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Marinette bit her lip as Sabine let Zack in with a smile. No one found out and she told the police she'd tell her parents but didn't. She only told Lila and she told no one. He leaned over her in her room and she held in here tears and a scream. "Marinette, did you finish the dress?" She never even started it. She started another one. It was red with it fading to black at the bottom with long sleeves with the skirt ending at her knees. The dance was a week away. She didn't tell Adrien about Zack.

"I-I haven't started it."

"Why not," he gritted his teeth. "I have my suit ready, dinner reservations and a hotel room ready. I just need to get a few more things." He growled and she flinched.

"W-Why a hotel room?"

"So I can do you all night long without anyone interrupting." He smirked and kissed the back of her neck.

"Y-Y-You do know that's rape? R-R-Right? W-We both need to consent."

"I know. You'll consent soon enough, and I won't make you. I respect you to much baby." He kissed her neck again and a shiver went down her spine.

"H-How do you know that?"

"I know a lot of things," he kissed her neck again. "Now get to work on that dress baby."

"F-Fine," she was almost done with the red one. She only needed to sew on the sleeves and fade the skirt. She took out blue fabric and he smirked and sat on her chaise. She looked at the very bad drawing of the dress he wanted. She worked on it until dark, him not allowing any breaks, or more then three that were only five minutes every three hours. At nine she finished it but it was poorly sewn together. She would have to resew it. "D-Done, well almost."

"What do you mean almost?"

"Y-You put me under such a time stamp that the sewing is poorly done. I-I could finish it tomorrow."

"Fine. I'll stop by tomorrow afternoon at three. It better be done." He kissed her neck and left. She shivered and called Adrien, trying to finish the stitching to make it right. He picked up and smiled at her.

"Hello M'Lady!" He smiled and she giggled.

"H-Hi Adrien." She fake smiled.

"W-What's wrong?"

"Y-You know Zack," he nodded. "Well, his parents bailed him out of jail and now he's forcing me to go to our school dance with him and he's having me make this super slutty dress and, I'm scared." Two more weeks. He could try to cut it down to a few days.

"Don't be. I'll be there soon, promise and I'll save you from that monster."

"Please come back to me." She cried and he wanted to hug her.

"I will but just, give me time. I'll need to convince Nathalie and the band and I've fucked up enough as it is but I will get them to say yes," she nodded. "Can I see the dress so I know what I can make him wear?" She giggled and turned the camera to her dress. He growled. "This will do nicely." He said through gritted teeth.

"I-I know, it's bad. But I made another one that's more, me," she showed it. "The long sleeves aren't on yet and I still need to fade the bottom to black."

"I like it without the sleeves, well like, not long. Maybe like short sleeves or to your elbows, or-or like one long sleeve and then cut one shoulder off and have it like that!"

"Which one do you like then?" She giggled.

"The, second one I said. The one sleeve one not thing," he smiled. "And then like, silk dragging behind you."

"Maybe. I don't think it'll look that well."

"It might not but I can always buy you a dress." He smiled and she giggled.

"Maybe. I should get some sleep."

"Night Mari."

"Night." She giggled and cut off the call. She got into her pajamas and went to sleep.

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