Chapter 77 - Foundation

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"I'm just saying, if a really hot actor tried to flirt.." Fleur smirked.

"Nope." Morgan put a finger over her lips.

"You're telling me if like.. Anne Hathaway was to show up, you wouldn't try it?" Fleur gasped.

"I wouldn't." He shook his head.

"Really?" Fleur smiled.

"Why would I need Anne Hathaway when I have Fleur Howards?" Morgan held her by the waist.

Fleur hummed,"I was joking by the way..I wouldn't get with an actor. I like my FBI Agent."

"I mean, I hope you do." Morgan chuckled.

"I do. Honestly.. Want to know something?"


"You're like a Prince Charming."

"Aw, I do try my best." He smirked.

"Shush. Take the compliment." Fleur chuckled.

Morgan kissed her forehead,"I will."

"How's your mom?" Fleur asked.

"She's doing alright." Morgan nodded,"What about your moms?"

"They're on holiday, without me." Fleur crossed her arms.

"Where are they?" Morgan tilted his head.

"Hawaii." Fleur sighed.

"I'll take you to Hawaii one day." He told her.



"Ourselves?" Fleur hummed.

"If you'd like." Morgan nodded.

"I don't know- I wouldn't not want to bring Addy."

"Addy can come if she wants to."

"But what-"

Morgan cut her off with a kiss, cupping her cheek,"You don't need to overthink anything, hun."

Fleur smiled softly,"I love you, Charming."

"I love you, cherié." Morgan hummed.

"I need to teach you more French." Fleur nodded.

"I'm always willing to learn."

"Maybe I can teach you in other ways." Fleur smirked and ran off.


Elijah was still in bed, holding his pillow close to him. Reid walked out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth, looking at Elijah as he slept

"Stay.." Elijah mumbled, holding it tighter.

Reid chuckled softly, looking at the pillow.

"Please? I don't.." Elijah stopped before rolling over.



"It's time to get up." He hummed.

Elijah opened his eyes, looking up at Reid before closing them again.

"I saw that." Reid chuckled.

"So?" Elijah huffed, still hugging his pillow.

"Meaning I know you're awake."

"I know you know that I'm awake." Elijah hid his face.

"So it's time to get up." Reid hummed.

"I refuse."

"Unfortunately we have to." Reid sighed.

Elijah moved his pillow and held his arms out, looking at Reid.

"One hug." He pointed and hugged him, laying down.

Elijah wrapped his arms and legs around Reid,"Mine."

"Yes, yours." Reid chuckled.

"Now you're stuck." Elijah whispered,"Because I bet that you can't lift me."

"I..Totally can." Reid shrugged.

"Do it then." Elijah nodded.

"No.. Because I..I am tired." Reid excused.

"Aw, is my little genius tired?" Elijah hummed.

"Shut up." Reid chuckled.

"So tired, doing all that thinkibg."

"Thinking all the time."

"You should try doing why I do. Think less." Elijah told him.

"I don't like not thinking." He chuckled.

"Life's easier when you stop thinking."

"No, I don't think it works like that." Reid pointed.

"I think it does."


"It does."

"Can we get up now?" Reid smiled.

Elijah slowly let go of him,"Fine."

"Thank you." He kissed his cheek,"I'll make breakfast this time."

"Thanks." Elijah mumbled.

"Grumpy." He hummed.

"Shush." Elijah pointed.


"Hi, hi, hi. Sorry for the cryptic late night text, but I promised I'd fill you in on the way here, and I am a girl who keeps her promises. So this boy was found two hours ago in the middle of nowhere. Technically, he was found outside of Crawford Arizona. My point is, he's clearly been to super hell and escaped some sort of captivity." Garcia explained through the computer as everyone got on the jet.

"How do we know he wasn't just dropped off there?" Morgan asked.

"Well, he has fresh cuts on the bottom of his feet from the local cactus fields, and that's away from any through roads, and his skin is rubbed raw around his ankles from chains." Garcia sighed.

"He must've had a chance to escape and took it." Elijah shook his head.

"Or the UnSub could've had him in transit." Fleur suggested.

"Oh my god, you guys, look at his eyes." Garcia gasped.

"He's jaundiced." JJ nodded,"Probably hasn't seen daylight in a while."

"Yeah, and there's a lot of scars here." Morgan added.

"Those are the ones we can see." Rossi sighed.

