The start of the path of battle

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A quiet moment in the cosmos, nothing but blackness and the dim light that each star emanated on its own, but that moment was down for when flames and crashes blasted off and eliminated the darkness of space for the small instant that the chaos lasted in the presence of the army that caused said planet to perish.

3 ships managed to escape unnoticed, at least this was until, within one of them, a burst of pure power and raw energy surged from it along with a scream, a mighty howl full of despair and rage, but before anyone could take action the ship that was the center of the burst took off to never be seen again.

Or so it seemed.

In a distant planet where the most common landscape was desertic, the peace was soon disturbed by a boom that echoed along the whole zone causing the earth bennet to shake for a small moment as a cloud of dust erupted from the place of the boom. 

Between the cloud a mechanic sound was heard, followed by a thud of someone falling on the ground, however, this person was still somewhat conscious and was able to hear and see around the place though that was all he could do, the fatigue would not let him move.

The dust dissipated to reveal the child named Ikara, his hair untied and messy covering some of his face and only giving him a faint vision range, he heard steps nearing him and soon saw a figure before him, he tried to say something but he just passed out from all the tension that he passed through.

Hours later...

"child?.... child are you okay ?"  a voice told the child as he started to open his eyes, his vision getting blurry for a moment before he finally had eyes set on who he had in front of him, who was a woman with blonde and curly hair, as well as clear skin and blue sky eyes.

But that appearance of the woman became irrelevant for the child quickly as he remembered all that happened which made him panic and try to run out of the bed he had to waken up into, only to be soon stopped by the arms of a man, Ikara looked back to see the man had short white spiky hair and yellow eyes that matched his slightly dark brown skin " Let me go! let me go now !" Ikara screamed out in desperation.

" calm down little one ... you had a really serious crash back there, it's impressive that you didn't have any major injuries but you still need to rest a little more, " the man said in a calm tone as he looked down at Ikara holding him in place.

"No! no I can't just stay here !... I need to find them !" Ikara said still trying to move out of the man's arms struggling to move around " find who little boy ?" the woman asked with her hands on her knees and leaning forwards "M...My twin sister and brother... they are the only ones I know could have escaped " he said still trying to move " escape from what ?" the woman said tenderly.       

Ikara stopped moving once he heard the question as tears started to fall from his eyes and he gritted his teeth while closing his eyes wanting to stop himself from crying, the woman upon seeing this gave the man a look to tell him to let the boy go, the man nodded and moved his arms off Ikara, who just fell on his knees hugging himself as he muffled his own sobs, only to be embraced on the woman's soft arms, making his eyes widen for a moment but then he just closed them back again and leaned into her letting his tears fall.

"It's alright little boy.. just let it out, you don't need to keep it in, " the woman said with a serene voice as she held the small boy in her arms and stroking his hair gently, it took a few minutes but he finally calmed down and the tears stopped, " what's your name, young boy ?" the man asked, "I..Ikara, Ikara is my name," he said.

"well hello there Ikara, My name is Katherine, and the man behind you is my husband Alfan" Katherine said looking down at the boy with a small smile as she kept the boy Ikara in her arms, he was finally breathing normally and holding onto her, "hello young boy" Alfan said as he watched his wife wipe the tears off the little boy's face, Ikara took a small moment before being able to talk again normally "hello ... thank you for helping me... what is this place?" he asked as he looked up at them.

" This planet is called  Kolossaío, you must have come from a pretty afar place if you don't know where you are " Alfan said looking at the small boy "I suppose so... I don't really know in which way path the ship took me" he said, "do you want to tell us what happened little one ?" Katherine asked him to which he just shook his head not letting go of her, Katherine nodded in response and stroked his hair gently.        

Ikara sighed softly before looking back up at them after hearing their explanation from earlier " I suppose there weren't any ship crashes lately other than mine have there?" he asked quietly to which the Alfan shook his head " no, not that we know of " he answered, the boy nodded quietly as he looked back down, "you seemed really worried when you were yelling about your siblings, that means they also were being  transported out of your planet right ?" Katherine asked.

Ikara nodded in response softly " I... I need to find them ... I need to know if I have any family left "he said as he finally let go of Katherine and sat back down on the bed "well I am not sure what we could do to help, little boy, the only ships than can leave in this planet are owned by very dangerous factions " she spoke, "factions ?" Ikara asked in confusion, to this  Alfan responded " you see young boy, in this world, the population is divided into factions with names that define something about their members, and factions fight over territory and the resources it holds" he explained.

