Chapter 99 - The Black Queen

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"No, I told you not at the office." Fleur chuckled, shaking her head at Morgan.

"Aw, why not? Nobody needs to know." Morgan hummed.

"Because there's more agents now, Cherié." Fleur pointed,"And Elijah walked in the last time and he's traumatised."

"Elijah used to work in a strip club, I'm sure he's seen worse." Morgan crossed his arms.

"Yeah.. But he knows us, he didn't know the strip club people the way he knows us."

"Have you heard some of the things he says over the phone? He's traumatized me."

Fleur hummed,"Elijah has no..No filter."

"You're telling me." Morgan sighed,"I can't whether he's play-flirting with Garcia or trying to have sex with Reid through a phone half the time. And I'm the problem?"

"I can only tell you off." Fleur chuckled before pointing,"Woah, why is the seats like that?"

"Fleur- Help." Elijah beckoned her over,"We're all getting into trouble."

"What?" Fleur walked over,"Why?"

"I don't know, she didn't really say." He shrugged,"Just sit down, I'm sure she'll explain it when she comes back."

"Who's doing it?" Fleur slowly sat down.

"Uh.. Rhonda, I think."

"Oh my- She's a bitch." Fleur muttered.

"Oh, isn't that just lovely." Elijah sighed.

"Sit down." Fleur nodded for Garcia and Morgan to come over.

"What's going on?" Garcia asked.

"Rhonda has something for us to do.."

"Not Rhonda." Morgan shook his head.


"Sitting." He sighed, sitting in between her and Garcia.

"Okay! Is everyone here?" Rhonda looked around,"Yes. Okay, so, let's talk about sexual harassment. Sexual harassment isn't always a quid pro quo arrangement. Maybe it's a conversation between two or three co-workers that make you feel uncomfortable."

"Wonder what that's about." Elijah whispered to Fleur.

Fleur looked at him before turning back.

"Maybe these coworkers use phrases like, baby girl.. Sombre Prince.. Or, where's my big black twelve pack?"

"Who blabbed?" Garcia hissed.

"Or what about big boy? Mi corazón? Or how about.. Daddy?" She continued.

"And this creates a what? A hostile work environment.. So messages like, more cushion for the pushing. Not appropriate. I'll let you butter me like one of your baguettes.. Not appropriate. Flarpy Blunderguff.."

"Flo.. What the fuck?" Elijah looked over at her.

"Shut up. You called Reid 'daddy'." Fleur whispered.

"One time- I swear." Elijah pointed.

"I don't even know what some of these mean.. But! Not appropriate."

Garcia then looked at her phone, noticing a message from Hotch and she stood up.

"Ms Garcia, you really have to stay for this." Rhonda blinked.

"I'm sorry, but I got.. I have to- I'm so sorry." Garcia stammered as she walked out.

"Not appropriate." Rhonda pointed as Garcia left.

"I'll show her not appropriate." Elijah mumbled.

"That is all." Rhonda crossed her arms,"I hope I don't need to do another one of these."


"In 2004, the BAU flew to San Jose for two reasons. One was to recruit Garcia, the other was to arrest this man, Sam Russell." Hotch told them as they sat in the Conference Room.

"The prostitute killer." JJ nodded.

"Eight victims. He didn't fit the profile exactly, but he waived his rights and admitted to all eight." Reid pointed.

"Isn't San Quentin putting him to death in two weeks?" Morgan raised a brow.

"Yes. And we've been tasked to review his conviction." Hotch crossed his arms.

"Why us?" Fleur asked.

"Garcia?" Hotch handed her the remote.

"Uh.. This morning, the Justice Deparment website was hacked. When you log on, you see this and then this." Garcia showed pictures of dead women, titled 'they died in vein' then a picture of Russell captioned, 'innocent'.

"Are those crime scene photos of the victims?" Elijah raised a brow.

"The San Jose Police Department was also hacked. Garcia says this must have been months in the planning." Hotch explained.

"Any idea who's behind it?" Rossi asked.

"Best guess is it's an online collective known as Star Chamber. They're one of several justice-oriented groups that sprung up in the wake of the Steubenville rape case." Garcia sighed.

"Star chamber. Interesting name." Blake hummed.

"It's deprived from a seventeenth century British court designed to ensure fair enforcement of laws against the rich and the powerful." Reid stated.

"Actually, according to my research, they named it that because it is also the name of a mediocre but awesome Michael Douglas movie from 1983." Garcia explained.

"Okay, but why Sam Russell? He confessed without any coercion." Fleur wondered.

"Because in addition to being a monster, Sam Russell is also a hacker extraordinaire." She sighed,"I don't know the man, but I learned from him."

