Chapter 8 - 'Merry Christmas!' - Christmas with the BAU!

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Rossi had sent out invitations to his house for a Christmas party. All the Team and family were invited. Hence why Elijah had manged to drive to Rossi's with Reid, plus Fleur, Morgan and Addy, all in one car. No stress at all.

"I've never been to Rossi's house." Adelaide looked out the window.

"Just try not to get lost." Morgan joked.

"Why?" Adelaide blinked,"Is it like a maze?"

"Well, it's quite a big house. Elijah got lost once." Morgan hummed.

"I didn't get lost." Elijah corrected,"I just..Couldn't find where I needed to go."

"So you got lost." Fleur chuckled.

"No- I just.. Yes. I got lost." Elijah sighed.

"Knew it." Adelaide hummed.

"Why don't you have my back here?" Elijah looked over at Reid.

"Because they're telling the truth, right?" Reid blinked.

"Yes, but you're my boyfriend. Let me be delusional."

"Okay- No guys, he didn't get lost." Reid shook his head.

"Thanks doll." Elijah sighed.

"We're here." Morgan looked out the window

"Now, we're all gonna behave, right?" Elijah asked as he pulled over.

"Yes." Reid chuckled.

"We always do." Morgan hummed.

"Not you." Adelaide pointed.

"Yes, I do." Morgan pointed back.


"Morgan, I think you should listen to Addy." Elijah got out of the car.

"Thank you, Eli." Adelaide smiled, closing her door.

"Not a problem, honey."

Fleur chuckled and knocked on Rossi's door.

Rossi soon answered the door,"I'm glad you could all make it."

"We wouldn't miss it." Reid smiled.

"If I did, you'd have to kill me." Elijah nodded.

"Everyone's in the kitchen, come on through." Rossi opened the door wider.

"I've got a great feeling about tonight." Morgan smiled as they walked in,"We're gonna have fun."

"Define your meaning of fun." Emily walked over.

"A good time." Morgan shrugged,"What's your meaning of fun, Prentiss?"

"Drinks." Emily chuckled.

"Just don't have to many this time, hm?" Elijah tilted his head,"Remember Vegas?"

"Shut up." Emily pointed.


"What happened in Vegas?" Adelaide asked.

"Well, Addy." Morgan turned to her,"Whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

"Can I go to Vegas?"

"When you're older." Elijah pointed,"Maybe."

"You can come with me." Reid nodded.

"Thanks, Uncle Spencer." Adelaide smiled.

"You guys look great." JJ chuckled as they walked to the kitchen

"We always look great, but I appreciate the compliment." Elijah nodded.

"So what's everyone's plans for Christmas?" Hotch asked.

"I'd say spending some quality time together, it can be difficult with cases always popping up." Morgan answered.

"Hopefully we get a Christmas to ourselves." Garcia hummed.

"Please don't jinx it." Emily sighed.

"Oh shoot." Garcia covered her mouth.

"I'm sure it's going to be fine." Elijah assured her.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Good. Because last time I cursed us really bad."

"Well yeah, but that was last time." Elijah pointed.

"This time will be different." Rossi hummed,"Food is being cooked."

"Your cooking is always amazing." Emily smiled.

"Don't I know it." Rossi clapped.

"I think we all know it." Morgan agreed.

"Sit, sit. Come on." Rossi nodded.

"Don't need to tell me twice." Elijah chuckled.


"And make sure you give all your animals lots of kisses from me." Garcia pointed as everyone began getting in the cars.

"I'll make sure to do that." Elijah assured her.

"We love you Garcia." Fleur waved.

"Oh, I love you all too." Garcia waved back.

Once they had driven back to Fleur's apartment, Elijah and Reid came up to give their presents.

"Me first!" Adelaide ran in.

"Go on ahead, Junebug." Elijah chuckled.

"For you." Adelaide handed Elijah a small box.

Elijah smiled as he opened it,"Oh Addy- I love it."

Inside was a necklace with 'uncle' written on it.

"Is it good?"

"It's so good." Elijah almost immediately put it on.

"I hope you like it." Adelaide hummed.

"She spent all of her pocket money." Morgan whispered.

"Aw, that's so sweet." Elijah smiled,"Would you like yours now?"

"You got me a present?"

"Of course I did." Elijah handed her a box.

"Thank you, Uncle Jah." Adelaide smiled and took it, unwrapping it.

"So? Do you like it?"

"I love it." Adelaide gasped.

"I'm glad." Elijah smiled.

"Oh, Elijah." Fleur handed him a box.

Elijah opened it and smiled,"Fleur, you're too sweet."

It was framed picture of both Elijah and Fleur together.

"It has our picture from girls night."

"It does. I'm putting this up as soon as I get home."

"I'm glad you like it." Fleur hummed.

"Now, you need to take yours." Elijah handed her a box.

"Why thank you." Fleur hummed, opening the box.

"What do you think?"

"I love them. Do you want the moon or sun one?" Fleur tiled her head, holding the necklaces.

