Chapter 66 - Griefstriken

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Elijah sighed as got dressed and made himself look presentable. Getting out of bed was difficult but he promised he'd see Fleur today at the local coffee shop.

"Tell Fleur I said hi." Reid spoke sleepily from the bed.

"I will, love." Elijah kissed his head.

Reid hummed softly,"Love you."

"I love you too."

Horatio meowed as he lay down on the bed, stealing the heat from Elijah's side of the bed.

Elijah sighed,"I love you too, Horatio."

Horatio purred and turned away. Elijah stroked him before he left the room and headed downstairs. Meanwhile Fleur was sitting outside Elijah's house in her car, waiting for him. Elijah gave her a small wave as he walked out to her.

"Hey." Fleur hummed softly.

"Hey." Elijah smiled slightly.

"How are you?"

"Coping." Elijah sighed as he got into the car,"You?"

"Getting there."

"You ready for our date?"

"Ready than ever." Fleur nodded, driving off.

"I feel like we haven't done something like this for ages." Elijah looked over at her.

"We've been so busy lately." Fleur agreed.

"But we've both needed this."

"Yeah." Fleur nodded,"Coffee?"

"Of course."

"When would you ever say no to coffee?" She chuckled.

Elijah smiled,"Never."

"Coffee shop it is."

Elijah sighed,"I've missed this."

"Just a day to relax."

"Just us, together."

"It won't ever change." Fleur smiled.

"It better not." Elijah pointed.

"I promise I won't leave."

"I'll hold you to that." He hummed.

"As will I to you." Fleur nodded as she parked the car.

"You already know what you want?" Elijah asked as he got out.

"Blueberry muffin and a hot cocoa." Fleur nodded, getting out.

"Good choices."

"What are you thinking of?"

"All I know is I'm getting some coffee. I'll figure out which one when I'm in there."

"There's some good cakes, I might bring one back for Derek and Addy."

"Oh, is Addy back at yours?" Elijah looked back at her.

"Yeah, my moms brought her back since they're going on holiday. Besides, she.. She wants to attend Emily's funeral."

"I'm sure Em would like that she's there." Elijah nodded.

Fleur sighed as she sat down in a small booth,"It feels so..Empty without her."

"I miss her.." Elijah sat down across from her.

"Girls night won't be the same."

"It really won't."

"I was saying to Derek, I don't want her to get another replacement like Seaver with JJ."

Elijah shook his head,"I can barely deal with her- How could we cope with two?"

"If she says one thing to me I feel like I'm going to flip."

"If you don't, then I will."

"Did you see what she was like when she found out the news? You'd think she'd have known Emily for longer." Fleur leaned back.

"I.. Well, I don't think I was all there back then." Elijah sighed,"If I noticed, I would've said something."

"I didn't want to say anything in front of anyone. Especially dads." Fleur chuckled softly.

"I know they're trying to train her and all, but they really pissed me off when we first met her." Elijah shook his head.

"All she would talk about was her dad." Fleur groaned.

"Did Hotch or Rossi even mention my dad to her? Not once." Elijah rolled his eyes,"No wonder she thinks she's so special."

"If anything, you have more reason to brag." Fleur nodded.

"She had a great relationship with her parents until she was eighteen and her dad was caught."

"Meanwhile you had a.. An okay relationship with your father."

"Too bad he only stuck around for a decade."

Fleur hummed,"I'll go order, kay?'

"Alrighty." Elijah nodded.

After a while, Fleur came back with her and Elijah's drinks and muffins.

"I got you a muffin too."

"Aw, thank you." He smiled.

"People are probably thinking we're crazy." Fleur admitted.

"We are crazy, what do you mean?" Elijah took a bite of his muffin.

"They wouldn't expect us to be Federal Agents." She chuckled.

"They should learn to always expect the unexpected."

"You're right." Fleur hummed.

"I'm usually right." He nodded.

"I'd say it's..A half and half."

"Hey, half isn't that bad."

"Half me and then half you."

"I like that." Elijah smiled.

"Thank you." She hummed, eating her muffin,"I'm praying to whatever God is out there that we don't get pulled in for a case."