"Does that mean you are constantly at war with each other?" Ikara asked them tilting his head " well it's a bit more complicated than that, it's not really a war but we do have to fight constantly " Alfan answered the boy, "so that means the only way to get a ship to look for my siblings is taking it from a faction that has it ?" he asked looking up at them, Katherine hummed a bit at this "well not exactly, you would have to be in a faction that has one so you could use it", upon hearing this Ikara let out a soft sigh followed by a nod " fine then... could you let me join yours so I can help get one? " he asked looking up at them with a small glim of decision on his eyes. 

"Are you sure you want that child? the only factions that have it are really hostile so the only option would be taking their territory" Alfan told Ikara, "I will do anything if it means I have the smallest chance to find out if they are alive " Ikara answered with a serious look, Katherine smiled seeing this even if her husband seemed a bit unsure " I think he is very sure of what he wants Alfan" she said, Alfan sighed and nodded in response " I can't deny that, I guess that means we have a new member on the family" he said before he smiled as well, " ?" Ikara asked looking up at them.

"yes little boy, In the bear pack faction we treat each other like a family, even when not all of us are blood-related" Alfan answered him, this made Ikara let out a small chuckle at the name " that name sounds funny... but it's nice" he said, "come now, we will take you to meet the rest of the pack" Katherine said and held Ikara's hand, making him tense for a moment before calming down and holding her hand back, following her out the room they were in. 

Ikara looked around as they walked noticing that they were in a cave, one that seemed to have very defined halls, soon they entered another section of the cave where there was a lot of other people of different ages, the one that caught his attention was a girl about his age, she had white curly hair as well as blue eyes, before it seemed like he was staring at her he quickly shook his head and waved at the people in the room, "kids this is your new little brother, his name is Ikara " Katherine said smiling, the people responded with a wave or saying hello, "u..umm hi" the boy answered.

The girl he saw earlier approached him with a smile and her hands on her back "hello there ! my name is Ziera, it's a pleasure to meet you Ikara !" she said with a cheerful tone, "this is our first daughter Ikara" Alfan said to the boy before he nodded softly "'s nice to meet you too Ziera" he said softly.

after the small introductions, Ikara was taken to another section of the cave by Alfan "now, young boy if you are going to join this family and get the ship you need, then you should know that the only path for that is the path of battle" he said making boy nod " I understand .. but I never really fought before " he answered, "that only means there is a long training for you to go through, now I am going to attack you and you must avoid getting damaged as well as wait for the moment to strike " Alfan said crossing his arms, Ikara nodded and sighed a bit before he stepped back a bit.

it seemed like a second before Alfan rushed at the child, making his eye's wide in surprise and took a step to the side, avoiding the man's fist which collided with the ground and made a small crack on it " for such a young boy you have quick reflexes" he told him before he threw a kick at his side which Ikara tried to block crossing his arms to his side, the force of the kick sent him flying into the ground, coughing at the hit and quickly trying to stand up, seeing that Alfan was already charging at him, making him step back and attempt jump away, only to be hit in the stomach and slammed against the wall.

" are you going to give up after two hits? in this world the others won't have the consideration I'm having with you " Alfan answered him standing back up, Ikara grunted and panted a bit as he slowly stood up holding his stomach a bit "no... I already saw my home get destroyed without being able to do anything ... I won't be helpless again" he said as his looked directly at Alfan with his hair starting to glow as his hair flowed while clenching his teeth, emanating an aura the caught the man off guard, only to realize that Ikara was sending a punch through his face, launching him against the other wall, by the moment he regained composture from the hit he saw Ikara laying on the ground unconscious.

Alfan stood up holding his jaw as he looked down at the boy "Impressive... I never saw an aura ignite like that .. much less in a child " he said before walking over to the unconscious Ikara and picking him up over his shoulder " there is a long way to go little Bear but there is something very powerful in you.." he said as he carried him out of the room.

Author here, sorry for taking so long to make this part, I have been really busy with school work but I managed to finally finish this part, no drawing sorry about that, I will try to only add drawings in key moments of the story, hope you have a good day and see you in the next part

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