"I don't mind, you take your pick." Elijah smiled.

"Hm, I'd like the moon."

"Then I'll take the sun, because I'm just a ray of sunshine." Elijah hummed.

"Well.." Fleur smirked.

"I am a ray of sunshine." He pointed.

"Yes, totally." Fleur nodded.

Elijah crossed his arms,"Right, who wants their gift now?"

"If we're gifting." Morgan raised his hand.

"Take it." Elijah handed him a box.

Morgan opened up the box, pulling out the mug,"I love it, kid." He chuckled.

"I'm on a roll with these gifts." Elijah hummed.

"Spence." Fleur handed him his present.

Reid opened it, smiling at the sight of the notebook,"Thank you- I've been needing some new notebooks."

"You always need notebooks." Morgan chuckled.

"Because I always take notes." Reid nodded,"I have to make more.. Simplified notes for someone sometimes."

Fleur looked at Elijah,"Yeah, I wonder who."

"Oh hush." Elijah crossed his arms.

They all laughed, shaking their heads.

"You guys better be off. Its getting late." Morgan nodded.

"I suppose it is." Elijah sighed.

"Thanks for my present." Adelaide smiled.

"Of course, honey." Elijah smiled as he stood up,"Now, you be good, okay?"

"I'm always good." Adelaide shrugged.

"We know you are." Reid chuckled softly.

"We'll see you soon." Fleur hugged Elijah.

"Oh, you can't get rid of me for long."

"Even if I wanted to."

Elijah's gasped,"But you wouldn't want that."

"Of course I wouldn't." Fleur hummed,"Love you."

"Love you too, Flo." Elijah waved.


"Hello kitties." Reid petted the cats once they were home.

"Did you miss me?" Elijah scooped up Rigatoni.

Rigatoni purred and rubbed himself against Elijah's cheek.

"Aw, I love you too." He hummed.

"Better not have destroyed the house." Reid pointed.

"You haven't done that, have you?" Elijah asked slowly.

Rigatoni jumped out of his arms, running away.

"He better nor have."

"If he has, I don't care. I need my bed." Elijah leaned against him.

"Not without your present first." Reid pointed.

"Oh- I nearly forgot." Elijah shook his head,"You need to get yours too."

Reid hummed, going to the living room and grabbed the bag. Elijah followed after him, holding a small box.

"Here you go." Reid handed him it.

Elijah opened the bag and paused,"Oh Spencer.."

It was a stuffed toy cat that looked like Muffin.

"I thought you'd like it.. We've been through a lot and Muffin was always there for you."

"I love it..So much." Elijah hugged the stuffed animal tightly, trying not to cry.

"Don't cry." Reid chuckled, hugging him.

"I'm trying not to." Elijah hugged onto Reid.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?'

"For making you upset."

"Reid, I'm not upset. I promise." Elijah put a hand on his cheek,"I love your present."

"Good." Reid hummed.

"Now, go on. Take yours." Elijah handed him the box.

Reid opened the box and chuckled,"Did you take my deck of cards for this?"

"..I found a better use for them."

It was Reid's desk of cards, although Elijah had written a reason he loved Reid on each one.

"That you did." He flicked through them.

"I struggled with that one. I mean, only fifty-two reasons?" Elijah shook his head,"There's far more than that."

Reid smiled,"Thank you, I love it."

"I'm glad." Elijah kissed his cheek.

"And.. The cats have gotten into their presents." Reid noticed the treats on the floor.

"You know what? We're dealing with that in the morning."

"I agree with you." Reid nodded.

"Come on, I think we need some sleep after that party." Elijah stretched.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Reid hummed.


"Did you brush your teeth?" Fleur asked Addy.

"Of course I did." She nodded.

"Good." Fleur hummed.

"Did dad brush his?"


"He better have." Fleur chuckled.

"I bet he didnt." Adelaide whispered

"I'll let you know. I hope you like the presents I got you."

"I loved all of them." She smiled.

"I'm glad." Fleur kissed her head,"Go sleep."

"I will." Adelaide chuckled softly,"Goodnight, Mama."

"Goodnight, ma trésor." Fleur smiled.

Adelaide smiled softly as she got into bed.

Fleur closed over her door before she walked to her room,"Did you brush your teeth?"

"Don't worry, I did." Morgan assured her.

"Addy doesn't believe you." She hummed.

"Do you believe me?"

"Depends." She shrugged,"Can I get my present?"

"Of course you can." Morgan pulled a box out from behind his back.

Fleur walked over, taking the box and chuckled,"A cookbook?"

"You said you wanted to learn." He hummed.

"Very funny." Fleur pointed, placing it down,"Here's yours." She grabbed a box

Morgan opened it and smiled,"A watch. My old one was starting to run behind."

"Which makes you run behind." She hummed.

"I haven't been that late before, and now I never will."

"Better not be."

"I won't, I promise." Morgan took her hand.

Fleur swung their hands before she hugged him,"Merry Christmas, Derek."

"Merry Christmas, Flo." Morgan smiled, hugging her back.

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