Worth Fighting For

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*Ordon Village*

The atmosphere in Ordon was dense with the suspense of danger. The bitter, howling wind only helped to promote the unease in the environment. Link took a minute to recuperate, not a moment longer. If he must fight the fused shadow within Ilia, his only chance would be with the Master Sword.

That is, if it would still choose him as its master.

Link had to get to Zelda promptly. There was no telling where Ilia was lurking. Dread trickled down Link's spine as he thought of Y/N and the shadow's harrowing warning. 

As Link made his way towards Fado's ranch, he constantly found that his gaze was scattered about his surroundings. The paranoia he felt was almost as crippling as being in the presence of the shadow itself.

He approached Epona, who was peacefully tucked inside her stall. "Hey girl, I know it's late. But we have some work cut out for us. Are you ready?" Link stroked Epona's mane in that familiar way he knew always pleased her. She huffed in response. In horse lingo, this was considered a response of reluctance. The equivalent of the human response: "Oh, alright."

He gave her a few more pats of appreciation until he noticed something streak across her eyes, startling her. Without hesitation, Link pulled his sword from its sheath, swirling around and aiming his blade at Fado's throat.

He lifted his hands in surrender. "Goddesses Link!" Fado exclaimed, visibly petrified.

"Fado!" Link growled, lowering his sword. "For the love of Hylia, why are you up at this hour?"

Fado's face remained frozen in its molded expression of terror. "I couldn't sleep. I'm actually happy to see you. I haven't seen you much, what with helping Zelda and all."

He leaned closer to Link; his voice was muffled by stutters of fear. "I-I've been wanting to talk to you, L-Link. Um." Link watched as Fado's Adam's apple danced up and down his throat. It was apparent he was reluctant to say whatever was on his mind.

"Fado," Link toned down his defensiveness. "Speak whatever it is you wish to speak."

"R-right. " He rubbed his temples in exasperation. The speed at which he rubbed accelerated as he spoke. "I saw Ilia jump from your window. I saw her... bend into a creature." His gaze flickered frantically around the stable. "She ran away. Well, she didn't run. She hobbled. Goddesses, Link, I've never seen a human body contort into such a shape. On all fours, she hobbled, Link." He shivered at the ghastly image of Ilia that Link himself had just come face-to-face with.

"Did you see which direction she went?" Link thought the question silly as soon as it left his mouth. As if it weren't headed towards Y/N or Zelda. And he knew it was Zelda he must go to, not Y/N.

The shadow had to be obeyed. At least for now.

But what if he couldn't save Y/N in time? Link looked down at the unresponsive Triforce on his hand. He could feel rage tapping on the door of his heart, asking to be let into its chambers.

Why had Hylia forsaken him?

Abandon me if you must, but please, please, I beg that you protect Y/N. Do not let her meet such wickedness. She doesn't deserve it. Just like she doesn't deserve me. The failure of a hero she thinks so highly of.

He clamped his eyes shut to block the tears threatening to descend upon them.

"Link?" Fado questioned. "Did you hear me? It isn't my place, but what is going on? Things have been strange since that day. When Y/N fainted, she disappeared in front of me. No one else saw." He hesitated at his next question. "She's not one of us, is she? She's not of this world."

Link sighed. He didn't have time to explain everything to Fado. He also felt guilty on behalf of his friend's apparent disappointment. He did have a crush on Y/N. Fado wasn't even aware of Link's feelings. Would it hurt him? How many more people could he possibly hurt?

"Yes. She is a Twili." Link admitted. "Ilia is possessed by a shadow of that realm. The shadow within Ilia means Y/N harm. So, I must save them. Both"

He put a hand on his trusting friend's shoulder. "I don't think Ilia will come back to the village. But in any case, can I count on you to watch over the kids and everyone else?"

Fado puffed his chest out, giving Link a brazen nod of his head. "Only if I can count on you to watch out for my girl. "

"Or should I say, your girl?" He smirked, jabbing him in the gut where the shadow had stepped on him. Link turned his head, hiding the grimace of pain that came over him. His face burned at the words "your girl."

"What do you-"

Fado held up a hand, silencing Link in place. "We always knew it. It's ok. As long as you're doing the right thing, I don't object. You deserve happiness. But if you ever hurt your girl, then I will gladly swoop in and make her my girl." He threw a cheeky wink his way.

"I love her, Fado." Link pounded a fist against his chest. As if he were a proud ape, demonstrating she was his territory.

He thought of the letter he wrote Y/N. At the end of it, he told her he couldn't wait until this was all over. For when it was, the words that were scribbled in secret on paper could be shouted from the treetops of Ordon.

He loved Y/N.

Sure, he fought to save Hyrule. But for the first time, he was fighting for something personal.

Something that belonged to him and only him.

He had served his time fighting for everyone else.

For the first time, he was fighting for himself.

***Castle Town***

You sat on your bed, admiring your dress from Link that was hung across the room. The bar had long closed and the party had ended, but you were very much awake.

You stared at that dress as a reflection of everything it represented. Telma had learned to surpass her fears and now look. She would reap the reward of marrying her true love.

I must go to Link.

You were grateful for the few pints of mead you consumed, because now liquid courage was coursing through your veins. You stood, ready to take action.

I want to know once and for all: does he love me or not? If he doesn't, then I can walk away with gratitude in my heart, for he's shown me something priceless.

That'll have to be enough. You nodded, satisfied with your motivation to get dressed and begin to scope out your next destination.

The Temple of Time.

But first, I will follow the advice of the sages. I will seek out Zelda and that 'achoo,' 'ocho,' or whatever they mentioned. I must work on my conversion. So that I can destroy this shadow inside of me. That way, Link will be safe.

Besides, Midna's tear told me there was danger. I don't know how long I should stay away from Link, but it said nothing about discontinuing my journey. I will move forward, and then once this shadow within me has perished, I will tell Link.

I love him.

Even if he does not love me in return.

Because I love him, my only wish is for his happiness. No matter with whom that may be.

You decided as you slipped on your dress that it didn't just take valor to be the wielder of the Triforce of Courage.

It took just as much courage to love the wielder himself.

Edited: 5/6/23

Link has set off to meet Princess Zelda, unbeknownst to you, who has also set off towards the Temple of Time. Though it seems both of your paths are destined to cross once more, for different reasons.

One of you is fighting for your love, while the other will end up fighting against it.

Trials, tribulations, and the truth lie ahead.

Check out my other completed OOT Zelda work- No Woman Beyond

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