Chapter 13 part 2

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We (me and klaus) run the whole 3 hour run as fast as possible... So in ten minutes. He's hair flows in the wind like always. It is breath taking. Unfortunately for my hair is probably getting tangly.

I guess something is starting to develop in side me... But what is it?

Once we finally reach the outskirts of MysticFalls we stop running. " you know we could have just took your car..." I state.

"Are you, sweet and gentle Hadley complaining? I didn't think I'd see the day." He questions me. He starts to walk ahead of me. " yes Klaus I am... Unfortunately lots of things have changed since we last seen each other. I haven't seen your brother in a while... I mean Elijah" I have to change topics because I honestly don't like how this is going. I finally start to walk again...more like vampire speed it to him. Once we are side by side silence surrounds us... I must have said something wrong.


He puts his hand up as to say "stop talking"

He then stops moving and I stop beside him... Then his phone rings and a song plays. "Bite me and eat me, dance with me."

I bust out in laughter, but I'm silent when he halls it out and answers it.

"Hello?" Questions klaus. Then there's a pause and an evil smirk plays in his face.

"Katerina, what a lovely surprise what can I do for you?"

"Of coarse, I get the moon stone and the girl... Will finish this later. Where are you? Great be there soon." Then he hangs up.

I don't like this one bit. Katherine wants to make a deal with him. Worry must be showing on my face because he walks over, puts his phone away and snakes his arms around me. His face mer inches from mine, he leans in closer and closer. Our lips are so close that his just brush mine. But just before he can complete the kiss I pull away. "Your not going to get me that easy. And by the looks of it there is a possible chance of you betraying me... And I don't think ill take the chance." I say winking then strutting past him. He stud there like I had hit him with a transport truck. I might as well have.

Unknown prov

I see the young women walk away with a smirk. Klaus doesn't know what he's in for and it's going to be big!

The trees bustle next to them, they don't notice thankfully. Unfortunately it's my turn to play which means I get the message

"Your turn, lead him to my home and make sure not one single person is around. We want this done as quick as possible." -Katherine

I literally got the message, Pun intended.

Hadley prov

I keep walking tell I hear something, houses are just up the way so It could be just a human but it doesn't smell like one. "Klaus someone's here, we aren't alone."

He shrugs "don't worry about it, it's only one of Katerina's toys." He pauses then looks at me, then to the woods. " you can come out now, we know you there. Don't keep us waiting!" He barks.

The bushes shuffle around for a second until an arm belonging to the bodies pops out and then the feet along with the rest of what looks like a man. He has shaggy red hair, no freckles which is kind of disappointing, and blue eyes. He is what looks to be torn jeans and a mussel T-shirt. He has looks going for him but the fact he's with Katherine kind of ruins him for me. "I'm here to bring you to Katherine an-"

"Yea we know now bring us to her, or I'm going to cut off that pretty little face of yours and your balls to. So I suggest you don't talk and start walking to Katherine's little hut... Like now." I stat after cutting him off. He kinda looks pissed but he stays quite and I smile In success... I can be scary if I want to be. Klaus seems to be impressed with me... Or excited that he's about to get what he wants with Katherine.

The walk seems to take for ever and my feet are starting to hurt. We have been walking into the woods for at least an hour and with me being overly annoyed I started annoying them. Of course I stopped because I didn't want to knock klaus over the edge... " are we there yet because I swear you 4 minutes away from losing your balls!" I stat more or les
s... More like threaten.

"We are here." The boy says as we walk up to old looking house. It has white picket fence and red siding, the house is an A-frame. "I'd love to live in a house like this!" I say glee fully. Klaus smiles "I'm glad you like it, maybe one day we can have a house like this-" he says, I feel my face flush, I can feel it but thankfully he doesn't notice. "Earth to Hadley!" My eyes fly over to klaus "yes?" I ask.

"Do u mind finishing up here and I'll deal with Katerina?" He asks and I shrug a yes. "Don't go back on your word now got it? Let's end this quickly so I can get ready for the balltonight." I stat.

And of course klaus being klaus knew how to make thing between us odd... He leans in closely inches away from my face, bending closely that our lips where just about to touch when Katherine's pet intervenes. "Get a room before Katherine gets angry and try's to kill you." He threatens.

