Chapter 14 - 'I'll be good' - Kidnapped Elijah AU

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Elijah was spinning in his chair at his desk as he waited for the inevitable case to come through.

"Pretty boy." Fleur walked through to him.

"Fleur." Elijah hummed, stopping the chair with his feet.

"You okay?"

"Of course. What about yourself?"

"Tired. Hank's had me up." Fleur sighed.

"Not been sleeping well?" Elijah raised a brow.

"No, not at all." Fleur shook her head.

"Babies aren't fun. They're cute, but not fun." He hummed.

"They're fun sometimes, but not when I want sleep. So I'll be happy to get some sleep on the jet."

"You got your headphones to block us out?"

"Obviously. Derek got me knew obes."

"Very nice." Elijah nodded as he stood up.

"Come on. Case." Fleur nodded to the Conference Room.

"So excited." He shook his head as he started walking.

"How's Reid?"

"He's been getting better." Elijah told her.

"I'm glad he's okay now." Fleur sat down.

"It took a bit." Elijah nodded, sitting down beside her,"But we're on the right track."

"I'm happy for you guys."

"Garcia?" Emily looked at her.

"Oh- yes." Garcia stood up, file in hand,"We're heading out to Colarado this time, my friends."

"Oh lovely." Reid looked at Elijah.

"This time, we've got abductions. Three to be exact." Garcia pointed as the pictures appeared on the screen,"Adam Green, Murray Walker and Trevor Morrison. All three were abducted near clubs in the area before their bodies were found two days after their abductions."

"What clubs?" Rossi asked.

"The Black Rose and The Viper." She answered.

"The Black Rose?" Elijah tilted his head.

"What?" Luke looked at Elijah.

"I, uh.." Elijah cleared his throat,"I used to work there when I was in college."

"Oh, so it'll be familiar." Tara nodded.

"It's been a while, but I suppose so."

"Wait, didn't we do a case there years ago?" JJ asked.

"Yeah.. That was a fun one." Elijah shook his head.

"How come?" Matt looked up.

"Elijah got spiked and nearly died." Reid held Elijah's hand,"He knew the UnSub and they got scared he'd tell."

"I did die... For a couple seconds." Elijah shrugged,"But it's whatever."

"You lived to tell the tale." Fleur hummed.

"Exactly." He nodded.

"Wheels up in twenty." Emily clapped.


"So, what do we know so far?" Rossi looked around as they sat on the jet.

"That the Unsub's going after males so far." JJ sighed.

"And until Garcia can find anything to prove otherwise, these guys might be.. Shady." Elijah added.

"So we're on the low right now?" Fleur asked as she laid back.

Emily nodded,"Seems like it. When was the last victim found?"

"Tuesday 4th." Garcia typed.

"That was only a day ago." Rossi shook his head,"I don't think this guy's slowing down any time soon."

"We can talk to the officers when we get to the station." Matt nodded.

"Garcia, did any of these men have anything in common?" Tara raised a brow.

"All roughly the same age.. Nothing else really. Looks are similar. Curls."

"So this Unsub has a type." Elijah sighed,"Right. Were there any signs of.. Sexual assault?"

"Only on two of them." Garcia typed,"Murray and Adam."

"I see." Elijah sat back in his chair.

"Why not Trevor?" Fleur asked.

"Maybe he realized Trevor wasn't like how he expected him to be." Luke suggested.

"But what would that be?" She sighed.

"He probably expected them to submit, maybe Trevor wouldn't." Elijah shook his head.

"Good on him." Rossi nodded.

"Whatever it is, we need to figure out who this is and fast. Or they'll be more than three bodies on our hands." Emily crossed her arms.


"Now it's coming back to me." JJ sighed.

"It's hard to forget a place like this." Elijah nodded, reaching for Reid's hand.

"You're okay." Reid held his hand.

"I know." Elijah nodded slowly.

"Let's go."

Elijah nodded, giving Reid's hand a squeeze as they walked through the club.. But he wasn't the only one sticking close to Reid's side.

JJ walked in with them, looking around,"The interior looks the same."

"Mark isn't the kind of guy to change around his interior often." Elijah commented.

"Think Mark still works here?" JJ asked.

"Most likely." He nodded.

