9. Delving Into the Past

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Sawyer and I had spent hours explaining the accident to Yuvan but the frown had never left his face.

He had developed this weird notion that something was going on between us and we didn't tell him.

Although, it was a good thing that he had voiced his doubts only to me.

Otherwise, it would have been awkward for us if Sawyer knew my teen brother's wild faith in the unimaginable.

The first Saturday in Sawyer's mansion had arrived soon.

Yuvan had a meeting coming up soon for his swimming so he had gone to practice early this morning.

It was only Sawyer and me in the whole house. For the second time in a week.

I was scrolling through channels on the big tv in my room.

A sigh of boredom escaped my lips.

God knew for how long I'd have to endure this torture in the name of rest.

I had no pending work left.

Just wander around someone's house like a ghost and eat.

I looked down at my slightly bloated belly.

Damn! I was getting fat.

How many days had it been since I had done something productive for my body, again?

Nope. I couldn't let this farse drag on further.

We were leaving today- no, tomorrow. Yuvan might get tired if he had to prepare for the move out right after stressful practice.

I needed to talk to Sawyer.

With a firm nod, I turned the tv off and stood up.

I brushed creases off of my cotton pale yellow, pink floral printed blouse, and sky blue skinny jeans.

I looked at the phone mirror at hand to check out my appearance.

My red hair was in a messy fish braid, leaving a couple of short strands to curtain the sides of my bare cheeks.

Casual. Neat. No fuss look.

Good for my today's confidence check!

I smiled and walked toward the door.

Sawyer was nowhere in sight. I've searched every corner of the second floor. That was until I was crossing a large window and my eyes were drawn out to the backyard.

Sawyer's firm back clad in a fitting blue shirt peeked from the round bench of a big, white gazebo.

So, he was there.

I came down and walked out into the breezy morning.

Sun was shining brighter today. The sky was clear blue with fluffy white clouds scattered around. Grass and leaves looked fresh green.

I breathed in the wild smell of lily and lemon while pleasing my ears with the ringing melody of chirping birds.

A soft smile crept up my face.

This was a good day.

My eyes wandered to that white gazebo.

It was made of marble as floor and stone for the bench and the dome ceiling.

Sawyer was still sitting there on the bench, leaning against the entrance pillar.

He was flipping pages of some gray file and twirling a black fountain pen between his fingers.

I walked toward him, riding the wide, elevated marble steps to move inside the gazebo.

Sawyer looked up at the soft thud of my white ballet flats.

"Oh, hey!" He offered me a quick smile before rushing to gather scattered papers and files on the bench.

I couldn't help but notice a stray paper had fallen on the floor.

While I was picking it up, bold letters on the top caught my eye.

Electricity bill of March.

Sawyer snatched the paper fast from my hands.

"Thanks," his dry voice and dead blank face only made me frown.

What was wrong with him?

Why this hide-and-seek game?

I was getting tired of this, honestly.

Now, I had to ask.

For the sake of my gradually slipping temper or else I would burst. And, no one was going to like that. Trust me.

I took a deep breath, smoothening the frown from my face.

"Can we talk for a moment, Sir?"

"Sorry, Hayes. Can't do now." Sawyer piled up the files in a mess, showing his back toward me.

"It's important."

He clicked his tongue.

"Hayes, I already said-"

"Are you ashamed that you're broke?"

I winced at how blunt that sounded out loud. It was purely unintentional, I swear.

Sawyer froze.

I didn't blame him, though. I wouldn't blame him if he shut me out after this either. I shouldn't have pried about his personal matters like this.

But now that I had, I might as well bite the bullet and gulp.

A tired breath escaped my lips.

"Look, Sir, I know I'm overstepping my boundaries but this hide and seek game is really becoming annoying."

"Wait, what!" Sawyer whirled around and faced me with a frown.

"Yes. I get it you don't want to feel embarrassed regarding your financial status in front of your guests. I wouldn't want that too. But Yuvan and I won't judge you, Sir. No."

"Do you really... God!" Sawyer face-palmed himself, slowly dragging his hands downward.

"It's not easy to survive the whirlwind wave of rising prices in today's world. That too, with a mansion like this and a job of a mere sales manager! Rather, you should feel proud that you didn't sell your home like most other rich-peeps-gone-bankrupt. It takes a lot more bravery trust me."

"Rich peeps... Hold up! Just stop right there, Hayes."

I clamped my mouth shut when Sawyer raised his hands.

With a deep breath, Sawyer swept away his files in one neat and swift motion.

He sat down and patted the space beside him.

After a reluctant moment of internal debate, I sat down beside him. Keeping a good distance between us, of course.

Sawyer turned to face me with crossed arms.

"Okay, so, you think I clean up the whole mansion and cook because I'm broke with former deep pockets, right?"

I offered a slow nod.

"And, you think I'm not saying that because I'm embarrassed..."

I bobbed my head up and down.

A slow smirk crept up his somber-looking face as he leaned forward.

His twinkling golden eyes made me sway back with furrowed brows.

