About "Passionate About Writing"

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Do you love to write?

Do you think you may have written a passably amazing story that deserves to be read here on watt pad?

Are you looking for someone to give an honest opinion about your story aimed at helping you improve it to the best of your polishing abilities?

Then you have come to the right place!

At Passionate About Writing you'll get a detailed review of your whole manuscript focusing on the really important major questions: storyline, atmosphere, setting, pacing, character development, etc.

Who am I?

One of the questions you'll be asked to fill out on the form is about yourself. I do this because I think we deserve to know a little about each other before opening ourselves to the intimate idea of reviewing our treasured books and stories. I want to have a clear perspective of who you are and what you expect. And I want you to have this perspective up front as well.

So, follow along: this is what I mean:

I am over thirty, I live in the Northwest corner of the United States, near Canada, but I have lived in Southern California also. I have been throughout my life: a wife, a mother, an aunt, a grandmother, a schoolteacher, a deli-worker, a file clerk, a secretary, a caretaker,  and a census worker. I've been to college, church, national parks, lakes, amusement parks, and concerts. I enjoy music, art, writing (passionately), researching, quilting, scrapbooking, photography, and travel.

Your comment doesn't have to be as long, but give me some basic facts to go on. I don't want to know that you live at Hogwarts, or Zombieland. I don't need to know if you are sixteen or fifty-three, but I'd like to know if you're over or under twenty or thirty, etc. I do want to understand if English is your first language. 

If you think you are interested, and you can divulge this little tidbit about yourself--- move on to the next page!!!!

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