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Marinette slumped as she walked into school. She walked into her classroom and sat in her seat and sheepishly smiled at Ms.Bustier. It's been a week. Adrien and her have gotten on a regular basis of calling each other. He's in Turkey now. So he's close but there's still a time difference. Then he's going to every state in America then all over Europe before he can come home to her. They agreed on not calling each other when he goes somewhere so he can settle in. Lila and Chloe are still asking her to choose.

Ms.Bustier smiled at her back. "Good morning Marinette."

"Good morning Madame." Marinette put her head on the table and groaned.

"Something wrong?"

"Adrien and I have talked again but now people are making me choose between friends." She sighs and Ms.Bustier nodded. Keeping the boxes under her desk, for now. The bell rang and students filed in. She smiled at them and started her lesson soon after the late bell. She smiled and turned from the board.

"Oh Marinette," she looked up at her teacher. Ms.Bustier pulled out the boxes and smiled at her. "Someone, sent these for you." Marinette blushed. She knew Adrien sent them. Who else would?

There was a knock on the door and everyone looked at it. A man walked in with a bouquet of flowers. He held up a card. "Is a Ms.Marinette Dupain-Cheng here?"

"Uhm, right here," Marinette sheepishly held her hand up and he nodded, putting the flowers on her desk. "Who are these from?"

"Uhm," he read the card again. He laughed. "The Adrien Agreste. Well I'll be damned. You're one lucky lady." He walked out of the room and Marinette blushed hard and hide behind the flowers.


Adrien smiled for the photo with his fans then walked away from them with his band. His phone rang and he picked it up, smiling at the contact name. "Hello?"


"Hey Marinette. Did you like-"

"How dare you." Her voice quivered.

"W-What?" Adrien stopped walking in the mall and looked at his friends.

"How dare you. You send me presents, I was fine with that but a dozen flowers! People won't leave me alone now!" She started crying. He lifted a brow.

"Flowers? I never sent you flowers." He looked at his band members and glared at them.

"Yes you did! You're name was-"

"Marinette listen to me. Would I send you flowers and presents on the same day?"


"That's right. I might be rich but I'm a cheapskate," he laughed which made her giggle. Alya punched his arm. "Someone else probably sent them in my name. Do you know who's handwriting it looks like?"

"Uhm," she held up the card and looked at it. "Nathanaels I guess."

"Nathanaels?" She hummed yes.

"H-He sent me a lot of love letters but never did his name but I knew it was him because of his signature on his art." Adrien glared at Nathanael and Nathanael looked away.

"O-Okay. We'll talk tonight I'm guessing?"

"Yeah. I love you."

He blushed. "Love you too, bye." His band mates halliard and he rolled his eyes.

"Bye." He hung up and glared at Nathanael.

"Why the fuck would you send flowers in my name to my girlfriend?"

"To make her feel special." Nathanael laughed.

"Well she was hating me because of what you did you idiot." Adrien growled and Nathanael sighed.


"You better be and not be trying to ruin my relationship you tomatohead."

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