Trauma in the Light

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*Lake Hylia*

You didn't think it was possible for the sun to beam down any brighter than it did in Hyrule. You were mistaken. Your retinas were burning from the assaulting light of the sun. Aryn did nothing to accommodate your obvious discomfort. He claimed your beauty did not deserve to be hidden beneath the shade. You shielded your eyes with your hand, trying to admire the food he propped beautifully upon the blanket on which you both sat.

You had never heard of a 'picnic' before. The idea was to bring a basket filled with goodies and graze on a comfy blanket. You had to admit that Lake Hylia seemed an idyllic spot for this activity. The sound of the rippling water was concentrated by the winds that whipped between the surrounding valleys. A unique point of beauty was the bridge that was wedged in between two plateaus. From where you sat, the bridge looked like it was suspended between the clouds. Stone pillars that used to support the structure of the bridge hung down, serrated like stone saws. You were so mystified by everything, almost anxious. As if it was some type of sensory overload. You much preferred the peace of Ordon Spring.

You also much preferred Link's company.

Aryn and you conversed in snippets of dull-witted small talk. It was hard for you to really carry on a conversation. All you really knew was your Twili way of life. Aryn wouldn't understand that. He tried to prod you into divulging where you came from. You glossed over his badgering, but he kept looping back to the same question. You went with the Gerudo Desert, the last place where the Mirror of Twilight stood. He didn't need to know about the mirror. Or the fact that it doesn't exist anymore. Actually, he didn't need to know much about you at all. After this date, you wouldn't be seeing him again.

As predicted, his eyes found their way down to the lower-cut neckline you were sporting.

Link didn't look at me in such a disrespectful way. Your mind instantly remembered the tender way he zipped you in, as though your dress was consecrated armor from the goddesses. He always had a way of making you feel secure. Protected. Then there were his eyes. That regarded you with such ...such...adoration.

I think I miss Link.  You looked out at the water, desperation twisting inside of you. Something about the lapping of the lake made you homesick. You missed the Twilight. You missed everything that was familiar. Everything about the light was beginning to overwhelm you. From trying all these new foods to constantly speaking their language. From the biggest issue of it all, feelings. You remember Midna talking about their trials at the Lakebed Temple. How scary it must have been for Link to undergo his journey as a hero. Yet he managed to come out victorious.

I can walk away a hero too.


Aryn held a grape against your lips. "Say ahh!" The feeling of the cool grape against your mouth made you snap out of your longing. You didn't eat much to begin with. He had brought sandwiches with different fillings, fruits, and breads. He also kept trying to feed you. A gesture that was forcing you to become disgruntled.

You cocked your head away from the grape suspended close to your lips. "Aryn, thank you. I'm afraid I'm pretty full."

"You hardly ate." His voice was accusatory.

"I was nervous. Really. I would like to walk around and look at the lake, if possible?"

"Alright. That makes me sad. That means our date is coming to an end, isn't it? Well, I'll pack up." He began gathering some of the food and wrapping it up in its' appropriate cloth. You reached down to help, accidentally touching his hand.

It was funny, touching him didn't have the same effect as it did when it was Link. Aryn's eyes looked into yours, shimmering with lust. You looked away. Hoping that you hadn't somehow invited something unwelcome to occur.

"That's ok. I don't mind." You both managed to put away the rest of the food. Neither one of you said much as you began to walk. Until Aryn perked up beside you. "I know a really great view of the Lake. Follow me."

Something from within started to gnaw at you. You couldn't pinpoint what it was, but whatever it was, it didn't want you to follow Aryn. 

The further you followed him, the more adamant the masticating warning became.

He took you to a large, deserted tree. The hollowness of the tree was nothing compared to the hollow look Aryn had in his eyes.

"So, what do you think of the view?" His voice was a menacing whisper.

"Oh, well... it's not as bright, so that helps my eyes." You felt like a lamb about to be slaughtered by a wolf. Which was funny, thanks to Link, you had never feared wolves. 

But this one frightened you.

All the hairs on your body stood at attention. The flesh of your arm had raised bumps you'd never seen before.

"I can provide you some shade." Before you could process what he meant, you were pinned against the tree. Sharp, jagged pieces of bark were ripping into your back.

He's going to ruin the dress Link bought me. The only thing I'll ever have to remember him by.

"You're hurting me." You feebly spat at Aryn. An incineration began in your eyes, but this time it wasn't from the sun.

"And your rejection is hurting me. You don't think I knew you weren't thinking about me this whole date? You don't think I know you were thinking about, Mr.Link? " His foul breath escaped from his lips in huffs. "Well, I've got news for you. Mr.Link is engaged to be married to Ilia. You are not the one he loves. You will never be the one he loves."