"So the Star Chamber is rallying behind one of their own before the State of California can put him to death." JJ nodded.

"And we get thrown the political football to make the negative attention go away." Rossi shook his head.

"We have to separate ourselves from the politics of it and ensure that they're executing the right man." Hotch sighed.


"Well, looking at the history of star chamber, they love riddles. So this message, 'They died in vein', spelled V-E-I-N, that's not just a homonymic mistake, it's a clue." Blake pointed as she looked up from the file.

"Yeah, that's their game. We know something you don't. They're fiercely libertarian and anti-secrecy, which goes hand in hand with conspiracy theorising. As far as their concerned, the whole Sam Russell thing is a cover up." Garcia shrugged.

"Why did we close in on Russell as a suspect?" Rossi asked.

"He was arrested repeatedly for solicitation. All streetwalkers, all drug addicts. His victims match that type." Morgan sighed.

"Well, you said he didn't fit the profile. It sounds like he fits it perfectly." JJ shook her head.

"There was an issue with MO. Four of the prostitutes were stabbed and four were strangled, and the UnSub alternated between kills." Fleur mentioned.

"It sounds like two Unsubs." Blake nodded.

"That was our profile until Russell confessed to everything. Including names, details. As far as we could tell, it was just him." Reid shrugged.

"Yeah, but we can't take that for granted. Dave, Blake and Reid, go over the old files. We need to re-interview everyone associated with the case. Morgan, Deans and Garcia, dig into Star Chamber. We don't want to validate them, but we need to know what they know. And JJ, Howards and I will go to San Quentin." Hotch instructed.


Fleur, JJ and Hotch walked into the San Quentin interrogation room where Russell was waiting for them

"Agent Hotchner, thank you for cominh." Russell stood up, shaking his hand as he clutched his rosary.

"This is Agent Jareau and Agent Howards." Hotch nodded.

"Hi, good to meet you." Russell shook their hands as well.

"Sit down." Fleur smiled,"Are those prayer beads?"

"Uh, yes. I don't go anywhere without them." Russell hummed.

"They're bound with hair?" JJ raised a brow.

"Well, uh, I exist on death row, Agent Jareau. Hair is all I have left. And these beads, they help me accept my fate that I'm going to be murdered for crimes I did not commit." He explained simply.

"This prisons filled with men who didn't do it. Why should wr believe you?" Fleur tilted her head.

"Have you heard of desoxyn?" Russell asked.

"It's a pharmaceutical grade methamphetamine used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy." JJ shrugged.

"..In 2004, I found an Internet black market that sold it, and when I started popping those pills like candy, I was gone." Russell sighed,"I was just hacked in 100-hour stretches, I'd sleep for four. I was.. An addict. Not a killer."

"So you're saying desoxyn caused you to sign a confession to eight murders?" Hotch tilted his head.

"Yes. Look, here's something you don't know. The man who arrested me, Detective Bob Cooper, he found my pills and then he introduced me to the good stuff, the IV stuff. And the more prostitutes I confessed to killing, based on information that he fed me, the higher the dose." Russell admitted,"I never fully sobered up until last year when I discovered Buddhism but by then it was too late. No one would listen."

"But the Star Chamber did. That's their whole message, right? 'They died in vein?'" Fleur asked.

"How are you communicating with them?" Hotch questioned.

"I'm not going to tell you that. I'm not gonna let you interfere with work they're doing on my behalf." Russell shook his head.

"Odd behavior from a supposedly innocent man." JJ commented.

"You know what? I've howled for ten years against a system that wouldn't even notice me until the Star Chamber embarrassed them, and then it noticed." Russell pointed,"I'm not gonna cooperate and help you find the Star Chamber. They're the only ones fighting to keep me alive."


"I can't tell you how much we need your help." Lieutenant Sommers told Morgan and Elijah as they walked over to Garcia.

"Your network security is tight." Garcia sighed as she typed.

"It has to be. We're in hacker central here in Silicon Valley." Sommers nodded,"We ramped up after we digitized all our case files, but whoever did this left a bomb behind."

"A bomb?" Morgan blinked.

"He means a Trojan horse, so whenever you try to source the hack, pieces of the code self-delete, which means the Star Chamber has pretty much all of the Sam Russell file." Garcia explained.

"You've seen this before? Because it took our backup file and the District Attorney's." Sommers mentioned.

"Yeah, I may have helped design this back when I was a sort of bad guy." Garcia admitted,"But I'm gonna see what I can do to try and rebuild it."

"Let me know if you need any help." Sommers walked off.

"Mhm... Yeah, I am not rebuilding jack. Whoever did that is amazing." Garcia whispered as he began walking.