"It's hard to tell for certain, but he's maybe.. Thirteen?" Emily tilted her head.

"Are there any missing children in the area, Garcia?" Reid asked.

"None until now, but, sir, you may have more information than I do." Garcia looked to Hotch.

"I do. Earlier tonight another boy was reported missing in Flagstaff." Hotch nodded.

"That's not that far. It can't be a coincidence." Rossi shook his head.

"Technically it could, but Arizona has the lowest abduction rate in the country, so the chances of these cases not being related are ridiculously slim." Reid hummed.

"Yeah. That is why Child Abduction Rapid Deployment will meet you on the ground." Garcia told them.

"The Flagstaff abduction is Billy Henderson, thirteen. Parents say he was coming back from a friend's house after dinner. He never made it." Hotch sighed.

"Okay. They set up roadblocks, but the Unsub has a headstart." Garcia nodded.

"Right now our best chance of finding Billy Henderson is to figure out what the first victim knows." Morgan sighed.

"Exactly. So, Morgan, you and Howards go to the hospital, see if you can get through to him. The rest of us will set up at the police station." Hotch instructed,"Loosing his victim probably enraged the Unsub. There's no telling what he might do to Billy."


Fleur and Morgan walked through the halls of the hospital with the nurse, Larson.

"You can't examine the scars?" Fleur blinked.

"I can't get close enough." He shook his head,"He has the most severe case of CER I've ever seen. Conditioned emotional respomse. I've only seen it in vets."

"That's worse than PTSD."

"He had an adrenaline rush from when he escaped, but coming down from that will be just as extreme." Larson told them.

"And I'm sure he's sensitive to light and sound." Morgan nodded.

"Incredibly. We're keeping it as quiet and dark as posisble." Не answered.

"It's probably what he's used to." Fleur sighed.

"He's also been somewhere cramped." He added,"His legs show signs of advanced arthritis."

"Any idea how old he is?"

"It's hard to tell." Larson shook his head,"His growth has been stunted. He's got major tooth and skin decay, clearly from a massive vitamin D deficiency."

"Best guess?" Morgan asked.

Larson sighed,"Maybe sixteen?"

They nodded, walking into the room. At first they couldn't see him on the bed but they then saw him on the floor, hiding underneath a table..Morgan hiding his gun.

Morgan slowly crouched beside the small table,"Hey.. My name's Derek. I'm one of the good guys. This is my friend."

"I'm Fleur. You're safe now." Fleur assured him.

"Doctor says you haven't been eating much. Food looks pretty good." Morgan glanced over at the uneaten food on the table by the bed.

"You must be thirsty, here you go." Fleur took a bottle and held it out to him.

But the boy smacked the bottle away, retreating further underneath the table.

"Okay..It's okay." Fleur nodded.

"Flo, this is years of conditioning." Morgan sighed, looking over at her,"Have Garcia go back to 2000 for missing kids."

"Yeah." Fleur sighed, getting up and leaving rhe room.


Reid, Elijah and Hotch walked into the police station, Hotch holding his hand out,"Detective, I'm Agent Hotchner."

"Detective Perez." He nodded, shaking Hotch's hand.

"This is Dr Reid and Agent Deans."

"I thought your team was bigger." Perez looked around.

"The rest are following other leads." Reid nodded.

"Is CARD retracing the escape route that the boy in chains took?" Hotch asked.

"They have been canvassing all night. There's another team in Flagstaff retracing Billy Henderson's bike ride." Perez sighed.

"Where are Billy's parents?" Elijah raised a brow.

"Chiefs office." Perez nodded.

"Thank you." Hotch headed there as Reid approached another door.

"Detective, you talked to Sam Allen over here and it looked like one of these photos upset her. Do you have any idea why?" Reid asked.

"Yeah, well, it's weird." Perez told him.

"Why's that?" Elijah tilted his head.

"Because most of these people have passed away. That's our old chief. That one there, he built the station and some of the houses around here." Perez explained, pointing to the photos,"It's J.B Allen. Sam's father."


Morgan was sat on the floor with the boy, rolling a small coin between the floor but he flinched when Fleur appeared in the doorway.

"It's okay. It's okay."

Fleur slowly walked into the room, sitting down in the chair behind Morgan.

"What did Garcia find out?" Morgan looked up at her.

"She broadened her search, but nothing that matches his description." Fleur sighed.

"Somebody's gotta be missing this kid." Morgan shook his head.

