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A couple of months flew by, and Stu's stomach grew. Billy was overprotective, while Autumn tried to stay out of all the fights that were going on the past few months , but he couldn't.

Not when, Billy fucks up, and says shit he doesn't mean, but Stu takes it to heart.

Stu would usually lock himself in his room to avoid Billy, and Autumn had to make sure they apologized to each other.

The last couple of months were crazy and just intense, but the due date was nearing, and the fights were getting less and less, which made Autumn feel great.

Plus, the sex was amazing.

Currently, they didn't have any school, well, actually Billy and Stu have been skipping school, while Autumn was forced to attend by his sister.

Stu stopped attending once he started showing more, and well, Billy, he always hated school, so skipping wasn't new for him.

They were at Stu's house, Autumn, and Billy practically moved in since Stu's parents were never around.

Billy has been extra protective that he doesn't even let Stu do anything that caused most of the arguments.

Stu didn't like sitting around. He liked moving around, but Billy wouldn't let him.

Autumn just wanted to have one peaceful day. That's all he asks for, but yet that never happened.

"Billy, I don't want to be sitting down all day, I want to do something." Stu agrued, and Billy rolled his eyes.

"Like what? Waddle around like a penguin?" He sarcastically questioned, annoyed by the petty argument.

"You are such an asshole!" Stu said, throwing a pillow at him, and Billy caught it before it hit him. .

He smirked, "Miss me."

Autumn reached over and smacked Billy in the back of his head, and Billy threw him a glare.

"Don't call Stu a penguin." Autumn said, and Billy huffed, and Stu stood up.

"Where are you going?" Billy questioned, quickly standing up.

"Bathroom, because our kid is pressing against my bladder, jeez, can't even go to the bathroom in peace." Stu mumbled as he walked away,

Stu didn't really need to use the bathroom. He just needed some space from Billy, so he stayed in the hallway, leaning against the wall.

Billy sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Hey, what's your problem? I thought you were excited to be a dad. Now you're just being an asshole." Autumn told him, and Billy scoffed.

"It's not my fault Stu's being so difficult," Billy said, shaking his head.

"It would've been better if he wasn't pregnant, that why I could deal with him." He grumbled.

Stu heard him, and he placed a hand on his stomach before he felt a small ping of pain.

He ignored it as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Don't say that. Don't you ever say that again, "Autumn told him, narrowing his eyes at him.

He stood up from the couch, "You're just being a jackass cause you're scared and clearly insecure,"

"But this isn't just about you, Billy. Stu's scared, too, probably even more than you since he's the one carrying our kid, and all you've done is yell at him and haven't even let him do anything," Autumn told him,

"All this sitting around is just making him think more, and he's anxious, and you can't see that because you're being an overprotective asshole, and I'm not saying, don't be overprotective, because trust me, I worry about Stu and the baby all day, every day,"

"It's been overwhelming. Yeah, it has been. Has it been stressful? Yes, but it's all gonna be worth it the second that baby is born." Autumn said,

Billy stared at him before he sighed, sitting on the couch.

"God, I'm such am asshole."

Stu sniffled before he felt another wave of pain before he felt something sliding down his thighs.

He looked down and saw blood. He was wearing shorts since his jeans wouldn't fit anymore, and it was hot to wear sweats.

His eyes widened, "Billy! Autumn!" He called out for them, his voice full of panic, and both boys didn't waste any time rushing to him.

They almost bumped into him in the hallway.

"What's wrong?" Billy questioned, his eyes looking over his body before he froze as he saw the trail of blood sliding down Stu's legs.

Stu looked pale, and his eyes were wide with fear.

"I..I don't feel so good."


Word count - 741

Hoped you enjoyed!

Sorry for the very late update! I promise I'll try and finish the story soon.

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