"Come on, not as amazing as you." Morgan chuckled as he and Elijah followed.

"Pretty amazing. And he started with an SQL injection. That's no big deal. You could download a patch to fight it off, but it's the patch the contains the Trojan horse." Garcia told them.

"Like.. Taking a flu shot filled with cancer." Elijah nodded slowly.

"Exactly. Maybe I could find a clue in the code to figure out who the culprit is."

"Just do the thing that you do, babygirl." Morgan hummed.

"Okay.. We have to stop this." Garcia sighed.

"Stop what?"

"Derek, the FBI is organising seminars on the way we talk. Us three, and Fleur." Garcia looked at the boys.

"So what?" Elijah crossed his arms.

"So it's embarrassing."

"Not to me. I am not about to change how I am with you because Bob in payroll doesn't get the joke." Morgan told her.

"Look, I love the way we talk and the way my favourite couples do.. Just can us two cool it for a bit, please?" Garcia asked Morgan.

Morgan sighed,"Fine. Only because you're asking. However, before we play this little game of yours, I want to know what this Blunderguff thing is."

"That is a conversation between JJ, Flo and I that I will.." Garcia trailed off as the computer beeped.

"What? What's wrong?" Elijah blinked, looking between Garcia and the screen,"What?"

"I have to- I have to go see Hotch." Garcia ran out.


"My lawyer told me the news this morning." Russell hummed,"Two more prostitutes. One stabbed, one strangled. It's a tragedy."

"A tragedy that helps your case." Fleur shrugged.

"We need to talk to Shane Wyeth." Hotcb told him,"He's the member of the Star Chamber you've been in contact with, correct?"

"That depends.. Are you going to arrest him?" Russell asked.


"How could I trust that?"

"Because I don't think you did this." Hotch stated,"And I need the file he stole in order to prove it. So how do I contact him?"

"Shane will speak with the Black Queen. The Black Queen only." Russell admitted,"They set up an Internet Relay Chat room, and from there they can arrange a meeting on neutral turf."

"There are millions of IRC channels. I need a name." Hotch pointed.

"Hashtag hail to the king." He answered as Fleur stood up, leaving the room to see Garcia with Hotch and JJ.

"You really think he's innocent?" Garcia asked quietly.

"I know he's hiding something but I couldn't let him know that." Hotch sighed.

"Okay, we got what we needed. How do we play it to our advantage?" JJ asked.

"We don't. We can't. We do this Shane's way." Garcia shook her head.

"Garcia, we aren't ready to make that call." Fleur sighed.

"Flo, I'm not happy about any of this, but people are still dying, right?" Garcia looked between the three of them.

"Alright, you arrange the meet and we'll deliver the profile." Hotch told Garcia.


"At this point we have two working theories about this case. We need to give both of them equal weight." Hotch began the profile.

"The first is that, unpleasant as it may be to admit, Sam Russell was wrongfully convicted and the real killer has struck again." Rossi sighed.

"If that's the case, then Unsub is controlled enough to stay dormant for ten years." JJ nodded,"But Russell's impending execution has brought him back to the surface."

"Dennis Rader, the BTK killer went dormant for sixteen years but later sent letters to the media claiming credit for his crimes." Reid added.

"And last night's murder could serve as a similar message to us." Blake crossed her arms.

"The other theory is we have a copycat and he's trying to cast doubt on Russell's conviction." Fleur continued.

"To copy the case this accurately, the Unsub would have to have access to the original case file." Elijah leaned against a desk.

"And since the Star Chamber has that file, we think he's one of their members." Blake sighed.

"Certain types of hackers thrive on the cachet of infamy. This Unsub wants to show his peers that he's so evil he can commit the murders that Russell didnt." Reid explained.

"And whichever of these theories turns out to be correct, the key to finding this UnSub is comparing last night's murder to 2004." Hotch crossed his arms.

"How are you going to do that when we don't have the file anymore?" Sommers asked him.

"We have an expert working on it right now." Hotch nodded.


"So, we dug into both victims' lives, they worked for separate agencies but went freelance about two months ago." JJ stated.

"Not a suprise. We've seen how the Internet has revolutionised the sex industry. It's taken it off the streets and allowed the women to control their own clientele." Reid mentioned.

"That could be how the Unsub crossed paths with them." Hotch suggested.

"We thought that, too, but when we looked at cell and conputer records, the data fields were empty." Fleur shook her head.

"For both women?" Rossi raised a brow.

Fleur nodded.

"Well, if it was just one, we'd chalk it up to chance or luck, but two's a pattern." JJ nodded.

"And if the Unsub's good with computers, he could've erased everything." Hotch agreed.

