12. Spa Day with Sienna Dalton

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I squinted at the glaring hot sun as I tapped my crimson, stiletto-clad foot on the gray pavement while looking at the spacious parking lot on my right.

Although the wide entrance of Sun Bath Spa offered a much-desired shade, it was exceptionally humid today for LA Summer.

I dabbed tissue on my damp-with-sweat forehead and looked out at the otherwise-empty parking lot for the umpteenth time.

With a click of my tongue, I pressed the power button of my phone.

"One fifty-six and yet there's no trace of her!"

I huffed and tossed the phone inside my golden purse when I heard the low hum of some car engine.

My head snapped up at the sound and I found a sparkly red Porche wheeling toward the parking lot.

Minutes later, a black-suited tall driver pulled the glossy back door, and a pair of wrinkly cream feet in white heels clicked on the ground.

A graceful lady in her prime sixty emerged from the car, making me squint my eyes at the so-much-white and sparkly gold on display.

Her white, knee-length dress had a shiny golden, quarter-sleeved jacket draped over it.

Her hair — resembling a fraying platinum-blonde cotton ball — was pulled up in a puffed ponytail.

Light pink lips. Catty dark-lined blue eyes. And, an upturned button nose. Not much trace of age in that beautiful face, though.

No wonder why she had a weekly schedule with posh spas and regular visits to a family dermatologist.

Well, that was our Sienna Dalton.

But she wasn't supposed to come alone. Where was-

"Vivien, Maddy," Sienna turned to look inside the car. "Let my darlings come out and play."

"Yes, Madam," two soft voices chorused together as the other side of the car door opened.

A gasp escaped my lips as four pairs of huge black-and-orange-stripped paws landed on the concrete. Two lean women in black suits and neat hightails came out after the tigers, holding loose, pink feather leashes in their hands.

But my eyes never seemed to left the sight of those utter monstrosities.

Beady black eyes and big yawning mouth - showing off razor-sharp white teeth and flickering rough pink tongue - made me gulp a hard lump.

These were Sienna's tiger pups! They looked grown-ass enough to eat me twice for breakfast.

I clenched my jaw hard.

Sawyer was so going to get it from me after this.

At least, their nails were clipped. And, most importantly - on the leash, albeit, it was just feathers!

Forcing myself to take a deep breath, I plastered a fake wide smile on my face and walked toward them.

"Ms. Dalton!" She looked up as I offered a polite wave of my hand. "It's so nice to see you."

Her brows furrowed a little but she still smiled.

"Uh, do I know you?"

I straightened my spine as I approached her and clasped my hands, holding the purse.


"Miss, may I have a look at your purse?" I looked at the sound of a stone-cold, velvety voice on my left.

It was one of those ladies in black. The black hair, hazel-eyed one.

The other one had blue eyes and the same ebony hair. only her strands were a little wavy.

"Oh, sure!" I handed my purse to the hazel beauty with a smile and turned to granny Sienna again. "I suppose not, Madam. But I'm a great supporter of your exceptional contribution in preserving old people's right to live young. I wish more people could understand such psychological stress of our elders."

I offered a soft sigh with a sad smile, keeping a keen eye on that slight twitch of up-turned lips and twinkling blue her eyes.

"Ah, yes. People are getting lazy these days with nothing better to do for society. Especially, youngsters who love to bury their heads in those phones."

"Exactly! Kids these days..." I shook my head, taking back my phone from the extended hand of blank-faced hazel eyes. "Thank you."

"You're from Trexon Empire." the blue-eyed lady raised her brows, making my heart jump.

Not a question, but a statement.

Beads of sweat on my forehead seemed to drench me in the humid, hot air.

"Uh..." Sienna's brows began to crease deep as I tried to offer her a liquid smile. "Yes. I work at the company."

"What position?" The hazel-eyed one tilted her head to the side.

"A sales officer." I smiled with my lips pressed tightly.