Water began to pool in your eyes. Your lips quivered as he closed in on yours. The predator was closing in on his prey. He was going to take your first kiss from you. None of this would have happened if you hadn't been so vindictive.

You began to sob. Upset with yourself. Upset with Aryn. Upset with his words that were nothing but true. "Please." You whimpered. Kiss me if you must. But don't destroy my illusion of Link. My illusion of the light.

"Please." You attempted one final plea.

"Shhh," he warned, raising his finger to your lips. "Stop crying. It's not that bad. Mr.Link is probably with Ilia. Ilia would never believe you if you told her, you know?"

A tug on a tightly wound string interrupted Aryn's diatribe. It made you briefly stop crying and draw your eyes toward the figure behind Aryn.

"Ilia might not believe her. But I do." Link snarled. An arrow positioned at the back of Aryn's head.

Aryn slowly lifted his hands up, not bothering to utter a single word. You got out from under him, running towards Link. You jumped into his arms, making him drop his bow. Aryn ran away. Never looking back.

Link held you tightly. The familiar embrace of the hero's strong arms surrounding you. The weight of everything finally hit you. You began to cry uncontrollably. Your tears threatened to make Lake Hylia overflow.

Link just held you, rocking you gently in his arms.

You were safe once again.


Link tried to remain calm as he held Y/N in his arms. The anger he felt was not too far from boiling over.

That disgusting fiend.

What would have happened if he hadn't made it to Y/N in time? Link couldn't help but sway back and forth, rocking her like a baby. It wasn't just about his reprehensible physical behavior but also the destructive things he said. Who was he to determine who Link loved? Sure, he only knew Y/N for two days, but he could see himself...


Link looked down at Y/N, who kept her head buried in his chest. She kept blubbering apologies between sobs. "Link, I..." HICCUP! Link began gently patting her back. "If you hold your breath, the hiccups will go away."

"The wha-" HICCUP! She finally pulled her face out of Link's chest. Her eyes were swollen with tears. Her bottom lip continued a controlled wobble, a futile attempt to keep the crying at bay. Her image of the light has probably been destroyed thanks to Aryn's horny little stunt. Link felt his muscles tense with the fury he was holding within. Y/N was holding her breath, then ecxhaling. Until finally her hiccups subsided. A faint smile made its way to her lips. "How silly. It really worked. But Link, what is wrong with my eyes? All this water... am I crying?"

Link couldn't help himself. He took his hand and placed it gently on her cheek. His thumb found a stray tear that began to trickle. He caressed her cheek, smudging the tear from her sight. "They're tears." Y/N put her hand on top of Link's. He directed her thumb with his over another one. Together, they erased it from her cheek. "I'm crying?" She whispered in shock. Link gave her a compassionate look. "Yes. You're upset. Crying is a normal reaction when you are distraught." Link found one more tear. This one had managed to create a trail past the corner of Y/N's lips. Link stared at it momentarily, suspending his hand from wiping it away. Before he was aware of his actions, he took his thumb and stroked the corner of her mouth. He could feel his heart elevate as he grazed past her lips, transfixed.

Boundaries. Remember your boundaries. She doesn't need another inappropriate man to break her trust.

Link tried to think of a way to soothe Y/N. The first place to start was to get her out of their current area. She didn't need to stand in the spot she was almost taken advantage of.

"Y/N, can I reignite your interest in Lake Hylia by giving you a proper tour?" Link gave Y/N a moment to collect herself. She sniffled. "Do you need to go back to Ordon?"

As far as Link was concerned, the only place he needed to be at that particular moment was with Y/N. "No. I have no plans for today. Besides saving a helpless Twili who was under the threat of a horny idiot." He then stoically added, "I don't want this experience to make you view the light as a forsaken place. So, if I may... take you on a proper date?" Link began to feel jittery, as though he had consumed too much tea. He was just showing her Lake Hylia as a friend. There was no reason to be so ridiculously nervous.

Yet here he was. The wings of his heart were extending outward, preparing for takeoff. Link also couldn't help but notice that she was still seeking refuge within the comfort of his arms. She clung to his chest like a frightened animal.

Link was hit with an idea. Where do animals go to hibernate against the harsh frigidity? When their element has been turned into a wicked tundra and they need the comfort of warmth?

Caves. Or, in this case, a cavern.

Lake Hylia Cavern. Link was going to make this the best date Y/N has ever been on.

Link knew it would also be the best date he's ever been on.

A/N: Edited 11/27/22

Once a hero, always a hero. Link made it to you just in time before your date went horribly awry. With determination to rekindle your view of the light and your view of him, Link has offered to take you on your first proper date. What does he have in store for you?

Check out my other completed OOT Zelda work- No Woman Beyond

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