Chapter 69 - It Takes a Village

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"Court, huh?" Elijah looked around as they stood outside the room.

"We better win this case." Fleur crossed her arms.

"We will. I won my last one." Elijah shrugged.

Currently, JJ was talking to the judges, everyone was waiting outside.

"Why aren't we in there?" Reid asked.

"They're just trying to intimidate us." Rossi shook his head.

"That's not about to happen." Fleur sighed.

"I'm not okay with this." Garcia told them.

"You may not even be a witness." Rossi assured her.

"Sir, I'm not worried about me." Garcia told him,"Don't they have anything better to do than.."

"Babygirl, this is just what they do." Morgan sighed.

That's when Strauss, who just got off the phone nearby, walked up to the group.

"Anything?" Rossi asked.

"It doesn't look good." She sighed.

"How long is she gonna be in there?" Reid tilted his head.


"Did you trust Agent Jareau?" Cramer looked up from the file.

"I did." Fleur nodded.

"But don't anymore." He tilted his head.

"I didn't say that." Fleur crossed her arms.

"You left her out but included Penelope Garcia, who you trust." Cramer nodded.

"That is not why."

"Isn't it?"

"Her specific skills were very helpful."

"For your vendetta." He pointed.

"For justice." Fleur scoffed.

Cramer leaned forward,"You don't believe in the system."

"lan Doyle wasn't at the top of anyone's list, Senator."

"Except yours." He sat down a photo of Doyle.

Fleur looked at the picture before sitting back.

"You watched Declan for two months." Cramer looked down at her.

"I knew if I could find him, it was only a matter of time before Doyle did." Fleur sighed.

"Around-the-clock surveillance requires constant presence."

"When I wasn't in the field, I was there. Me and my partner."

"And when you were both on a case?" He raised a brow.

"We set up pole cameras for surveillance."

"Under what authority, Agent?" Cramer asked.

"Senator, I needed to protect this child because I knew Doyle would find him eventually." Fleur explained.

A younger man passed Cramer a piece of paper before he contiued,"And what was your plan once you found lan Doyle?"

"Lock down security on his son and then move in on Doyle." Fleur answered.


"Have you ever been in the field?" Elijah looked up at Cramer.

"I have." Cramer nodded,"But I'm not the one on trial, Agent."

"Then maybe you can imagine what it was like for Agent Morgan to find Emily Prentiss.. Dying at the hands of lan Doyle." Elijah leaned forward,"Now ask yourself, was he wrong for him to want to tak that man out?"

"You hunted down a man."

"Did I?"

"You and your team, you tracked Declan and then arrested Doyle."

"Yeah, would you want him roaming the streets?" Elijah raised a brow.

"We were looking for him."

"Like you were looking to cheat on your wife back in 1996?" Elijah hummed.

"Excuse me?"

"Just because my memory is spotty doesn't mean I don't remember you, Senator." Elijah leaned back in his chair.

"Agent." Cramer warned.

"Go on. Tell all your buddies how you came to the Black Rose that night and chose the eighteen year old boy." Elijah smirked.

Cramer swallowed, "Dismissed."

"Thank you, sir." Elijah stood up,"I hope you learned your lesson."

Cramer stood up also, leaving the courtroom.


Back before the trial had began, while they were still working the case, the team walked into the Conference Room.

"Welcome back." Morgan sighed as Hotch who had been in Iraq, also walked in.

"Thanks. Everybody have a seat." He crossed his arms.

"Whats going on? Everything alright?" Fleur sat down along with everyone.

"Seven months ago, I made a decision that affected this team. As you know, Emily lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle... But the doctors were able to stabilize her. And she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under a covert exfiltration. Her identity was strictly need-to-know." Hotch admitted,"She stayed there until she was well enough to travel. She was reassigned to Paris where she was given several identities, none of which we had access to for her security."

"She's alive..?" Elijah blinked.

"But we.. We buried her." Fleur shook her head.

"As I said, I take full responsibility for the decision. If anyone had any issues, they should be directed towards me." Hotch looked around at them all.

"Any issues? Yeah, I got issues." Morgan scoffed.

"Oh my god.." Garcia gasped, looking behind Morgan.

When everyone turned around.. There was Emily, alive and well. Garcia quickly walked over to Emily and hugged her.

"I am so sorry, I really am." She hugged Garcia, before turning to the others and hugging them,"Not a day went by that I didn't want to.." She turned to Morgan,"You didn't deserve that, I'm so sorry."

Morgan nodded as Emily hugged him, slowly hugging her back.

"There's so much I want to tell you guys and I will. I promise. But right now I really need to know what's going on with Declan." Emily shook her head.


Elijah played with the pen on the desk. Cramer had finally composed himself enough to speak with him again.

"You and Dr Reid were the ones who suggested lan Doyle be released." Cramer mentioned.

"We are."

"And you two the only agent whom has not requested reinstatement to the unit." He added.

"Mhm." Elijah nodded.

"Was the decision to release lan Doyle a personal one?"

"A young boy's life was at stake. We ran the possibility of his survival and it wasn't good." Elijah shook his head,"If you want to punish us for taking a risk, then I encourage you to do that, but do not put the rest of our team on trial for something that we suggested.

"Calm down, son." Cramer pointed.

"This is calm and it's agent.' Elijah corrected, leaning close to the microphone.

"The United States government is not in the business of trading captives." Cramer sighed.

"New York city, July 2010, referred to as the 'Spy-Swap'. Igor-"

"That's enough." Cramer warned.

Elijah leaned back in his chair,"You can't just change the rules, sir."

"And you can't just break them." Cramer scoffed.


After speaking with each member of the team, they were all called in together.

"This team took many unprecedented risks. None were approved. The DIOG has rules, and you chose to ignore every last ine." Cramer shook his head,"That's blatant disrespect to the Bureau and to the authority of law in general. What I find interesting is that you are the experts in behavior, but see nothing wrong with yours."

"May I?" Emily asked,"The journey was not traditional, but this team neutralised four international criminals and saved the life of a young boy in process."

"You started a war with lan Doyle years ago that this team and the US Government had to finish." Cramer sighed,"The rest if you are dismissed. Agent Prentiss, we're not done."

Everyone raised from their seats, leaving the court room.


After the trial, Strauss had gathered everyone in the Conference Room.

"The committee have made it clear that they will not support a rogue team." She looked around at them all,"Agent Prentiss.. Made it clear that you weren't that. They will be watching you closely. So I suggest you play by their rules."

"So we're okay?" Garcia asked.

"Suspension is lifted for everyone." She nodded.

"Thank you, Ma'am." JJ sighed.

"There may be more paperwork, considering your situation, but the team is lucky to have you, if you're interested." Strauss looked over at Emily.

Everyone turned towards Emily.

"May I think about it?" Emily asked.

"Of course." She nodded.

"I'm in." Emily smiled.

"I have a stack of cases on my desk. I'm happy to pass them along." Strauss hummed, turning to leave.

"I'll pick them up in the morning." Emily nodded as Struass left.

"Emily, um.." Morgan looked over at her,"What did you tell them?"

"Oh, nothing." Emily hummed.

"Well, what do you say we all head home? It's been one hell of a day." He suggested.

"You're telling me." JJ chuckled.

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