That's when a loud alarm began to beep, scaring the boy.

"Hey- No, no, no. That's not for us. It's for the doctors outside. It's for the doctors, not for us." Morgan reached out to him, with the coin,"It's okay. There you go. Come on back. Here. Take it."

The boy took the coin, looking up at them.

"There you go." Morgan sighed before looking back at Fleur,"I got him to nod, but not much more than that."

"Did you ask him his name?" Fleur asked.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"What about..In Spanish?" Fleur crouched down.

"It doesn't matter the language if he won't talk."

Fleur sat down,"Mi nombre es Fleur, ¿cómo te llamas? What's your name, sweetheart? Can I see what you have there?"

The boy looked over at Fleur before he held up the coin.

"Do you like eagles?"

The boy looked down at the coin before pointing at the eagles wings.

"Your back? Wings? Wings on your back... Angel? Is your name Angel?"

Angel stayed quiet but he smiled at the pair. They'd finally figured out his name.


"Is the boy talking?" Reid asked.

"No, but they figured out that his name is Angel." Elijah told him as he put down the phone.

"Garcia sent a list of all missing kids since 1980 with a concentration in the southwest US. Most are runaways." Reid nodded.

"Alright, let's eliminate the runaways and focus on the lower-risk victims." Hotch instructed,"Whoever's doing this likes the challenge."

"Here's the thing. This UnSub is too controlled to let his victims escape. I think Angel must have found a way because he was being transferred somewhere."

"I'm running out of options here." Perez approached the trio,"The state troopers are eliminating roadblocks and CARD is coming up empty. If J.B Allen is a suspect, why aren't we just kicking down his door?"

"Because it's too risky. If Allen is who we're looking for, he has a psychiatric disorder that drives everything he does. He'll do whatever it takes to hide Billy, but he'll sacrifice him if it means protecting his own freedom." Hotch explained,"Everything that this UnSub does is methodical. He had a secure place to keep Angel for years, but when Angel escaped he didn't mourn his loss. He drove straight to Flagstaff."

"The question is, why did he choose Flagstaff? He'd only drive 60 miles out of his way if he knew someone was there to make him feel better." Elijah crossed his arms.

"We don't think that Billy was a victim of opportunity. We think he was the target." Hotch added.

"So this isn't a stranger abduction." Perez nodded.

"Chances are he'd seen Angel before, too." Reid shrugged.

"The question is, where would he have access to both of these children?" Hotch shook his head.


Emily was interviewing Sam, who's father was J.B Allen, their main suspect.

"J.B's friends with the whole town. Never remarried. Raised Sam by himself." Perez sighed.

"That's why this is so painful for her." Elijah shook his head,"She doesn't want to believe he's capable of this, but her memory is telling her differently."

"So you believe her?" Perez asked.

"It's very hard to fake visceral reactions like that." He nodded.

"Yeah, but she's talking about a time of a serious trauma, on a night she climbed into bed with her dying mother. That plus her age, it's the perfect storm for a recovered memory." Rossi explained.

"Wasn't that a huge therapy trend in the 80's?" Perez raised a brow.

"A lot of women manufactured memories of their fathers doing horrific things." Rossi sighed.

"And a lot of misguided therapists convinced them that their nightmares were real." Elijah nodded.

"It was a huge waste of our resources. I'm not sure about this." Rossi shook his head.

"I think she's credible enough to warrant discreet rolling surveillance." Hotch told them.

"You'll have to use your own team, cause he'd recognise members of this force." Perez sighed.

"If he has Billy, he won't hesitate to get rid of him. I'll get a CARD team member to join Reid. Allen can't know that we suspect him." Hotch shook his head.


Fleur was sat in the cafeteria with Angel's mother, Lupe. She had been contacted and came to the hospital.

"I have to help my boy."  She told Fleur.

"And you will." Fleur assured her,"But first, we need your help. Someone else's little boy is missing. We're trying to find out how this man knew both your son and Billy, and to do that, I need to know everything that happened the day Angel disappeared."

"It was a Tuesday, after school. The children were in the front yard. It started raining, but Angel never came back in.." Lupe wiped her eyes.

"Did you see anyone talking to them?"

"No. No cars. Nothing." She shook her head,"The neighbors, the neighbors helped me look. I wanted to tell the authorities, I really did. But we had to leave the country and I had to think of my entire family.."

Fleur then headed back to Angel's room and sat down with Morgan, they had been trying for hours to get him to open up but.. Nothing.

