20. Skeletons and Closets

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After a crazy week of work, it was the time for the weekend again.

Only this time, the day seemed... I didn't know? A bit too mundane?

Pfft! That was probably because there was nothing interesting going on in the tv.

I shifted on the couch, scrolling through latest horoscope emails on my phone, while some girl was talking about island exploration on a travel channel on the big screen.

I was in a mid-sigh when a caption on the phone caught my eyes.

'Big Astrostorm on the Horizon. Major change is coming for Virgo mooners.'

Well, shit. I was a virgo moon and my life was all about changes these days.

I was about to tap on the link when another email notification popped up.

The sender's name had me frowning even before I could read the caption.

Devon Harrington.

I pursed my lips and stared at the title 'Urgent' followed by three exclamation marks.

What did he want now?

I tapped open the mail, bracing myself for the worst.

'Dear Mirasol,

I am aware of your busy schedule and understand the importance of weekend rest. However, I need your immediate attention regarding an important official matter. Kindly meet me at Fioral's at 6.

Kind regards,

Devon Harrington,
Chief Executive Officer, Trexon Empire.'

With a calm tap, I closed the mail app, shut down the phone, and placed it on the wooden table before looking up at the ceiling.

"Astronomical storm on the horizon, huh?" I snorted. "You're late, bitch. It's already raging here."


"Good evening, Ma'am. Welcome to Fioral." The blonde attendant's thousand dollars crimson smile blinded me the moment I entered the fancy establishment.

I gave her a little smile. "Thanks. Reservation for Harrington?"

"This way."

She escorted me through a throng of glass tables covered in cream lace sheets before turning to a corner, leading us toward the wall of floor to ceiling glass window with the view of a flashy, big fountain and city lights from afar.

We were walking beside a row of beige window booths when I spotted the familiar back of dark hair looking out the window.

"Here it is," Devon looked at the attendant as we stopped before the booth. "Sir, ma'am, your server will arrive soon. Enjoy your evening."

Devon nodded and I offered her a thanks before she walked away.

I watched Devon's gaze linger on the attendant's tight bottom clad in pale pencil skirt.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" I spoke, taking my seat across from him.

"Huh?" Devon's head whipped at me. "Oh, sorry. That was nothing."

"So, what's the matter?" I put my elbows up on the table.

"Straight to business. I like that you're learning."

I smiled. "I had years worth of business degrees to teach that. Just never bothered to apply before."

He was taken aback. "Mira..."

"Miss Hayes, please. Now, I believe you were about discuss something, sir?"

Devon's widened eyes turned cold and he cleared his throat.

"Yes, Miss Hayes. I'm—"

"Sir, ma'am, are you ready to order?" the waiter we didn't saw coming, asked.

After he took our orders and left, I looked at Devon.

He watched my calm eyes for a moment and sighed.

"Look, Miss Hayes. I understand that you are upset with your demotion..."

What an understatement!

"But you must know that our company is undergoing some major financial changes these days."

"Was it undergoing changes when you were overtiming me before demotion?" I couldn't resist asking that.

Devon clicked his tongue. "Mirasol, we're friends—"

"Miss. Hayes. Sir Devon," I gritted my teeth. "And we are not friends. Not by a long shot. This is employer meeting employee. So, for the last time keep it professional, please."

Devon pursed his lips and took a deep breath.

"You are absolutely correct, Miss Hayes. But you are one of my esteemed employee as well. So, I have your best interest in mind. You see, the demotion has been for your benefit and ours. I've received stellar reports from Sales Department regarding your performance. You are quite ready to return to your previous position as my PA as far as I can see."

Such sugary sweet words.

Words that I was once dying to gobble up like breakfast.

And now...

"What about your current assistant?" I intertwined my fingers with each other and rested my head on my knuckles.

"We'll have to let him go. He's proving to be incompetent, anyway."

"How so?" I raised my brows. "Is he not drafting your reports correctly? Perhaps, missing a phrase or two in a sentence?"

"Miss Hayes, we are steering away from the point."

"Then get back to it instead of buttering me up, sir. You and I both know why I haven't left the company even after all your tragic endeavors to fire me."

"Now, you are insulting me, Miss Hayes," Devon's voice took a stern note, "All I want is for you to improve your career and I know you have the potential."

Same. Fucking. Broken. Record.

Damn. Was it always this hard to resist the urge to roll my eyes?

"And that's why I need your help in this dire time of the company, to pay back for giving you the platform."

So, the last two years wasn't enough, huh?

I clenched my jaw hard as he opened his mouth to continue.

God bless the waiter who arrived just in time with our wine and steaks.

I immediately started to eat after he served us and left, just so I didn't hurl uncensored words out of my tongue and speak something unspeakable to Devon.

