Chapter 5

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"Gideon, finally we found you.. Where have you been anyway?" Sven holds on his knees as he pants.

"I'm busy, what do you want?" Gideon crossed his arms.

"Pretty sure you're just walking around this whole time-" Von immediately spots Gideon giving him a death glare and sweats "U-uhhh, sorry to bother you boss... we just needed you on something."

"What something? Care to explain?" Gideon said.

"It's about this!" Sven finally recovers and shows Gideon a poster.

"Magic Battles? What's that?" Gideon raises a brow as he looks at the two.

"It's as the name says so itself! A magic battle, since you're a skilled Mage we want you to participate too!" Sven exclaimed.

"Why should I join a lousy tournament? If you want to join there, then participate yourselves. Don't drag me into your shenanigans." Gideon walks past then and sighs.

"But Gideon! You're the only Mage between the two of us! Plus, the tournament has a prize money to whoever wins." Von tries to convince him.

"I already have money with me so why bother trying to win more? I won't be having any much use with them anyway." He said.

"You can also try to test how strong you are!" Sven said.

This statement made Gideon stop on his tracks. Slowly turning back to face them, he smirks. The facial expression he showed made both Sven and Von feel a little unsettled.

"Good one there, Sven. I haven't realized that, so where do I sign in to participate?" He asks.

"In the abandoned warehouse just a couple blocks from here." Von said.

"Take me there will you?" Gideon requested.

"Okay, let's go!" Sven started skipping his way out of the facility.

"If I get to know that I've gotten stronger than before, I'll make sure to ask that lousy brother of mine for a rematch." He smiles.

"Ooohh that guy the white haired little girl is always with? I'm sure you can beat him next time!" Von encouraged him.

"Whatever, let's go." Gideon started walking as Von follows him.

The three of them later arrived at the abandoned warehouse, group of people have gathered around a table where there's another person sitting there. Gideon approaches the person with the other two behind him.

"One at a time, one at a time! Can't you see I'm only one here!" The guy who is taking care of the registrations yelled.

"Act faster then." Gideon mumbles.

"Hah?! What was that you punk?!" He angrily looks at him.

"I would like to participate this small tournament." Gideon crosses his arms.

"Give me your name and other info." He said.

Finally, Gideon was registered in the tournament. All that's left is for his turn to have a match. The trio stood from the side and watch the first fight unfold in front of them. Von noticed his boss smirking this whole time, which made him shiver for wondering what could be going on in his mind.

Sven, on the other hand was so engrossed with the matches that he didn't bother noticing Von who was calling for him this whole time.

Meanwhile, as the tournament is ongoing, both Nixium and Chibi are out in the city, walking their way back to the apartment after going to a donut shop to eat. The little girl was on his shoulders, humming happily which kind of annoyed the tsundere under her.

"Can you stop humming? It's annoying me for a while now." He sighed.

"Nu." Nixium smiles mischievously.

"I swear I'll throw you if you go any further." He shows a grim expression.

"O-okie... Nixium will stop." She said while teary eyed.


He goes on to walking towards their apartment peacefully, his hands in his jacket's pockets. Unbeknownst to the two of them, there are mysterious people keeping a close eye on them in the distance as they walk.

Soon, they have reached the quiet part of the town with the anonymous people still following them. After taking a few steps, he stops. Nixium, who was oblivious to what was happening around looks at Chibi with a confused face.

"Chibi..?" She called.

"Are you gonna show up or what?" He yelled out.

"Eh?" Nixium was extremely confused now.

Four people wearing childish masks slowly came out from the dark. All of them are wearing formal uniforms. Chibi only looks at them with an angry gaze.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Give us the kid and you won't get hurt." One of them stated.

"So you're after the pest like those geezers, eh? Who do you work for?" He asked.

"Just give her to us, that's none of your concern." They repeated.

In a flash, he forcefully kicks him away which shocked the other three, including Nixium. He then lets out a tch, and looks at the other three masked people.

"Do you want to pick a fight on me?" He questioned.

"You cocky brat!" One of them immediately grabs a pistol and aims it at him.

But before he finished the process, Chibi is already in front of him and kicked him by the side which made him fall on the ground in pain. Picking up the pistol he looks at the other two standing men who are pointing their guns at him.

Nixium was terrified as she watches the whole event that she's trembling. Chibi only stands there quietly, glaring at the two.

He may seem calm and confident on the outside but inside, he is slightly panicking for he doesn't know what to do next. Even though he has the gun with him, there are two pistols already aimed at him, ready to fire anytime.

Luckily, a police who happens to be the same police from last time happened to be taking patrol around the area and spotted them.

"Hey you there! Put down your weapons!" He yelled.

"Oh shoot. We gotta go now, hurry!" One of them yelled and the two dragged their comrades out of the place.

Chibi sighs in relief and looks at the police who is running towards them. He stopped in front of them and he hands him the gun.

"Huh? Oh! You're that boy who got stuck in a magic barrier from last time!" The police points at him.

"Please don't remind me of that." His expression changes.

"Anyway, did those thugs did any harm to the two of you?" He asked.

"Not at all, though I would be if you didn't arrive in time." He replied.

"Be careful out here, kid. Some reports say that a criminal organization is active around the city and are kidnapping people, specifically children. Perhaps those guys are one of them and they're after the little girl." The police looks at Nixium.

"I'll keep it in mind." Chibi nods.

"All right, have a good day young man!" He then smiles and walks away.

"So this is what the old geezer was talking about..." He mumbles.

"Chibi? Are you okay?" Nixium asked him.

"I'm okay, anyway let's head back home." He began to walk their way back again.

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