"Maybe we can have a chat."

"Ask for his security footage, it could help us." Reid agreed,"Maybe it'll give us a look at the Unsub."

"Elijah?" JJ looked at him.

"Hm?" Elijah turned to her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course I can."

JJ nodded slowly,"Okay."

"I'll be back as soon as I can." Elijah told them, heading towards Mark's office.

Mark was inside, typing on his computer with the door open just slightly, as always.

"Excuse me, sir." Elijah knocked on the door,"I'm Agent Deans, with the FBI."

"Agent Deans? What can I do for you?" Mark looked up at him, beckoning him in.

"Two men recently disappeared from outside your establishment." Elijah told him,"We need access to your security footwge."

"Unfortunately I can't give that to you." Mark sighed.

"Why not?"

"We delete the footage every night."

"Is that so, Mark?" Elijah crossed his arms.

"It is, Mr Deans."

Elijah leaned forward,"Is that perhaps because of your client base?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh, come on, Mark. You know the majority of people that come in here aren't good people." Elijah shook his head,"You take their money and stay silent about how they treat your employees."

Mark tilted his head before he scoffed, "Elijah Deans. Welcome home."

"Missed you too, Mark."

"Y'know, your spots always open here. Welcome to come back."

"I'm happy with my life right now, I'm not coming back." Elijah shook his head,"Not after everything that happened here."

"Oh come on, you don't miss me and your friends?"

"Of course I miss the girls, they were lovely." Elijah sighed,"But I don't miss getting hurt by your dodgy clients."

"They were drawn to you." He shrugged.

"Mark, the last time I was here, one of your employees tried to kill me." Elijah pointed.

"That was a mistake, Elijah."

"A mistake?" Elijah blinked.

"Yes, a mistake."

"A man drugged me and it was.. A mistake?"

"Don't worry. You're alive, aren't you?"

"..That makes it all better, doesn't it?" Elijah spat.

"Of course. Now unfortunately, kid, I can't help you."

"Nothing new there." Elijah turned, walking out.

"Well?" Reid walked over.

"They delete it every night." Elijah sighed.

"Surely there's a hard drive or something?" JJ sighed.

"There should be, but he wouldn't hand it over. The guys in here would be in jeopardy and he values his clients." Elijah told them.

"We could steal it." JJ chuckled.

"You have fun with that." Elijah shook his head,"I'm just gonna head outside for a bit."

"Want me to join?" Reid asked.

"No, I'll just be five minutes." Elijah kissed his cheek,"I promise."

"Okay." Reid nodded slowly.

Elijah gave Reid a smile before he left The Black Rose, sighing into his hands. After he walked for a little bit, he saw a small black cat running around.

"Just what I need." Elijah smiled softly, walked up to the cat.

The cat turned around, noticing Elijah approaching him and ran ahead.

"No- I'm nice, I promise." Elijah kept going before he bent down, extending his hand.

The cat slowly but carefully walked up to Elijah, gently rubbing his face against his hand.

"There." Elijah stroked it,"You're so cute."

The cat purred and sniffed him.

"Can you smell my boys?" Elijah tilted his head.

The cat looked backwards and ran down the alley they were next to.

"Come on, really?" Elijah stood up, again following the cat.

The alley was dark, only a small dim street light at the end to light it up.

"Come on, kitty. Just come back." Elijah stepped into the darkness.

"That's a cute nickname, swear I've used it on you before." A voice spoke from behind him.

"..Excuse me?" Elijah paused, turning around.

But that's when Elijah's world went black.


As Elijah slowly opened his eyes, he quickly realized that his wrists and ankles were bound and that he didn't know where he was. He was inside a small room with not much light, but enough so he could see. As his eyes started to adjust to the light, he realized he wasn't alone either. There was another man, he assumed, with his back turned... Setting up something in front of Elijah.

"Do you remember me now, Elijah?" The man smirked as he turned around.


"Been a while, hasn't it?'

"You're supposed to be in jail." Elijah shook his head.

"Good behaviour. Can you believe it?" James hummed.

"No- You killed three women. You killed Jessie!"

"Oh don't worry, that's in the past." He waved him off.

"James, just let me go." Elijah sighed.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because my team will find you." Elijah told him,"You'll go right back to jail and 'good behavior' won't help you."