"And, what are you doing at this spa?" The blue-eyed mince frowned.

To have a facial with your flesh, idiot!

"Why do you ask?" My smile grew thinner.

She shrugged.

"These are not standard questions, Ma'am, so don't mind Maddy." The hazel beauty — Vivien, I guessed — offered me a polite smile.

I glanced at Sienna once.

Dread coiled in my stomach as I found her intense blue eyes boring holes into my head.

She must have started to doubt me now.

I had to do something. Fast.

"Well, I know this is a luxury spa. But I've got a special discount. A friend works here so... I think we're getting late for our appointments, no?"

I smiled wide, trying not to wipe my clammy hands on my knee-length flowy red, boat-neck sundress.

Creased brows smoothened and Sienna finally smiled.

"Ah, yes, let's go. And, Miss..."

"Daisy. Daisy Wenser." I grinned, hoping that it matched my fake info in that fake phone.

"Ms. Daisy, I'd love if you join me and my darlings today."


"Oh, that's humble of you, Madam. Thanks. I'd be especially delighted to spend time with your cute... Darlings." I cast a wary glance at those beady-eyed beasts and offered a sugary sweet smile.

Crystal blue eyes of Sienna gleamed brightly at the mention of her favorite pups.

"Well, they'd love to have you too. Come."

I eyed the pups once more time, their black doe pools watched me with pure boredom.

Yeah. They were so excited. Just like me.


I suppressed an embarrassing groan when that masseuse roughly kneaded a stiff spot on my naked back.


With my eyes closed, I could hear swift slapping on some slippery skin on my left.

"A little gentle, Maya. Yeah. Like that." Sienna sighed.

I bit my lower lip, picking at the white thread on the fluffy pillow underneath me.

Should I ask now?

I spent a couple more moments arranging my words before opening my eyes.

"Uh, Ms. Dalton?"

She hummed absentmindedly in response.

"You're a regular at this spa, right?"

She finally glanced at me and nodded.

I grinned. "So, that's why your skin still glows like thirties. Wow!"

And, her haughty, proud smile was back.

"Well, you could say that. All those billions are useless if they can't help you look young."

And, money couldn't help a decaying body after death either. No matter young or old.

I offered her a thin smile.

"Right, Madam. Money is essential and investing in the best place is even more. Especially, if that's Trexon Empire. "

Sienna furrowed her brows while smiling.

"What do you mean?"

I cleared my throat and put on my best polite smile.

"Oh, nothing, Madam. Don't worry. I shouldn't have spoken about the company like this. Don't mind me."

"No. No. Tell me. I want to know."

"Um..." I fiddled with my pillow corner. "I don't think I should disclose such information outside like this."

"I'm a shareholder of Trexon Empire. You can tell me."

I glanced at Sienna. She was keen and eager enough to eat my bait.

"Well, I'm not sure. This is just a rumor-"

"Come to the point, Ms. Daisy."

I bit my lower lips and frowned hard while keeping an eye on her still interested face.

"Actually, I've heard that our CEO, Mr. Harlington, is planning to cut off shareholders' wages by thirty-five percent from the next month."

Eyes bulged out as Sienna gasped.


"Ma'am, relax, please. Your muscles are going to spasm-"

"Shut up!" Sienna snapped at the young Korean masseuse and looked at me. "Where did you hear that?"

I made a show of flinching and stuttering.

Sienna groaned. "Ms. Daisy, speak up! Ouch!"

She grimaced, holding the right side of her bare shoulder.

Must have been a muscle-spasm case.

The young masseuse started to quickly rub her shoulders and pressed her pressure points.

I cleared my throat, deciding not to make Sienna wait any further.

"Uh, there was a showroom tour a while ago. Mr. Harlington and some of his associates had come for the visit. They were discussing themselves and I happened to overhear some words while crossing paths. That was totally unintentional, I tell you!"

Sienna was breathing harshly at this point. Whether it was because of the pain or the news, hard to tell.