"Fleur, I don't know how to tell you this.." Elijah lowered his voice,"I don't think God is real."

"No." Fleur gasped,"No shit. Where was he when we needed him?"

"Doing fuck all, that's what." Elijah crossed his arms.

"I asked for him for years and nothing happened."

"Same here." Elijah shrugged,"Then I realized that I'd have to save myself."

"And we did. We got out and look at us now." Fleur smiled.

"Sitting in a coffee shop and gossiping about how much we hate Ashley." He chuckled.

"I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Neither would I."

"You know..We mightve never have met." Fleur looked up.

"Oh my god." Elijah nodded slowly,"If we never went though all that.."

"I could be living in France and you in Colarado."

"In England, maybe." Elijah sighed,"Things could've been.. Way different."

"I wouldn't have my best friend."

"I don't think I'd be.. Well, as happy as I've been here." He shook his head.

"Me neither." Fleur sighed.

"Let's not think about it, okay?"

"Okay." Fleur drank her hot chocolate.


"I've really enjoyed today, Fleur." Elijah hummed as they left the coffee shop.

"So have I. It's not often we get to spend time like this together." She nodded.

"And I think we needed it.. After all that's happened."

Fleur sighed and leaned against her car,"Who knows the next time we'll get this?"

"With our job? Give it a few years." Elijah shook his head.

"By the time we're married." She laughed.

"And who knows how long that will take."

"Hopefully soon."

"We can only hope." He nodded.

"Come on, I'll drop you off." Fleur opened the door to the car.

"Much appreciated." Elijah hummed as he got in.

Fleur hummed and drove off, driving to Elijah's house.

"I'll see you soon, yeah?" He asked her.

"See you soon, Eli." Fleur nodded.

"Tell Morgan I said hi." Elijah hummed as he headed towards his house.

"Tell Reid I said hi too!"

"I will." Elijah called back to her.

"Welcome back." Reid hummed as he walked through the door.

"Baby." Elijah walked over and hugged him.

"Hi." Reid hugged back.

"Fleur said hi."

"I say hi back."

Elijah smiled, kissing his cheek.

"How was she?"

"She's good. I think she needed to just spend some time.. Relaxing."

"You both did." Reid nodded.

Elijah sighed,"I know."

"Everyone does."

Elijah held Reid close,"You and Morgan should come next time."

"Maybe." He hummed.

"You'd love it."

"I'm not really a big outing person."

"I know, pretty boy." Elijah nestled his head against Reid's neck,"But maybe just.. Something quiet, private, just us four?"

"Yeah.. Yeah, maybe." Reid nodded..

"I love you."

"And I love you"

Elijah kissed his cheek, still holding onto him.


Fleur parked up her car and got out as Morgan came back from a run with Beau.

"Hey gorgeous." Morgan hummed.

"On a run?" Fleur crouched down as Beau ran to her.

"Yeah, someone was pretty desperate." He nodded,"And I needed the fresh air."

"Well, I brought you home a cookie." She told Derek as she ruffled Beau's fur.

"Thank you." Morgan smiled.

"You're welcome." She hummed, handing him her bag.

Morgan took her bag and headed for the house," mCome on, Beau."

Beau panted and ran after him.

"Elijah says hello."

"Is the kid doing alright?" Morgan asked as he held the door open.

"He's just..Upset about Emily." She sighed,"But we did have a bitching session."

"Let me guess.. About Seaver?"

"Hell yeah about Seaver."

Morgan chuckled,"How did I guess?"

"Her ears must ring all the time because of how much we talk about her." Fleur shrugged.

"I don't think she notices anymore, that's how often it happens."

Fleur hummed,"Did you make dinner?"

"Hm, what do you think?" Morgan tilted his head.

Fleur looked around, smelling the air,"Pasta?"

"Damn right, I made pasta for us." He nodded.

"Thank you." Fleur smiled, kissing his cheek.

"You're welcome, babygirl." Morgan smiled.

"I'll make dessert if it's good." Fleur hummed.

"It will be good."

"I'll be the judge of that." Fleur nodded.

"I made it just how you like it." Morgan hummed.

"Thank you, cherié." She walked to the kitchen.

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