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*Kakariko Village*

Shabby breaths rang in Link's ears as he ran. His feet pounded on the gravelly pavement. Each step radiated through his weakened body. The taste of Y/N's kiss on his lips propelled him forward. She was headed toward Death Mountain. If he didn't catch her soon, she would undoubtedly reach the Goron Mines. While Link was tough enough to overcome the dungeons of the past once again, two in one day was a big stretch.

They approached the Bridge of Eldin, where Link had fought against King Bulbin. He noticed Y/N beginning to slow down until she reached a complete stop. Link, however, continued his not-so-graceful streak from the past few days, tripping over a rock. Instead of swooping Y/N up in his arms, he was swooped up within hers. She wrapped her arms around Link, attempting to catch him. While she didn't catch him, she did manage to break his fall.

"HYLIA, Y/N?! Are you alright?" Link hopped to his feet, gently guiding Y/N to her own. She rubbed her hip with a slight wince. "I think so."

"I-I never catch you. I never save you." Storm clouds rolled in overhead. A dark ring formed around the tip of Death Mountain. It looked as if Hylia herself was smoking tobacco and huffing stacks of smoke clouds upon it. A snap of lightening cracked, creating an ominous sky that somehow fit the tumultuous emotions coursing through you both. "It's not your job to save me. You can't save everyone, Link."

Another snap of lightning occurred, timing itself perfectly with Y/N's statement, emboldening the heaviness of her response. He was a hero. Isn't that what heroes do? Save people? Link understood that he could only go so far. He wasn't Hylia. He couldn't save souls. She had to undergo her trials of conversion alone. In the same manner, he had to become a hero alone.

Even if their journeys were separate, there was no reason they couldn't fight together. No matter how powerful Link believed himself to be, he discovered great strength within his many alliances.

Y/N regarded Link prudently. Spits of rain began to fall as the rumbling of thunder made its presence known. She let out an almost bitter snicker. "You want to save me, but it is I who must save myself." It took Link a moment to realize the water droplets on her face weren't from the fresh spritz of rain but from her eyes.

Link gave her a sorrowful nod. "You're right. The last thing you need is to deal with the temperamental way I've been acting. I'm sorry for my behavior. The last thing I want to do is hurt you." Link seemed to falter as he gathered his thoughts. "But I'd be lying if I said I regretted my action. That I... didn't want to do it. Or that I don't want to do it again."

Link reached a hand forward, quickly brushing a tear away. In an almost muted whisper, he murmured. "And again."

The spits of rain had transformed into a torrential downpour. Link pulled off his tunic, chain mail, and under armor in one single swoop.

"L-link- What are you-"

He stood topless in the rain. He'd never been bashful about his body, until now. He knew he had a physique that men envied and women coveted. But all of that seemed inconspicuous now that he stood vulnerable in front of the woman who held his heart. Even the rain seemed intimidated by his tarnished hero's body. It ricocheted off of him, creating an aura of mist that illuminated his scars. He held his hand out, hoping she would take it.

She didn't hesitate this time. She placed her hand in his, allowing him to guide her hand to the scar on his abdomen from Zant. "This was from your fa-," Link caught himself. He corrected, "Zant." He glided her fingertips over the roughened patch of flesh. "This scar. I don't regret receiving it. In fact, I would do it all again if I had to. Just like I would kiss you again and receive the mark you've left on me, one that I could never, ever regret." He paused with Y/N's hand within his, hovering above his abdomen, laced with many scars of glory. He wanted to make his feelings clear. He wanted to do what was right. And what was right for him was right in front of him.

"Y/N, I can't say what I wish to say now. For the sake of your mission and my own, I will retain any further affectionate actions. I am still tethered in a way I don't wish to be." He hoped his emphasis on the word "tethered" would reference his engagement to Ilia in a way she understood. "But would you promise to give me a little more time? Once I am untethered, I can "react" the way you want me to. The way I believe that I was meant to. Something more than... a friend."

As Link held her hand, he once again bowed and pressed his forehead against her hand. The gesture he always used to represent sincerity in his words. Fado was right. Link did act painstakingly gallant at times. Should he have found out how he so brazenly kissed Y/N, he wondered how he would have responded. He looked up at her. The storm clouds floating in the background cast shadows over her eyes, rendering them hard to read. There was resoluteness in the way she bobbed her head up and down in agreement.

"If only you made me one promise."

Link stood, releasing her hand from his own. "Anything."

"Clean those wounds." She gave him a lopsided smile. He knew then that he was back in her good graces.

He teased, "I thought we agreed you would?"

"If I must." She did her best to feign disinterest. But Link could hear the slyness in her answer. Yes, everything was back to normal. Although he knew he would be unable to erase that kiss from his mind, her sugared lips would be the thought that he would use to tuck himself into bed at night. He knew it was for the best to keep that tidbit to himself.

Did that actually happen? Did we kiss? Link stared upward, marveling at the way the dark clouds seemed to envelope the remaining light ones. They seemed to disappear within each other. The way his lips and Y/Ns just had.

"Link..." Y/N's voice interrupted his fantasy. They both inadvertently began strolling back towards Renado's. "Could we still hold hands?" She slipped her hand back into the comfort of Link's. He threaded his fingers sturdily between hers.

Their fingers molten so tightly into each other's that not even the freezing Kakariko rain could penetrate their grasp.

Molten so tightly, not even the unknown threat of what was in store could break the hold that they had on each other.

A/N: Edited 2/17/23

It seems like the hero has sealed his words with a kiss. Your separate missions will be tackled through your kinship of belonging.

Romance takes a backseat as you both are beckoned forward towards your individual journeys. No matter what they entail, you're both prepared to fight together.

There's still one little elephant in the room waiting to be addressed...

and that is one, single bed.

Check out my other completed OOT Zelda work- No Woman Beyond

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