"Are you okay, Madam?" I raised my brows, feeling my sore back loosen at this point.

She merely grunted.

"Uh... If you don't mind, may I suggest something?"

"What!" Sienna glared at me with tired eyes.

"Well, you already have a well-established club. Various successful side-businesses. You have billions to spare. Don't you think Trexon Empire doesn't deserve your valuable time and effort?"

Blue eyes narrowed sharply.

"What are you saying?"

This was my make-or-break moment.

I took a deep breath and licked my lips.

"Look, I'm not saying this as a Trexon Empire employee but as a sensible person. There's an active rumor about cutting off shares that you shareholders deserve. They clearly are not respecting your worth well enough. You are an asset to them, Madam, and still, they treat you like you're a nobody. That's an insult to the Sienna Dalton! Why would you tolerate this?"

I could see gears turning in her head as she stared afar, frowning hard.

After a while, she hummed.

"Right. They are cutting off my shares for a couple of months. But Mr. Harlington said that was because the company was facing some loss."

I smirked.

"Well, they are launching a new car model in a couple of months. There's going to be major profit in my calculations. I don't think there's any valid reason for cutting off shares this soon or ever. But what do I know? I'm just a salesperson."

With a shrug, I snuggled further into the soft pillow.

The service here was stunning! I would have come back sooner.

"But you're right. I've been neglecting the obvious for far too long. I think it's time to reconsider my shareholder position in Trexon Empire."


I gasped with wide eyes.

"You want to pull out your shares?"

Sienna sighed. "I see no other options. But I'd have to sell the shares next. And, that's even more hassle. I'll have to think more about it."

I lowered my eyes, contemplating whether to bring up Sawyer's fake account now or later.

With a hum, I started to tap my fingers on the pillow.

"Whatever you do, choose wisely, Madam. The world is full of scams. Who knows where your next investment would land you?"

Sienna rolled her eyes. "Anything's better than Trexon Empire."

I bit my lips to stop smirking.

"Hmm... I do know a company that could make use of your shares. Although, they are small but- anyways, forget it."

But her raised brows and perked-up ears told otherwise.

"No, go on. I want to know."

I sighed. "Well, that's a friend's company. They got pennies to spare from old money but the problem is — the current heir's company is a startup and they need investors or shares from some influential company."

"So, why don't they get investors from their family?"

"Uh... My friend is kinda rebellious. He wants to prove himself to his family so..."

Sienna scoffed. "Stupid, young people not listening to their elders!"

"Yeah..." I gave her a wry smile. "If only he had someone to boost his business... But don't worry. I'll figure something out."

"Wait. What's his company's name?"

I hid a smirk.

"Vespers Ltd. Real Estate dealers."

"Do you have a card?"

I smiled. "Oh, yes. In my purse. I can give you on our way out if you want."

The frown still didn't smoothen out from her face.

"What's wrong?" I tilted my head to the side.

Sienna sighed.

"Just thinking. Am I doing the right thing? Don't you think Trexon Empire deserves another chance?"

My heart jumped at the possibility of her retreat.

But I shrugged in response.

"It's your money, Madam. Your decision. But if you want my suggestion, I'd say Trexon Empire is not worth it, and you can choose to not trust Vespers too. But what you got to lose really? What's a couple million-worth share against your mountains of multi-billion? Just a specks of dirt!"

I waited for the frown or glare after that daring speech.

Instead, a soft chuckle made my head snap up with wide eyes.

"You have brains, Daisy," Sienna smiled softly. "And, it'll take you far in life."

❤️ First mission is off to a great start or is it not? What do you think fieries?

Don't hesitate to let me know of your speculations. I'd love to hear them.

Also, don't forget to press that star button to help Mirasol earn some brownies. It's her first mission after all!

See you guys in the next chapter, guys. Till then, take care of your mind, body, and soul.

Love you
– Sabrina ❤️

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