"We need to dig deeper into their online lives, match his expertise with our own." Rossi told them.

"Well, unfortunately, our expertise is in the field right now." Hotch reminded him.


"I hate to admit it but the Star Chamber did an impressive job. They took the police file and annotated it with their own research." Reid hummed.

"Is there any other evidence?" Morgan questioned,"Cause I'm not seeing anything."

"There's one thing we missed. Back in 2004, Russell had a silent hacking partner in charge of money and infrastructure who remained hidden in the shadows. They think the silent partner committed the murders and let Russell take rhe fall for it." Reid nodded.

"Two Unsubs would explain it. We profiled that ten years ago." Elijah tilted his head,"What if the silent partner was also the killing partner?"

"Well, that would mean that Russell admitted to four murders he didn't commit. Why not just cut a deal and name the partner?" Fleur asked.

"Because he'd still get life in prison." Garcia shrugged.

"Beats a death sentence." Reid pointed.

"Not if you think you can beat the system and hackers always think they can do that, especially if you had help from the outside." Garcia shook her head.

"That's why the partner surfaced now. This whole time we've been trying to figure out which profile is right, a dormant killer or the copycat. But the answer is both." Morgan realized.

"Okay, but how do we prove it?" Reid asked,"If we can't, we're no better than the star chamber."

Morgan then took out his phone, calling Hotch,"Yeah Hotch, I think we might have something."


SWAT quickly entered the gaming Cafe that Shane worked, looking around but finding the lights off with no trace of him.

"Clear." An officer sighed.

"Yeah, Shane's car is here, he's not." JJ told the others over the phone.

"Alright, Garcia may have another lead." Hotch nodded.

"There's something hinky about some of the stuff Shane bought online." Rossi looked through the file.

"There it is. Oxycodone." Garcia pointed.

"Would Shane use it recreationally?" Elijah raised a brow.

"No way. Shane's one of those people where like his body is his temple. He wouldn't take anything to pollute it.'l" Garcia shook her head,"The UnSub must have bought this in Shane's name."

"Where were the drugs sent?" Morgan asked

"To an address, in Shane's name in Silicon Valley that there's no way he could afford."

"Alright Morgan, go, take Reid with you. Garcia, I want you onsite too, scanning the networks." Hotch ordered.

"Yes sir." Garcia nodded.


In the end, they managed to save Shane from an overdose and catch the man who was actually behind it, leaving the couples to their own devices afterwards.

"I'm still offended about earlier." Elijah crossed his arms as he walked to the lift.

"You're not really secretive when you talk to me." Reid. chuckled.

"So what?" He sighed

"People will overhear- Not that I'm complaining."

"They called me out- All of us."

"They'll forget about it."

"Will they?" Elijah raised a brow.


Elijah pressed the button for the floor,"Well, I'm going to change something."

"Change what?"

"You're going to be the one calling me 'daddy'." Elijah pressed him against the wall.

"Elijah." Reid laughed.

"I'm serious." Elijah told him.

"There's cameras, yknow." He whispered.

"Trust me, I know." Elijah smirked.

"No, when we're home." Reid looked at him with a smile.

"Fine." Elijah sighed,"But we're going to have a lot of fun tonight."


"Good boy." Elijah winked before he released Reid.

Reid smiled and took Elijah's hand, squeezing it,"Can you drive?"

"Of course I can." Elijah hummed.

"Good, because I.. I cannot."

"Don't worry, I've got it." He chuckled.


"We have the house to ourselves?" Fleur asked.

"All to ourselves." Morgan nodded.

"Can you believe what Rhonda was like?"

"I know, Garcia was getting herself all worked up about it." He shook his head.

"She doesn't need to worry about anything."

"She won't anymore." Morgan pointed,"But she did tell me in, a lot of detail, what a Blunderguff is."

"So, what is it?" She smirked.

"I am not repeating any of it." Morgan pointed.

"Trust me, I already know." Fleur hummed.

"She did say you did."

Fleur looked at him,"So..remember one of the things Rhonda mentioned.. About us?"

"Which one, babygirl?" Morgan chuckled.

"About experimenting?

"Oh, I'm listening?" He tilted his head.

"Maybe.. We could try it?"

"You think I'm capable?"

"I know you're capable. But I have one condition." She pointed.

"Hm?" Morgan raised a brow.

"I'm in charge."

Morgan smirked,"You know I like a woman who knows what she wants."

"Deal?" Fleur warned.

"Deal." Morgan nodded.

"Go wait in the bedroom." Fleur hummed.

"Will do, sweetness." Morgan chuckled as he jogged off.

Fleur watched him before she took her hairclip out of her hair before heading towards the bathroom.

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