A Toast to the Restless

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* Ordon Village*

Link hurried to his house after his pep talk from Rusl. Because of his code of honor, he'd respect his crush on Y/N. He would uphold boundaries to prevent himself from doing anything ignoble. As for Ilia, he needed to do something that would help ignite his feelings for her. He needed to reconnect with her as a friend. Lately, they haven't even felt that much for each other.

Yes, Link was going to do right by all parties. He just couldn't help but wonder if doing right for all parties was really doing right for himself.

Link approached his door and was greeted with a delectable smell. Goddesses, is Ilia here cooking? We just spent all day together. Link turned his doorknob, hesitating. He realized whatever he was smelling wasn't something Ilia would make. Ilia was many things in their village; a renowned cook was not one of them. It took her months to perfect mashing pumpkins into soup consistency.

Link could hear a soft humming coming from the other side of the door. He didn't recognize the tune, but he recognized the voice behind it. He slowly pushed his door open, holding his breath.

There stood Y/N, filling two empty bottles with milk. The table was set with pretty ivory linen. The center of the table was decorated with wild yellow daffodils. It was the prettiest pop of color in Link's drab home. Two place settings sat vacant. Each had plates with steam vaporizing the air above them and the fresh milk Y/N just poured.

"What's all this?" Link exhaled, amazed.

"I... hope this is alright. You made me breakfast. I thought maybe I should make dinner. If you wish for us to be lodged together, then I will work for my lodging. I hope you like this. It's a Twili dish. People in the Realm of Light would also eat it. It's baked cucco with potatoes. So, I-." Y/N was rambling.

Link's heart fluttered. Not only at the kindness of the gesture but at the effort she went through to make it special. Even after how foolish he acted. Now she stood, prattling on in fear.

"I must save some for Fado. By the way-"

"Y/N." Link slowly walked towards her, remembering his resolution to keep boundaries. Which he was reminded once again why this would not be an easy task. He wanted nothing more than to hug her. To apologize for how ridiculous he had acted.

"You did all this for me?" Link peered down at her face, his eyes melting into hers.

"It isn't much, Link."

"It's much for me, Y/N." Link got down on one knee and took one of Y/N's hands like he had at breakfast. He pressed his forehead against the back of it. "You have shown me kindness I do not deserve. I am sorry for my actions. You see me as a hero, but what you saw today was me as a human. Forgive me."

Y/N looked down at him with empathy. "I forgive you. Do you forgive me?"

Link lifted his head, confused. "Forgive you for what?"

"You must think me selfish. I come to your realm and thrust myself upon you and your life with my agenda. It was never my intention. Now you have to accompany me and-"

"Ah, now it has become clear to me." Link stood. He pulled out a chair for Y/N. "Please sit. Let's discuss everything over dinner. "Link patted her seat. Y/N came and sat as Link made his way to his own seat. He insisted, "I just want you to know that I never once in the past two days have felt you were inconveniencing me. I assure you. You will remain here with me, under my protection. I will take care of Ilia. "

The ravenous growl from Link's stomach contested his statement. Y/N giggled at the sound. Her laughter was sweeter than the honey in bee larvae ice cream.

"Then, all that's left for us is to eat." Y/N continued to chuckle.

Link lifted his milk bottle, "Let us have a toast. To a budding friendship." Y/N grabbed her own bottle, trying to figure out what to do with it. Link explained, "A toast is also known as cheers. It's when you are drinking and join your glasses together in a salutation. In our case, friendship."

"Well, to our friendship. Also, to our realms. They are the reason our friendship has started after all." Y/N clanked her milk bottle against Link's. You both took a satisfied swig. Each of you eager to begin ripping into the succulent cucco.

Link took a bite and swooned in ecstasy. "Hylia, I've never had cucco so moist. What did you do to it?"

"We are not at that point in our friendship where you can know all my secrets." Y/N gave Link a playful wink.

"A wink? You certainly are learning a lot within your two days here so far." Link laughed. He speared a potato and reveled in the buttery texture of it. You both continued to shovel food, oblivious to the silence surrounding you. Link took another bite, washing it down with a loud gulp of milk. "AH!" Link exclaimed abruptly. "We should make our way to the Arbiter's Grounds tomorrow." Once he belted out that statement, he went back to ravaging his food.

Link heard Y/N set her fork down. He glanced up, his mouth full of food. He noticed she had stopped eating. "I can't tomorrow. I have plans."

She's been here for two days. How could she have plans already? Link covered his mouth as he spoke. "Don't tell me Fado tried to talk you into working tomorrow."

"Actually... I have a date." She whispered in shame.

Link felt his bite of cucco wedge itself in his throat. He grabbed his chest in panic, clearing his throat aggressively. Once the cucco worked itself safely down the path of his esophagus, he anxiously downed the remaining milk in his bottle.

He suddenly no longer had the desire to eat.


You couldn't sleep. Despite being in a warm bed with a full belly, it did little to alleviate your nerves. You weren't sure if the nagging sensation you felt was correct, but something was off about Link. His reaction to the date was not what you expected. You both stopped eating as though the news of the date was something neither of you could digest. His smile was a few sizes too small for his face. He tried his best to encourage you. Yet the only thing you felt was discouragement.

There was a possible plus side.

If news got back to Ilia about your date with Aryn, maybe she would lay off Link? When she came up to him at the ranch, she simply nodded at you. She was too focused on the theatrical display of affection she was giving Link. You knew the lack of introduction was due to insecurity. You understood. It all came back to boundaries.

Link said he would handle Ilia. How would she react to finding out you were lodging with him?

You sat upright in bed. It was past midnight, so you were in your normal Twili habitation. You also lacked the ability to speak. Not that there was anyone you really wanted to speak to.

Aside from Midna.

How had Zelda spoken with her? You grasped the Mirror of Twilight shard in your clammy palm. You made sure to hold it close to your heart. You closed your eyes and meditated, in the same fashion that you saw Zelda do. You tried to block out any thoughts that would pop into your mind. You focused solely on speaking to Midna as if she were there.

Midna, please, if you can hear me. I need your expertise.

The only thing that heard you was the surrounding silence. You felt your body slump back into bed, your eyelids weighing themselves down. You kept focusing on contacting Midna until sleep robbed you of all remaining concentration.

Unbeknownst to you, downstairs was a warrior just as restless as you were. Except the only thing he could concentrate on was the devastation he felt in his heart.

A/N - Edited 11/20/22

You put your conversion on hold to go on your first official date. Someone doesn't seem too enthusiastic about the news. You also can't help but not feel too enthusiastic yourself. What does this date mean for you and Link? Will it change the way you view the light or is the light changing you?

Please check out my other completed OOT Zelda work- No Woman Beyond

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