"They won't find me. They don't even know you're gone." James shrugged, moving away to reveal a camera.

"They'll be able to track the signal from that." Elijah glanced at it.

"You think I'm that stupid?"

"You want me to answer that?"

James narrowed his eyes,"Tell me and see what happens."

"Alright then, yes. I think your kidnapping a federal agent and then placing him in front of a camera is stupid." Elijah told him.

James tilted his head, walking over to a drawer and opening it. Elijah shifted slightly, well, as much as he could to try and get a better look at what was inside.

"Still as curious as ever?" James hummed.

"Well? What's in there?" Elijah asked.

"Let's see if you can guess." He turned around with a syringe.

"No.. No- James-" Elijah quickly shook his head,"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry."

"What? You wanted to find out, didn't you?"

"Yes, and I know what's in there now.. So you can put it away."

"No, no..I think we should find out if you still act the same even after all these years." He walked up behind him.

"No- Please! Please, I can't.. I can't go back!" Eliiah struggled against his bindings.

"Shh..Just stay still." James hushed him as he slowly put the needle in his vein.

"I can't.. I.. I can't.." Elijah struggled to form words as his muscles weakened.

"Now, be good, okay? I'll be back." James hummed and left the room.

Elijah barely managed to nod as he sat there, everything once again returning to black.


"What do you mean he's gone?" Reid blinked.

"I mean- He's gone." JJ sighed,"He wasn't outside and I can't get ahold of him."

"Did you look hard enough?"

"Spence, he's not there.. You can go look for yourself if you don't belive me." JJ sighed.

Reid cursed and ran out, looking around the area. But JJ was right, Elijah was nowhere to be seen.. But there was something laying on the ground on the outside of an alleyway. Reid tilted his head, walking up to it. On the ground was a necklace, one with a worn, golden cross on it.

"..Elijah." Reid picked it up, gripping it tightly.

"So? Find anything?" JJ asked, walking up to him.

"His cross." He held it up

"He wouldn't have dropped it." JJ shook her head.

"He always has it on him."

"He always has it on him."

"Just where could-" JJ was interrupted as her phone rang, quickly answering,"JJ."

"JJ, you and Reid need to get back to the station. I found something bad- Really bad." Garcia told her quickly.

"We're on our way." JJ nodded, hanging up.

"What is it?" Reid asked quickly.

"Garcia has something."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Reid practically ran back to the SUV.


"Garcia?" Reid walked into the room.

"Reid- Oh god.." Garcia turned.

"What's going on?"

"It's Elijah." Garcia shook her head,"I called the others too, but-"

"Show me." Reid shook his head.

Garcia sighed as she lead Reid over to her computer,"I located some camera footage, it's from our Unsub."

"Can you see Elijah?"

"Yes." Garcia shook her head,"The Unsub has him, I'm trying to track the signal but it's bouncing around."

"..Let me see him."

Garcia nodded as she pulled up the footage. Elijah was sat on a chair, his wrists and ankles bound and barely conscious.

"Elijah." Reid blinked.

"Look at his eyes." Luke pointed to the screen.

"He's high." Reid shook his head.

"Spencer.." Elijah mumbled,"Please, I'm sorry.."

"He's- Oh my god." Fleur looked at the camera.

"Come on now." The man behind the camera spoke,"You don't need Spencer anymore. I'm right here."

"Who the fuck is that?" Fleur asked.

"He's.. He's my husband- He'll kill you." Elijah looked up slightly.

"Is that so?" The man walked into view of the camera.

"Hold on." Reid squinted his eyes.

The man turned, smirking at the camera as he stood behind Elijah, caressing his neck.

"It's.. It's James."

"James." Emily crossed her arms,"How did he get out?"

"Who's James?" Matt asked.

"He went to college with Elijah and went on to spike, assault and kill three women." Rossi told him,"He's the man who spiked Elijah.. And someone who's done horrible things to him in the past."

"And he was in jail?" Matt raised a brow.

"He was." Rossi nodded.

"So why's he out?" Luke asked.

"He was a dangerous man, if he broke out then we'd be told." Emily shook her head.

"So he got out early?" Tara questioned.

"That's what it looks like." JJ sighed.