"And... You won't judge me, right?"

I shook my head, sliding away from him a little.

"Not ever?"

My breath hitched when Sawyer's arm caged my left side, over my thighs.

At least, he was not touching me. Yet.

"Not even if I do this..." His warm breath tickled the side of my right ear.

Dread and warmth both coiled inside my stomach.

This was not good. So. Not. Good!

I had to get away.

Move, dumbhead. Move! Push him!

Why did my arms feel heavy?

Why my whole body was frozen?



I yelped loudly and jumped away. Only to fall flat on my bum.

A sharp pang shot through my things and waist as I arched my back with a groan.

Even the cold marble couldn't soothe the sudden burn of this pain.

The sudden burst of deep, boisterous laughter wasn't helping either.

If anything, that sick noise of cackling only made me send daggers through my blurry gray eyes.

I rubbed frozen tears off my eyes and began to straighten my back.

No. That generous gentleman did not offer his hand like those handsome eye candies in movies.

He had been too busy fixing his buckled back which was still trembling from suppressed laughter.

Taking my sweet time, I sat back up on the stone bench. Farthest from his breathing space this time.

Sawyer was gasping at this point as he dropped on the bench with a soft plop.

"Sorry. But seriously! Your face..."

His grinning face went bent backward as another amused chuckle escaped his dark red lips.

At least, he was looking good with his carefree, no-ulterior-motive-filled laughter.

It strangely suited Sawyer. More beautifully than his smirk.

A smile threatened to break out of my glaring face.

I had to look away to hide it.

A sudden thought of Devon's smiling face put a cold bucket of ice over my mood.

I let out a deep breath to suppress the burn in my heart and turned to face a now calm Sawyer.

He was watching me closely.

His intense golden eyes burned bright in the sunlight. A soft smile played on his lips as if working like an accessory for him.

"My nonna pays for all, Hayes."

I raised my brows at the sudden change of topic.

Sawyer smirked and leaned an arm against the bench head.

"This mansion was a gift from my papa. After Devon took over the company, we were left with nothing. Being on the verge of bankruptcy, Papa and I had to sell almost all of our personal and professional assets. Only this house survived."

Sawyer sighed, tilted his head back, and closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of the morning sun.

I didn't dare to interrupt him this time.

For some strange reason, I had a feeling that I wouldn't get this chance again. So, I let him dwell in the past.

"Originally, this mansion belonged to Mama. After she died of a brain stroke, Papa named this property after me. I was just crossing the tenth year of my life. Anyways, we survived the bankruptcy by teeth. Papa had two major heart attacks during that time. Nonna took care of us in every way she could. She still does. But even her overflowing influence has some big limits."

I had read about the Ronnes scandal after their bankruptcy.

I had been doing thorough research about Sawyer Ronnes and his past for a couple of weeks now.

Ever since I learned about this former CEO of Trexon Empire, my curiosity only grew.

They were one of the biggest sharks in the corporate ocean.

What made them lose their company overnight?

Why did only Haringtons top them? How?

What happened five years ago?

If only I dabbled in the business gossip besides drowning in only textbooks in uni.

I didn't even know who was what back then. Even now.


"My forgotten drunken habit grew tenfolds. I began to grab ladies left and right. Bars and pubs of New York knew my face as a frequent customer. I was a hot mess. Nonna had to step in to save me from drowning in self-pity any further."

Sawyer chuckled softly, shaking his head.

"You know, she cut off my servants, housekeepers, gardeners, even cooks. Only so that I learn the value of work in life. And, like a beaten puppy, I learned my lessons."

"She's an admirable woman, Sir," I smiled. "Caring and strong."

Sawyer gave me a warm grin in response.

"That she is! Stubborn and Head-strong, that eighty-nine-year oldy goldy."

I hummed, watching his eyes twinkle with a sheer fondness for his grandmother.

He loved his nonna and still looked up to her.

But one thought still bugged my mind, though.

"If there's no financial problem, I wonder what's the need to still work at the Trexon Empire, Sir? You could easily build a new company with your experience and skills."

That soft smile turned into a sharp smirk as Sawyer stared at me.

A chilling shiver rushed down my spine at his cold gaze.

"You've seen wars in movies, right?" his riddled words made me frown. "Sometimes, Hayes, a warrior must step back in the battle. That doesn't mean he's eager to lose the game and flee. Rather, he slowly strives for a sure victory. He wants what is rightfully his."

Words got stuck in my mouth as my brain stormed over his weird yet meaningful phrases.

I flinched when rough, warm fingers grazed the side of my left cheek.

"Trexon Empire. Papa's sweat and blood. Devon's demise. Mark my words, Mirasol..."

Sawyer leaned forward with a twisted smirk. His honey-gold eyes promised a crimson storm.

"I'll get back what is rightfully mine!"

❤️ Sawyer seems pretty determined. What do you think will happen now?

Let me know in the comments.

See you in the next chapter, fieries. Till then take care of your mind, body, and soul.

Love you
– Sabrina ❤️

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