Chapter 5: Two Wolves

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Mark slowly began to wake up. His head was killing him. As his eyes opened he saw that everything was blurry and fuzzy. He didn't know where he was or anything. He got up on his legs just to fall back down. What on earth was happening? He tried to get up again this time on wobbly legs. That's when he realized something. He had paws and four legs. Now he was really confused. He began to limp out the cave he woke up in. Though pain was filling his legs he fought through it and walked outside.

The feeling of a cool breeze went through his fur and he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling. He could hear a waterfall a tiny one around here and he looked around. His nose picked up the sweet sweet smell of wild flowers and his ears began to hear the sounds of birds chirping and flapping their wings in the distance. He was relaxed with all the natural beauty around but still very confused on where he was. Then he was another wolf in the east side of the clearing drinking from a pond that came from the gentle waterfall he was hearing earlier. At first he was weary of approaching this other wolf after all it could attack him. Mark looked back down at his own paws. He knew he was a four legged animal with paws and what seemed to be a furry snout but he didn't exactly know what kind of animal he was.

He thought it was worth the risk of a fight if it meant he would get some answers. Slowly he walked closer and closer to the wolf. It didn't seem to notice him. If he snuck up on this animal it'll probably run away or attack him. He can't take any risks so he started to slow down more and try to make noise. If this wolf still attacked after he was noticed then all he had to do was run away, he was far enough after all. Little did he know it was Jack as the other wolf. Jack was drinking water while he was waiting for Mark to wake up. Worry was filling the alpha after all its been days and Mark still hasn't stirred. He was afraid he was to late to get him here maybe next time he wouldn't be so harsh with a blunt object.

Lost in thought Jack didn't realize Mark had snuck up on him, so it only made sense when he turned and saw a much bigger wolf then he the alpha jumped in surprise and instinctively got into a battle stance. Mark didn't move nor make a sound instead instinct made him go into a submissive stance. Jack watched this bigger wolf expose himself and looked onto him with curiosity. This beast of a wolf could easily tear him to bits but instead it chose to be peaceful and submissive. That's when Mark spoke so that he could get the answers he longed for.

"Um...excuse me sir. Do you happen to know where we are?"

Jack instantly recognized the voice and howled in celebration. A new pack member is here alive and well, not to mention he had perfect hunter body one that could easily take down large game. Jack looked back at the confused Mark and laughed. He's just happy he has a friend. Though Mark did not understand what was with this other wolf and why he seemed to celebrate. If Mark wanted answers he probably asked the wrong animal to help him, this one seemed crazy.

"My dear boy thank goodness you're alive you had me worried. We are in a different world my friend and I have to say you seem perfect for this place."

Mark recognized Jack's voice confusion and shock running through him. What was Jack talking about? As if Jack read Mark's mind he moved his body to the water that he was standing next to. Mark looked into the water and nearly fainted he just couldn't believe what he saw. There in the water was a black muscular wolf with red streaks in it's fur. The brown eyes of this creature stared back at him with seriousness like Mark did not long ago. He was a large wolf even larger then Jack so it's obvious now why Jack freaked out earlier when he saw Mark.

"So I'm a wolf now. But why?"

Naturally Mark asked why this was happening to him. It was a confusing thing when you suddenly turn into a wolf but Jack seemed so calm about it. Another question was asked followed by Jack's long explanation of what happened to him and Mark. Mark listened closely and carefully drinking in the information Jack was giving him. Though some of it seemed confusing most of it was understandable. He nodded after Jack finished his explanation signalling he understood the issue. With a smile Jack jumped on a rock making him look like a leader and with Mark beside the ground on the ground they looked at each. Instinct then took over as they both howled in unison ready to make the pack bigger.

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