"Please, stop.." Elijah was almost in tears,"I don't want you."

"You loved me before." James hummed.

"No- No, I never did." Elijah shook his head.

"You did so."

"I didn't.. Just let me go."

"So college meant nothing to you?"

"We were just friends- You took advantage of me." Elijah looked up at him.

"You wanted it."

"I didn't- Please!" Elijah begged, trying to escape James' touch.

"Turn it off." Emily shook her head.

Garcia nodded, quickly taking the footage off the screen.

"We need to find him..Now." Reid told them.

"Garcia, any luck on that signal?" Rossi asked her.

"I'm.. I've narrowed it down to a small triangle."

"We have to start looking around there." Reid shook his head.

"Let's go." Luke nodded.


Elijah was sat in the chair, looking down at his hands. Everything hurt..

"There. You're okay now." James hummed.

"No.." Elijah mumbled.

"Look how much better you are."

"James, it hurts." Elijah looked up at him.

"That's why you have me. I can make everything better." James kissed his head.

"I want.. My husband."

"I'm better than your husband."

"My husband doesn't hurt me."

"I don't hurt you. I'm helping you." He hummed.

"How is this helping?" Elijah asked.

"Because I have you all to myself now."

"James, please." Elijah pleaded with him.

"Please what?"

"Let me go. I won't tell anyone what you did, I promise."

"You're a Federal Agent, Eli. Of course you would tell someone.. Your husband.. Your best friend." James hummed.

"I wouldn't- I don't want any of them to know what you did." Elijah shook his head.

"Hey, I gotta blast. So be good for me, hm?" He stroked his hair.

"I'll be good." Elijah told him.

"Of course you will." James smirked and left the room.

Once Elijah was sure that James was gone, he started to cry. He just wanted to go home, he wanted his family... As Elijah cried, he heard gunshots. Elijah froze, his eyes locked on the door. It was silent. There was nothing for a minute before the door was kicked down. Elijah flinched but he looked up as the agents ran in.. They'd found him.

"Elijah." Reid quickly ran up to him, hugging him.

"Mi dispiace molto.." Elijah whispered.

"You don't need to apologise, let's just get you safe." Reid undid his bindings.

Elijah quickly grabbed onto Reid, holding onto him tightly.

"You're okay." Reid whispered.

"Elijah." Fleur sighed of relief.

"I.. I was good." Elijah was shaking.

"It's okay." Fleur assured him.

Elijah nodded slowly as he leaned into Reid.


"Don't worry about anything, I've got it handled." Reid helped Elijah into bed.

Elijah nodded, he'd barely spoken since he got out of there.

"Elijah..I'm so sorry. I should've came out with you."

"No.. No, it's not your fault."

"I could've stopped him."

"Stop it." Elijah grabbed his hand.

Reid looked at Elijah.

"Don't you dare blame yourself for this. I was the one who was stupid enough to follow a cat down an alleyway."

"Of course you'd follow a cat." He chuckled.

"I did.. God, I don't know what i was thinking." Elijah sighed.

"What.. What happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"What did James do to you?" Reid asked as he sat on the bed.

Elijah stayed quiet,"He gave me something, injected me with it.. I wasn't fully there- Reid, I think he.."

"The.. The camera was on, Garcia has the footage all the way from the second he sent it up to the second we took it down." He shook his head,"We'll look."

"..How much did you see?" Elijah looked up at him.

"Too much." He sighed.

Elijah looked down,"I didn't want you to see me like that.. Ever."

"I just wanted to get you home safe."

Elijah rubbed his eyes quickly to hide his tears before patting beside him on the bed. Reid crawled on the bed, laying beside him and held his hand. Elijah leaned against Reid, curling into his arms.

"I may not be as strong as Derek but I'll still protect you." He hummed.

"I know you will." Elijah rested his head on Reid's chest.

Rigatoni jumped up on the bed, laying on their feet.

Elijah smiled softly,"Hi baby."

Rigatoni purred as he made biscuits on their legs.

"I love you." Elijah hummed as he listened in to Reid's heartbeat.

"Try and sleep. I'll be right here, okay?"

"I'll try." Elijah mumbled.

"Good.' He hummed.

Elijah looked up at Reid one last time before resting his head again and closing his eyes.

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