up at a board of information with Fleur and Hotch when his phone rang, so he walked a little bit away from the group.

"Yeah, this is Dean."

"Isn't it spooky?" A voice spoke.

"Isn't what spooky?" Elijah raised a brow.

"That right now you were thinking about me and poof, your phone rings and it's me. Huh?" It was Garcia,"How's that for a spiritual connection?"

"Sorry, do I know you?" Elijah adjusted his glasses.

"Why do you hurt me?" Garcia blinked.

Elijah chuckled,"Garcia, darling, please tell me that you've nailed down a geographic profile of our guy."

"Okay... I'll give you the good news first, which- It's not that good but it's better than the bad." Garcia rambled.

"We think the shooter has intimate knowledge of law enforcement procedures." Fleur told Calvin.

"Detective Calvin, how far out of your jurisdiction is crime scene number two?" Hotch asked her.

"About a sixth of a mile, why?" Calvin answered.

"If he knew how difficult it is for police departments to communicate with each other, he may have intentionally crossed jurisdiction lines." Hotch explained.

"Y'all are saying the shooter is a cop." Calvin scoffed.

"We're saying it's a possibility." Hotvv nodded,"He scouted and prepped each crime scene, he chose an elevated position with excellent enfilade and perfect range of fire."

"That's textbook military practice." Calvin shrugged.

"True." Hotch nodded.

"Yeah, but maybe he was in the army." Calvin added.

"He was probably a Marine, Ranger or other specialized unit." Elijah hummed as he walked back over,"Garcia said the bullet was a .223 fired from an M4 variant of an M16."

"You remembered the big numbers." Fleur patted his back,"Well done. All services use the M4."

Elijah smiled before turning back to Calvin,"It has a shorter barrel than the M16. It's less accurate and much harder to fire, especially at these distances. This level of skill indicates special training."

"If he has specialised training then he knows exactly what to do." Fleur informed them.

"He intended to wound them." Hotch nodded.

"The Underkill is deliberate." Elijah crossed his arms.

"Everything he does is deliberate, it's as if he needs to show us how smart he is." Fleur added.

"Well, since the crime scenes aren't centered around one singular location, Garcia can't get a geographical profile without additional data." Elijah shook his head.

"What kind of data?" Calvin sighed.

"More crime scenes." Fleur bit her cheek.

"And I hate to say it, but she's going to get them. This guy has something to prove." Elijah sighed.


"Call your bets on who you think the Unsub is." Fleur walked with Morgan, Reid and Elijah.

"Uh- The spooky doctor with weird hands." Elijah pointed.

"No way." Morgan shook his head.

"He's freaky." Elijah crossed his arms,"I don't get good feelings around him, or half of those cops."

"What if it is a cop?" Reid turned.

"Then it'll be the one with the ugly hair and the big mouth." Elijah shrugged.

"That's all of them." Fleur blinked.

"I pointed this one out to you, I said that I felt he didn't like me." Elijah turned to her.

"What one do you think it is?" Morgan asked.

"God, what's his name.." Elijah snapped his fingers as he tried to think.

"I don't remember." Fleur sighed.

"Goddammit." Elijah groaned.

"We'll just need to see."

"I can see his face, I can feel his presence." Elijah crossed his arms.

"We'll figure it out eventually, don't worry, kid." Morgan shook his head.

"This is going to annoy me."

The four walked until Morgan got a call.

"Who is it?" Elijah whispered.

"Hotch- Yeah Hotch?... Okay." Morgan spoke before he hung up,"The Unsub is playing the Unsub." He sighed,"We need to act natural until SWAT have him."

"McCarty! That's his name!" Elijah clapped his hands as the name hit him.

"Shush!" Fleur covered his mouth.

"You had one job, kid." Morgan sighed.

Elijah rolled his eyes, crossing his arms again.

"Okay, I'm going to remove my hand. Keep quiet." Fleur pointed while Reid laughed.

"Spencer, this is not funny." Elijah pointed.

"It's kinda funny." Reid cleared his throat.


"Sorry." Reid looked down.

"No, don't be sorry." Elijah shook his head,".. It was a little funny."

Reid looked up,"I suppose it was."

Fleur smiled and nudged Morgan.

"What's that look for?" Elijah turned to Fleur.

"No reason." Fleur quickly turned.

"I'm watching you." Elijah pushed his glasses up.

Fleur chuckled as they saw the SWAT move.

"Okay- Down!" Morgan pushed them all.

"I'm down." Elijah stumbled back onto the grass.

Everyone fell down to the ground and they watched McCarthy get cuffed and arrested until... A gunshot rang out... McCarty wasn't the Unsub and now he was dead, shot through the hesd by the real Unsub.

"Oh shit.." Elijah bit his cheek.

