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In the vast cosmos, there is a lot of life form and countless species as well as the planets that hold them, among all of these. A race of an untold name and very rare but unique ability, as they grow up, their aura would to the very essence and energy flowing through the environment around them.

Other races became afraid of them, noticing that they could become dangerous if they traveled to other worlds, thinking they could obtain power beyond their comprehension and lead them to conquer or destroy said worlds.

Upon this fear, they decided to destroy their planet before they could become a threat, and this is where this tale began.


A day like most, a woman with clear skin, long black hair, and a pair of orange eyes was walking with her son, the boy had a bit more tan color of skin, his hair was spiky as well as shorter but the same black color, it's back tied into a ponytail, his eyes were the same orange as his mother's.

Sadly the calm of this day would soon end. Without any warning an explosion shook the ground this made the woman widen her eyes but she regained composure as soon as she heard a second. She knew that she had to save her son "Ikara, don't get out of my sight! " she told him and started running away from the destruction behind them. The explosions were not just accidents, they came from attacks of various space ships, all of them waiting in the planet's atmosphere and bombarding it with all kinds of artillery.

As they ran away from the chaos the woman took out a device, she touched it's the screen a few times before the screen showed the image of a man with the same skin color as Ikara, black short hair and blue eyes, he was carrying a sleeping girl over his shoulder.

"Koru! are you seeing what is happening !?" the woman said as she held Ikara hold to her with her hand while the boy was looking around in fear.

"I am, I'm taking Ikiara to an escape capsule, do you have Ikara?" the man asked as he continued to run, booms could be heard on both sides of the communication.

The woman nodded "I do but what about Ketiga ?" she asked as continued to run.

"He was on public transport, we can only hope that he will be alright," he said.

the woman sighed and nodded " Okey, I'll try to identify you after I and Ikara are out of the planet, tell Ikiara I love her" she said.

The male nodded before hanging off the communication.

As the woman arrived at a space station, she saw something that left her pale, there was only a singular space capsule, she looked down at her son before she walked over to the capsule holding his hand "son, I'm going to need you yo step on the capsule"

"W..what? but mom there is only space for one.." the boy said looking up at her.

the woman smiled softly and kneeled to his level "son I already had you and your siblings, all there is left for me to do is making sure you live your life" she said and placed him inside of the capsule before she pressed her forehead against his.

"m..mom please no! I'm sure we can find another capsule !" he said as he started to tear up.

"please good Ikara, I love you, my son, "she said and kissed his forehead.

she then set the capsule to get off-planet, the glass soon closed in front of her, the capsule then took off.

"wait! no no!" Ikara said in desperation as he saw the planet being attacked by various ships, all of them at once, in a second, it collapsed into a giant explosion.

And on that moment Ikara's stare went blank, he was feeling so much anguish .. so much anger of not being able to do anything, his eyes irradiated a bright spark as his hair became flames of a blue and purple color, he gripped his hands on the glass as he screamed in pure fury, so much that the glass of the capsule started to crack.

The ship activated an emergency lockdown in reaction and took off at light speed, Ikara passed out in exhaustion after his outburst.

That was the end, but also the beginning, other 2 ships had escaped the devastation, and their tale had only started.

author note: thanks for reading this story, the next chapters will have a different mechanic, which I will explain in the next part of this story, I really hope that you will enjoy this book and if you have any tips please let me know, now I'll leave you with a picture of a scene of this book.

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