"What did he do?" Morgan asked him,"You can tell me."

"He used to.. He used to bite me. He hasn't for a while. But he did..He did other things." Angel admitted to them.

"Can you let the doctors have a look? Maybe we can match the dental records." Fleur nodded.

"Okay." Angel nodded slowly.


"You're on speaker, Garcia." Emily answered the phone.

"So I tracked J.B Allen's property developments over the last thirty years. They're all over the map. Well, of Arizona, anyway. Sending it to you now."

"Thanks Garcia." Emily hung up before she turned to Sam,"The one thing that your memory and Angel's escape have in common is he was getting rid of both boys. He would only do that if he had another boy waiting in the wings. That means he met his victims before."

"How? I mean, they were hours apart." Sam asked.

"Look at the towns. He had subdivisions in all of them. Construction sites are a magnet for ten to twelve year old boys." Reid shook his head.

"He.. He gave kids a ride on the backhoe all the time." Sam admitted,"He.. Oh my god, I.. I didn't know."

"We found his target rich environment." Emily called Hotch.

"The construction sites?" He asked.

"Yeah." Emily nodded.

"See if Sam remembers one in particular that he took her to frequently." Hotch instructed.

"Just one place?" She asked.

"He keeps the victims for years. The burial sites would be someplace special and he'd need a reason to revist."

"Is there a favourite place your father goes?" Emily looked at Sam.

"You mean like the lake or something?" Sam raised a brow.

"No. Most likely having to do with his work. Somewhere he's proud of?" Emily suggested.

"His first development."

"Where is that?" Elijah questioned.

"In Mesa. Every few years, he adds on to it." Sam nodded.

"He adds another house?" Emily tilted her head.

"He says that it's the place that reminds him how he got started. It set the foundation for everything." Sam explained.

'Did you hear that?" Emily asked.

"Loud and clear." Rossi hung up.


Morgan sighed as he closed the door behind them, finally home after rescuing Billy.

"How many of those coins do you have?" Fleur asked.

"Thirteen." He told her.

"I've never saw them before." Fleur hummed.

"I keep them in my office now."

"And.. Only one had wings?"

"I guess we got lucky, huh?" Morgan chuckled softly.

"I'm just..I'm so glad he opened up."

"Me too. We wouldn't have been able to solve this without him." Morgan wrapped an arm around her.

"He's a great kid." Fleur nodded,"He has his mom now too, he'll be okay."

"He won't have to go through any of that, ever again."

"And..I'm proud of you for opening up to him." Fleur looked up at him.

"I.. I wanted him to trust me." Morgan sighed softly.

"And he did." She kissed his chin.

Morgan smiled, kissing her forehead,"You being there helped."

"I wouldn't leave you." Fleur assured him.

"I know you wouldn't, babe."

"Hey, my moms are dropping Addy off next week." Fleur hummed.

"Thats great." Morgan nodded,"I love it when she stays with us."

"Y'know, she really loves you."

"I'm glad."

"And I love you." Fleur hummed.

"I love you too, mama." Morgan kissed her cheek.

Fleur smiled,"Come on, I'm tired."

"Off to bed." Morgan chuckled.


Reid locked the door behind him and Elijah as they got in from work.

"Hey Spence, can you stand right there." Elijah pointed ahead of them,"I want to try something."

"Hm? Yeah." Reid nodded slowly.

Elijah waited until Reid was in front of him before scooping him up,"Tada."

"Oh god-" Reid gasped,"Alright, show off."

"Now, what to do." Elijah hummed as he spun around.

"Excuse me." He chuckled.

Elijah kissed his forehead,"Isn't this nice?"

"Can you put me down, please?" Reid hummed.

"Hm, I suppose I could."


"I like holding you."

"I know you do." He nodded.

Elijah sighed before carefully sitting Reid down,"Better?"

"Much." He kissed his cheek,"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Elijah nodded.

"You okay?"

"Of course I am." Elijah smiled softly.

Reid smiled back at him,"I love you."

"Aw, I love you too."

"Are you tired? Hungry?"

"Tired." Elijah leaned against him.

"Hear me out.. Let's go to bed early and get a peaceful sleep." Reid suggested.

"Hm.. I like that idea."

"Just sleeping, loverboy." He pointed.

"I know." Elijah held his arms open.

Reid hummed and hugged him. Elijah smiled and leaned into Reid arms.

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