"Guess you were wrong.' Morgan cursed.

"You think?"


Everyone walked into the police station with the Detective, into the room where their belongings were.

"How did McCarthy end up playing the role of the Unsub?" JJ asked Calvin.

"Weigart punished McCarty for mouthing off during the profile briefing by making him the Unsub and sticking him in the trunk of the car all afternoon" Calvin explained.

"Then how did the Unsub find out about the reenactment?" JJ blinked.

"Look, come on, cops talk and pissed off cops talk loud. At home, at the bar, at the gym and to anyone who will listen." Elijah crossed his arms.

"Okay... What do we know?" Fleur asked.

"Well, our Unsub went from wounding civilians to executing a police officer." Elijah sighed,"He's escalated."

"He's not staying on script." Gideon added.

"Sometimes it's what they don't do." Hotch looked up.

"He didn't pick McCarty at random." Reid shook his head.

"He didn't take the gut shot." Morgan crossed his arms.

"Why?" Hotch asked, looking around.

"Wants to send a message." Gideon answered.

"Nobody takes credit for my work." Hotch sighed.

"His ego won't allow it, he feels underappreciated." Gideon shook his head.

"Okay, but we still don't know why he wounds them." Elle pointed out.

"We know why a killer has no contact with his victims, he will contact the media." Gideon turned to her.

"But he hasn't contacted the media." Elle shook her head.

"So he... Does have contact with this victims." Elijah nodded slowly.

"And there's only one way." Fleur sighed.

"Garcia's nailed down a geographic profile." Morgan spoke up as he hung up his phone," The crime scenes are centered on two seperate locations."

"The hospitals." Hotch realised as he got up.

"I swear if it's that freaky hand guy." Elijah muttered.

"You were wrong once." Fleur pointed out.

"I know."


After they had visited the crime scene, they went back to the office.

Morgan picked up the sheet that Garcia had sent over,"Curtsey of Garcia... Landman was army, started out in MP school."

"Well, there's your law enforcement." Elle sighed.

"He was smart. Got his degree on Uncle Sam, and ended up doctor on Special Forces." Fleur shrugged.

"Has Doctor Landman been under any unusual strain?" Gideon asked before turning to the Chief of Surgery,"Has he had a reprimand? Has he had any kind of major blow to his ego?"

"Last month he was passed over Chief of Surgery." She told him

"Let's get a warrant for his house, let's see if we find the weapon." Gideon nodded.

"What can I do to help?" She turned.

"You can start by telling us where he is." Gideon told her.


After Gideon spoke to the doctor, he came out and spoke to Elle, Fleur, JJ and Elijah. Although that's when they heard gunshots from down the hall.

"Fuck was that?" Elijah cursed.

"That came from where Hotch and Reid are." Fleur turned.

"Excuse me?" Elijah blinked.

"The hospitals on lockdown." A nurse ran by.

Morgan walked over to the group,"He joined the army at eighteen, went to Ranger School. He did six years before being dishonorable discharged in '95 for conduct unbecoming. Obviously lied about the discharge and joined the Arlington PD."

"You're right, he was a cop." JJ sighed.

"For nine months. When they found out he lied about the discharge, they kicked him out. Soon thereafter, Dowd got his nursing licence. He's been bouncing from hospital to hospital ever since." Fleur explained.

The group then heard another gunshot and Hotch walked out of the room.

"It's all clear."

"Where's Reid?" JJ moved forward.

"He's fine." Hotch assured them.

"He better be." Elijah pointed


Later on, they got Reid to the medics, Elijah standing next to Reid as Hotch walked over.

"You alright?" Hotch asked.

"Yeah... Yeah." Reid nodded.

"Nice shot." Hotch told him.

"I was aiming for his leg." Reid admitted.

"I wouldn't have kept kicking, but I was afraid you didn't get my plan." Hotch shook his head.

"Kicking?" Elijah looked between them.

"He kicked me in the ribs... A lot. But I understood his plan once he moved the hostages out of my line of fire." Reid sighed.

"Well, I hope I didn't hurt you too badly."

"Hotch, I was a twelve year old child prodigy in a Las Vegas public high school. You kick like a Elijah." Reid smiled.

Elijah gasped,"How very dare you, doctor."

Reid chuckled and handed Hotch his gun back.

"No, keep it." Hotch patted his shoulder,"As far as I'm concerned, you passed your qualification."

Reid turned to Elijah,"I think I like the revolver better."

"I'm proud of you, bud." Elijah smiled at him.

"Thanks Elijah.' He hummed.

"Come on, let's head off." Elijah nodded.

Reid nodded, putting the gun in his holster before the two walked off, Reid handing Morgan the whistle back.

"Touche." Morgan chuckled.

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