I honestly feel in raged by him and his rudeness. "I have tried not to kill you this past hour but you have given me no choice, sorry but your light is burning low... And you smell like dog so yea see ya later." I say before using my v-speed to come up behind him and nocking him down by pressure point. "I got this go on." I assure klaus. He nods and heads towards the house. Then the boy smiles and the next thing I know the wind is booked out of me and I'm facing the sky. Almost all my body hurts from impact with solid ground. He isn't a vampire, he's part wolf... Didn't see that coming. I stand up dusting myself off. " well that hurt- woah that's a fast change! I didn't think werwolf's existed nice!" I grin, I use my speed jump over the dogs head but he seem my motive because he jumps towards me knocking me to the ground he bares his teeth at me, he licks he's teeth and snaps down towards my hip. I inhaled taking a deep breath fuck it hurts! I feel as if I have been stabbed a million times with a wooden stack. I seer in pain... That's it! Times seems to slow down as My hand reaches further as quickly as possible pushing threw the fur, my hand stretches further and further until reaching inside his skin, my other hand pushing me up. He yelps in pain but it doesn't stop me, I grip right around his heart and yank it out. It's still pounds for a second but then it's gone and the body falls on top of me.

"Fuck! That hurt!" Luckily for me I can slightly hear water flowing. It's a tiny stream which is good enough for me. I wash the blood off my hands and my side... It looks bad but it'll heal. It's a good thing I'm a vampire.

Five minutes later I have a new shirt and nice car to drive home in. Now it's time I get to Amaya.

Everything hurts but I can't let it show not now. I'm to excited to have my friend back.

A fake smile plastered my face as I enter the building. As I look around Katherine is knocked out, Amaya is running towards me and klaus is just watching. I can't let on to how much pain I'm In. Amaya didn't seem to notice the pain I'm in and wrapped her hands around my waist, wincing and the searing pain. Even though she hasn't noticed, he has I can tell.

The drive home was silent mostly because I was asleep the whole way.


Salvator boarding house.

Amaya walked in the house with both dress boxes leaving me and klaus alone. He stands right beside me holding my hands so we are face to face. His right hand let's go of mine and over to my side which is injured. He touches it and a stabbing feeling returns making me stumble back words. He caught me with one hand form the other side. "He bite you didn't he," he stated. My eyes wAnder away from him in hopes he would drop it. " let me take a look at it," he grabs hold of the corner of the shirt and starts to lift up... "Look I'll be fine, it will heal." I reply but he shacks his head with a frown. "No, it won't heal not without the cure for it. Which is my blood, the only issue is I need a vampire,werewolf, and the doppelgänger and you Don't have much time left. I won't let this kill you, I'll save you." He a shores me. I feel a tear slid down my face, I'm going to die.

I'm going to have fun tonight to make up for it.

30 minutes before the ball

We both look beautiful! Amaya looks like a model, her hair curled straight down her back and her dress is black mermaid style with a sweet-heart neckline. She doesn't wear anything besides a pair of flats(I can't imagine her in anything else) and silver earring. She's beautiful, Elijah is a lucky man.

I on the other hand although I do look good I feel dreadful. This wound hasn't started to heal yet... I honestly think it's getting worse. I hope klaus is wrong, I'm not ready to die yet.

I can't cry, not yet my makeup will run and I'm doing this for Amaya. She needs a night off of Drama and this is a good way to do it.

My makeup consists of a smoky eye and big bright bold red lips. My hair is put up into a sock bun with my bangs teased up and put back towards the crown of my head. Lastly my dress is like a ball gown it goes puffy right after my hips with pleats and small diamonds from the belt up it looked clustered and spread out as it went to the top, it's the same for the Bottom except opposite. It's classical it reminds me of the dress my sister whore on her wedding day. Funny thing is I'm not a bride and the dress has a hot pink ribbon belt around my waist where the skirt starts than hot pink heels to go with it. My jewelry consisted of diamond earrings, bracelet and necklace. He went all out. It almost hides the fear I'm masking underneath all of this dress.

"Amaya, you look stunning!"

"You've said that already! Like a million times!"

"I just wanted you to know." I tell her.

Than We hear a small knock on the door. "Girls-"

"You mean lady's." I interrupt.

The door opens up to Stefan who is wearing a tux."lady's your dates have arrived, wow you both look extremely nice." He states.

"Why thank you Mr. Salvator, now I'm wondering where your going." Asks Amaya.

Stefan smiles "I'm Jeremy's date." We both burst out laughing and I start ushering Amaya and myself out the door and down the stairs.

I'm worried about Damon, he needs to know about what happened. We have been together for years... More then Elena will be alive for so he deserves to know.

"Come on Hadley if your afraid klaus won't think your beautiful than your wrong." Amaya says Cheerfully. Although she didn't seem to excited about this earlier I can tell she is now which is nice to see for change. She grabs hold of my wrist and rushes me down the stairs where both Damon and Stefan stand, both in aw... I wish that Damon would be the one to take me like every time we go but I'm glad for a new start. I smile at him as gently as I can see, but that it's not enough for him.

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