He was technically still my boss. No matter how much I pricked him with my barbs, there was a limit even I couldn't cross.

"I know you know about the shareholder issue."

A sudden cough spurted steak crumbs out of my lips and burned through my nose.

Devon handed me a glass of water and asked if I was okay.

But I was too busy gulping down the water and dreading Devon's words.

This was it. It was the moment when cops in disguise stand up from the crowd and arrest me for frauding the company shareholders.

When I was a little stable, I breathed out and wiped my lips with a paper napkin.

"I'm fine," I sighed, taking a glance around the staring people around me.

They soon turned back to their businesses, leaving me to deal with my mess.

I cleared my throat. "You were saying?"

"Hmm?" Devon stopped sipping the wine. "Oh yes, the shareholders. I know about the office rumor and to be frank, I'm glad this saves me time from explaining unnecessary details to you. Anyways, the thing is, two of our shareholders informed about their recent contract theft. They said, someone intriltrated their establishments in disguise and tampered with their papers."

"Really?" I hoped my surprised voice sounded convincing enough.

"Yeah. One even said, two people came to him, offered up a bet, and just when he won, the cop showed up and they fled with his signed papers. The other couldn't find anything wrong with their papers, though. But he suspected a possible breach when a incident of infiltration happened to him in his house. All these... These couldn't just be coincidence, Miss Hayes."

No. They were so not mere coincidences.

"So... what do you think? Who did this?"

"Who else?" Devon snapped his half empty wine glass down, his eyes were blazing brightly. "That damn Sawyer!"

My heart jumped at the low growl in his voice. I did my best to still the tremble in my skin.

I took a long gulp of my wine, ignoring the buzz in my ears and the tingling fruity spice in my tongue.

I licked my lips and hummed. "Nice... wine. How old is this one again?"

"Mira... Are you even listening to me?"

"No. Not when this unnecessary topic is still on the table, sir." I put down the empty glass and forked another morsel of the steak. "And for the last time, it's Miss Hayes. H-A-Y-E-S."

He scoffed at my jumbled mess of words. "Really? Here I am talking about a life and death issue—"

"Are you dying?" I spoke, after gulping down the food.

A few more bites and then I'd be done with this crazy dinner.

"Miss Hayes, you're being ridiculous. Weren't you the one to warn me against Sawyer?"

"And you didn't pay any attention."

One down. Three more morsels to go.

"I'm doing it now. So, hear me out."

I dropped the fork and set him with a blank look.

Devon opened his mouth.

"You said, Sawyer Ronnes is no longer a threat to you," I cut him off. "What did you do?"

Devon narrowed his eyes. "Why do you ask?"

I smirked.

"Because if you need me to spy on him and get you information, sir, you gotta spill your beans. Fast."

"Miss Ha—"

"And before you deny, know that I'm your only inside source who can give you an upper hand in this game. So, think before you speak." I put another forkful of savory bite and looked down to give my plate the complete focus.

It was a dangerous game. Far risky than playing poker with James so needless to say, I needed to sort out all of my cards right. And with care.

I took my time to finish the rest of the steak.

Devon didn't utter a single word in the meantime, sporting an ugly frown on his still handsome face.

Well, devils did look pretty on the outside. Only their rotten insides showed their true colors.

By the time, I cleaned my platter and took hasty scoops of chocolate icecream, I gave up on Devon speaking further.

Would he pay the bill, though? Or was it going to be me?

I gulped an icy lump, thinking about the dollar signs cutting off of my credit card.

Nope. I wasn't going to be the bill-paying martyr for this guy. Had it been another person, I wouldn't have to think twice.

But Devon was Devon—a lying, cheating, conniving asshole. And this was his dinner.

So, I ain't paying up a dime.

"It's a secret."

I paused wiping my mouth mid-way, hearing his voice. Then resumed my task with a shrug.

"Knew you couldn't trust me. Anyways, thanks for the dinner—"

"I hold a secret of his. Dark secret."

I was on the verge of standing when I froze and sat down with a frown.

"That's lots of secrets in there, isn't it? What it is?"

He leaned forward and whispered, "You must have heard about his mother."

"Yeah, so?"

"His mother's death wasn't just an accident. It was a murder."

I blinked. "What... What do you mean? Who did that? Sawyer..."

Even talking about that had my heart somersaulting hard. I couldn't take it if Sawyer was really a...

"No. It wasn't Sawyer. He wasn't even there when the so-called accident happened."

I didn't know why but a huge stone lifted off my chest hearing that. But somehow it wasn't enough.


Devon stared at me dead in the eyes.

"It was his father. Benjamin Ronnes."

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