Out of Feel or Out of Fear

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*Castle Town*

You pumped out glasses of mead as Telma continued to wait tables. Your visible discomfort with the men becoming too handsy prompted her to keep you hidden behind the bar.

The news of Telma's gorgeous new helper had died down, and business was tamer today. According to your work schedule, you were technically off. But mentally, you couldn't afford to be. You needed the soothing sound of endless mead trickling down the sides of glasses to keep you distracted. The consistent flattery also provided a much-needed boost to your injured heart.

But after a while, the more you were lavished with compliments, the more you began to think about Link. You hadn't seen him since yesterday, but he remained omnipresent in your thoughts.

Whenever you saw the twinkling azure eyes of one of your patrons, you saw Link.

Whenever you saw someone with disheveled blonde hair, you saw Link.

Whenever someone showed you a drop of chivalry in the ocean of boorish men surrounding you, you saw Link.

You wanted to believe your mind was stronger than your heart. That belief would be a fallacy. Your mind was just as pathetic as the organ beating rapidly in your chest.

As business tapered down, Telma decided to close for a small lunch break. You weren't particularly hungry, but you couldn't refute her offer. She was worried about you, and feeding you ample times a day seemed to be her way of demonstrating that. Besides, the soles of your feet wouldn't mind a respite.

Telma filled two chilled glasses with ice water. She set some crusty bread in a basket on the table. In accompaniment, there was fresh goat butter to dress it up with.

"Now you have a seat and eat some bread. I have some baked cucco legs. I'm going to warm them up." Telma waltzed into the back, her voice tumbling out into the front. "I better not see any bread when I come out there! You're also getting two cucco legs!"

You knew Telma's command was more of an essence of eager hospitality. You took a piece of bread, not bothering to spread any of the goat butter on it. The crunch of the crust seemed to cover the inner chamber of voices in your mind.

As Telma returned with the cucco legs, her eyes instantly fell on the breadbasket, taking inventory of how much bread remained within it. "That doesn't look like an empty basket."

Her worry couldn't help but provoke a weak flash of a smile from you. "Telma, your food is delicious. Truly. My appetite just isn't particularly strong right now."

She set your plate in front of you as she settled into her own seat. "Well, eat the cucco at least. Protein is very important for energy. Bread is just carbohydrates. You look a bit gaunt, child." Telma spooned some cucco into her mouth, closing her eyes as she savored the taste of it.

For the next few minutes, all that could be heard was your forks scraping around on your plates. Until Telma set hers down, determination knitted into her brows.

"I think it's time to address the obvious. Don't you?" Your face remained stiff. This did not deter Telma from pressing on.

"Y/N, I saw you and Link holding hands." You weren't surprised that Telma had caught you both. She did embody a keen sense of observation. She continued, "I'm not here to accuse one or the other. I don't know what happened between you both. I just want to be here for you. Lend an ear if I can."

"Lend an ear?" How can she lend me an ear?

"Of course. I am here to listen." She took another bite of her food, eyeing you with perplexity. Something about her expression tickled you and you couldn't help but laugh. The laughter that slipped out was the permission you needed to unload. What had Renado said? Sometimes feelings become so heavy that you want to lighten the load.

"I'm not sure what's so funny, but as long as you're laughing and not frowning over there."

"Link kissed me." You became aware of Telma's gaze lasering in on you. You went back into your normal cocoon of protection." I-I didn't kiss back! I- well, he apologized! He told me he wanted to keep boundaries out of respect for everyone. I don't really understand why he did it. I-"

Telma dropped her fork onto her plate with a loud clank, banging her hands on the table, unable to conceal her zeal. "Isn't it obvious? Because he's in love with you! I keep telling you that! You know, I know how to tell when a man is in love with a woman."

"Because of Renado?" You tried to make the question sound blasé. You couldn't help but think of Link's insistence about Renado's 'obvious' feelings. You wanted to hear Telma's take on the whole situation. You focused your avid eyes on her, awaiting a response. It seemed like she was silent for hours. Until she finally chose her words.

"Renado can be used as an example. He is a good man. An honest man. Those are hard to come by. But Renado and I reign from different worlds. I'm a loud, fiery bartender. He's a patient, down-to-earth father. I live in this town where the mouths of people constantly talk. He lives in a town where the roaring winds of mountains constantly talk. We are too different."

You thought of you and Link. Your interest was piqued by her response. Did Telma actually reject Renado because of her feelings? Or because of her fears?

"Telma, if you didn't believe you and Renado were so different, what would your feelings be?" 

She bulldozed the remaining cucco on her plate into her mouth. She seemed to mull over your question as she chewed. Again, she responded in a deliberate manner. Yet her gaze was wistful as it loomed around the empty bar.

"Exactly as I said. He's a rare man. A special man. Any woman would be lucky to have him. Myself included." She pushed her plate away as though she were disgusted with herself. "You see the types of men that come into this bar. But I never encountered one who is like Renado."

She's in love with him! This is silly! They both love each other and aren't together because of foolish fears!

You knew what Telma needed wasn't a lecture. The playing field was level at this moment. You were both mourning over a love that was being poisoned by silly notions of the light.





But their relationship could be salvaged. Just like Link and yours could be.

You got up and stood next to Telma. You patted her back. An odd gesture of support you picked up here in the light. "If you need someone to lend an ear, I am here." You grabbed your ear, pulling the tip and pretending to rip it off with a loud "tear" sound.

You slapped the table in front of Telma.

"What are you doing, crazy child?"

"Lending you an ear."

The reservoir of pain seemed to drain from her face. She let out a hefty laugh that seemed to make the empty bar come alive. You had never heard Telma laugh in such a manner. The ridiculousness of how boisterous it was soon pulled a string of laughter out of you.

There truly is no better tourniquet for an injured heart than shared laughter with a friend.


Not all hope is lost, at least for Telma and Renado.

Laying your soul bare to a friend has inspired you to not give up on the love of a lifetime. Yet the hero remains missing with his bride-to-be. Can you keep up this positive tempo? Or will future events knock you down a few octaves?

Check out my other completed OOT Zelda work- No Woman Beyond

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